This is looking amazing - Thanks for the screen shots.
And that's still nothing.
That Pushback is exactly the same model we used for P3D, which auto-magically looks better, just because the PBR engine in MSFS is better, the video was more like a proof of concept to show we can control the vehicle and its animations from our existing code.
We'll shortly release something showing some of our "next-gen" vehicles, entirely remodeled from scratch with an even higher level of quality so, if you like that one, be prepared to be amazed for what's coming next...
Would it be possible to add passenger and flight integration to the futrue road map? The functionality that is no longer available in FS Passengers is sorely missed and whilst their are other products on the market, they have never achieved the same level of immersion as FS Passengers.
We'll first try to obtain the same functionality as the current GSX in MSFS, which includes visible passengers of course. After the product will be out, we can start adding new features.