I strongly suggest to take a proper read of the GSX manual, because many of these questions had an answer there.
On default airports, the default jetways are automatically replaced with a SODE model that has exactly the same size of the stock one, including a bridge ( like the stock one ), so when replacing jetways automatically, you can be sure they WILL always touch the terminal, because they have the same insertion center, same size and a bridge of the same length.
This is of course different when you manually replace jetways on a 3rd party airport that used its own models, with bridge of many different sizes, so replacing them with the default model, even if it comes with a bridge, will almost invariably not match the terminal.
Which is why, GSX has an entire collection of bridges in many styles, sizes and colors, some of them slanted ( those with an "S" in their name ), so they can rise to terminals that might be higher than the jetway.
And yes, of course you can move and rotate BOTH the jetway AND the bridge, to match any scenery. This is also fully explained in the manual, look at Pages 46-47, for example.