Author Topic: GSX AI Jetway detection  (Read 6235 times)


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GSX AI Jetway detection
« on: August 17, 2020, 05:28:56 pm »
Dear FSDT Staff,

Attached are 2 screenshots, one from Flightbeams terrific SFO with all jetways docking to AI Aircraft, second screenshot is from you LAX with GSX jetways, none of them is connecting to any AI aircraft.
Please fix AI jetway docking.

SODE 1.7.1 is (re-)installed, AI detection activated, GSX (re-)installed and updated.
It works on every single SODE jetway and on not a single GSX jetway in my P3D V5 HF2.


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Re: GSX AI Jetway detection
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2020, 02:57:46 pm »
Attached 2 screenshots of FSDT KLAX, with uLive, showing all AI docking with jetways just fine.


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Re: GSX AI Jetway detection
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2020, 05:03:25 pm »
Ok, and how does this help me?


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Re: GSX AI Jetway detection
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2020, 02:49:52 pm »
Well since your only solution seems to be your computer, should I give you my adress via email, PN or here so you will send me your computer?


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Re: GSX AI Jetway detection
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2020, 06:41:16 pm »
What AI are you using? UTLive? AIG AIM? Also, check and make sure that the aircraft have doors assigned in their CFG. SODE still uses those attach points to know where to put the jetway and the other services when they or if they attach to an aircraft. Have you also checked the parking positions in your own user aircraft to ensure the jetways are working? Depending on how the AI aircraft was modeled, it could be parking too far forward or too far back for the jetway to reach the aircraft and in that case will just ignore the jetway command.


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Re: GSX AI Jetway detection
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2020, 03:29:17 pm »
What AI are you using? UTLive? AIG AIM? Also, check and make sure that the aircraft have doors assigned in their CFG. SODE still uses those attach points to know where to put the jetway and the other services when they or if they attach to an aircraft. Have you also checked the parking positions in your own user aircraft to ensure the jetways are working? Depending on how the AI aircraft was modeled, it could be parking too far forward or too far back for the jetway to reach the aircraft and in that case will just ignore the jetway command.

Thanks for your reply, is it just me or is it really sad, that the developers are unable to offer any kind of support and other users have to jump in? Once they got the money, they dont give a s**t...

I am using PSXseecon Live Traffic with models from VATSIMs FLAI package.

GSX Jetways connect to the own aircraft but never to AI, no matter the distance to the AI model.
All aircraft.cfgs have EXITS entries wich i partially adjusted to improve connection of SODE jetways:

number_of_exits =1
exit.0 = 0.4,  37.654, -6.137,  3.203, 0


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Re: GSX AI Jetway detection
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2020, 10:39:02 pm »
Thanks for your reply, is it just me or is it really sad, that the developers are unable to offer any kind of support and other users have to jump in? Once they got the money, they dont give a s**t...

Yes, it's just you that started with the wrong attitude. First by reporting a problem nobody else has, and then trying to imply you are not "supported".

All aircraft.cfgs have EXITS entries wich i partially adjusted to improve connection of SODE jetways:

You simply cannot touch things you don't see to know much about it, and complain here about GSX, when it clearly doesn't have anything to do with it. The [Exits] section can control or "fix" SODE behavior with AI only to a point. SODE has its own internal database that matches models to AI exit so, depending how those models are made, your adjustments might not match the SODE internal database anymore.

The only thing sure, as I show in my screenshot, is that with a tried and true and unmodified commercial product like UT Live, GSX works perfectly with AI, at KLAX so, clearly, the problem is either your AI or your adjustments.


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Re: GSX AI Jetway detection
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2020, 01:43:11 am »
1. What attitude? I have a problem with your software, explain the problem, include screenshots and software details and the ONLY reaction I get after one week (to get access to this forum took one week as well, my email is still ignored) is "It works just fine". I cannot even try to call this "support", you did not ask me about anything to make sure everything runs the way it should.

2. If my problem has nothing to do with GSX, then why does it work with SODE and GSX jetways are the only ones causing problems?

3. If only I have the problem and no one else does, then there is no problem? Ok, its my fault and you are the "developer god".

4. How dare you to judge my knowledge? Do you know me? Yes, I know barely nothing about GSX and thats why I am asking you here to support me with my problem. But dont judge my knowledge about the sim.

(5. The absolut only reason I am still using GSX is because of the pushback, unfortunatly there is no other product to give me the accuracy of GSX customized pushbacks. All the rest is nice animations but lacks a lot of realism. If you doubt my knowledge about airport ground ops I can asure you that seeing, controling and supervising ground operations on a daily base gives you a feeling for details...)
« Last Edit: September 02, 2020, 10:02:00 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX AI Jetway detection
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2020, 10:02:05 pm »
1. What attitude? I have a problem with your software, explain the problem, include screenshots and software details and the ONLY reaction I get after one week (to get access to this forum took one week as well, my email is still ignored) is "It works just fine". I cannot even try to call this "support", you did not ask me about anything to make sure everything runs the way it should.

Your snarky comments and your tone in general. Including the message I removed it, which was out of line.

2. If my problem has nothing to do with GSX, then why does it work with SODE and GSX jetways are the only ones causing problems?

You are confusing cause with effect. You clearly said you EDITED your AI and, without knowing what you did, it's not possible to say how this could have affected it. Which is precisely why I posted a screenshot of the same scenery you said didn't work, using a tested commercial product like UT Live, which is a better frame of reference compared to a freeware and edited AI pack.

3. If only I have the problem and no one else does, then there is no problem? Ok, its my fault and you are the "developer god".

Of course. If the problem was something in "our" software, somebody else must have had it. Do you seen anybody else posting about it ? So yes, it's something in your configuration.

4. How dare you to judge my knowledge? Do you know me? Yes, I know barely nothing about GSX and thats why I am asking you here to support me with my problem. But dont judge my knowledge about the sim.

You showed your lack of knowledge with your comment about editing the exits. You are expressing some comments about SODE and GSX. Do you know how they work together ? Do you know which data they share ? Do you know where each one takes its data from ?

All the rest is nice animations but lacks a lot of realism. If you doubt my knowledge about airport ground ops I can asure you that seeing, controling and supervising ground operations on a daily base gives you a feeling for details..

Useless and irrelevant comment that has no meaning to the problem at hand.

The supposed "lack of realism" is obviously due to making the program simpler to use and also because of many ( too many ) limitations of the sim, which is not made to simulate realistic ground movements of multiple vehicles. But again, it's irrelevant here.

Can you do a very simple test ?

REMOVE your AI traffic, and restore the default. See if it works, then we can proceed from there.


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Re: GSX AI Jetway detection
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2020, 11:50:34 am »
To avoid an endless disscussion I am not even going into the rest of you replies.

You showed your lack of knowledge with your comment about editing the exits. You are expressing some comments about SODE and GSX. Do you know how they work together ? Do you know which data they share ? Do you know where each one takes its data from ?
I know that adding and editing the [EXITS] section on the FLAI Models definatly added and corrected the positions where SODE places the jetway. But GSX jetways did not even connect to the aircraft, where SODE jetways worked from scratch on.

Can you do a very simple test ?

REMOVE your AI traffic, and restore the default. See if it works, then we can proceed from there.

Now we are talking, with default AI it connects without any problems. So where is the difference to FLAI models?


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Re: GSX AI Jetway detection
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2020, 11:06:57 pm »
Now we are talking, with default AI it connects without any problems

Well, at least you should now be convinced the problem ARE THE AI, not GSX.

So where is the difference to FLAI models?

It might be a difference, even a small one, between the SODE internal models database ( which SODE uses when its on its own ), and the data GSX gets from Simconnect.

SODE has a database of generic models, while GSX uses its own data, which is usually way more precise, because it's made for the user airplane, so users can customize very precisely their own airplane for GSX, and this will sent to SODE, which will use it INSTEAD of its own generic database when it's used together with GSX.

While this is clearly better for the user airplane, when AI are used, GSX is not using its own database ( because it refers to specific user airplanes so, a PMDG 737 is NOT the same as an iFly 737 ), it takes data from Simconnect, which means it takes you [Exits], and applies a generic correction, because the data on the [Exits] refers to the CENTER of the door, while the data GSX and SODE normally use are referred to the BASE of the door, which of course is the better approach for service vehicles, while the center might be more useful for jetways, which were the thing the [Exit] data was initially designed for.

SODE has its own database of generic models, and it also applies an offset, and has some correction factors is, which means what you put in the [Exits] section is not used "AS IT IS", neither GSX or SODE will use it as it is, each one will have some correction applied, and your problem might be you are off of JUST enough to make one correction working, but not the other.

I'm sure you should be able to find a value for the [Exits] that works both for GSX and SODE.


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Re: GSX AI Jetway detection
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2020, 08:13:25 pm »
SODE has its own database of generic models, and it also applies an offset, and has some correction factors is, which means what you put in the [Exits] section is not used "AS IT IS", neither GSX or SODE will use it as it is, each one will have some correction applied, and your problem might be you are off of JUST enough to make one correction working, but not the other.

I'm sure you should be able to find a value for the [Exits] that works both for GSX and SODE.

And there is the problem, I have all [EXITS] correctly adjusted to work with SODE jetways and the way you put it, there is minor adjustment needed to make them connect the GSX jetways. But then I ask you how it comes that not a single GSX jetway starts to randomly connect to ANY aircraft model? If you say it works with other 3rd party AI, where is the difference between them? Im quite sure there is some more data (in the model, in the aircraft.cfg, wherever) GSX needs to move the jetway. Maybe it is because PSXseecon injects the traffic via .bgl and not via AI Traffic? But then again, how come SODE jetways are cabable of identifing the injected traffic but GSX is not?


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Re: GSX AI Jetway detection
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2020, 10:21:28 pm »
But then I ask you how it comes that not a single GSX jetway starts to randomly connect to ANY aircraft model?

As I've said, with YOUR AI set, after YOUR adjustment. Without checking all of them, one by one, I cannot possibly say.

If you say it works with other 3rd party AI

I don't just "say": I posted a SCREENSHOT showing proof they do, with UT Live.

where is the difference between them?

Not possible to say, without looking at your AI and your changes.

Im quite sure there is some more data (in the model, in the aircraft.cfg, wherever) GSX needs to move the jetway.

No, there isn't. For AI, it ask the sim through Simconnect, which reports data about the exits, which are taking from the [Exits] section of the aircraft.cfg.

Maybe it is because PSXseecon injects the traffic via .bgl and not via AI Traffic?

Exactly like UT Live does.

But then again, how come SODE jetways are cabable of identifing the injected traffic but GSX is not?

It seems you haven't read my previous post carefully enough, which explained the differences. I'll repeat it again: SODE has its own AI database with *its* own correction factors, GSX use Simconnect with *its* own correction factor, which might be slightly different and enough to make a jetway working or not, with YOUR AI set.


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Re: GSX AI Jetway detection
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2020, 10:35:29 am »
As I've said, with YOUR AI set, after YOUR adjustment. Without checking all of them, one by one, I cannot possibly say.

Not possible to say, without looking at your AI and your changes.

Here is the link to the models:
And here is the link to the program that injects them: (together with a program called real traffic it reflects basically all flightradar24 movements so there is indeed REAL traffic in my sim)

After I forwarded my adjustments to FLAI and the model developers, they have implemented them in their models so everyone gets the joy of moving SODE jetways, it should be very easy for you to reproduce since my adjustments are in the official installer.


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Re: GSX AI Jetway detection
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2020, 03:35:55 pm »
After I forwarded my adjustments to FLAI and the model developers, they have implemented them in their models so everyone gets the joy of moving SODE jetways, it should be very easy for you to reproduce since my adjustments are in the official installer.

I'll check it out as soon as possible.