Author Topic: Static Jetways  (Read 7569 times)


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Static Jetways
« on: November 03, 2020, 02:14:55 pm »
Hello Umberto.
Read the threads that I found, I realized that the problem with dual boarding bridges in Honolulu have not been solved until now?
With respect...


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Re: Static Jetways
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2020, 12:21:17 am »
It's not a problem, the scenery always had those static jetways, we replaced the dynamic ones with SODE recently so, you should consider that an improvement nonetheless, for a 10 years old product.


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Re: Static Jetways
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2020, 07:05:28 pm »
I must admit I was also a bit disappointed with this "improvement" but luckily, there are GSX2-files out there with dual jetways implemented and you can deactivate the static ones by disabling the blg-file for the jetways. Same problem at KLAX btw. Why it is such an effort to remove the static jetways and make them all fully dynamic is a mystery to me.


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Re: Static Jetways
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2020, 12:19:13 pm »
Same problem at KLAX btw

Not the case. The GSX profile we have online now ( since more than a year ) for KLAX have double and in some cases triple jetways fully working, with not a single static left.

. Why it is such an effort to remove the static jetways and make them all fully dynamic is a mystery to me.

We just don't have time left for doing anything, which means we must prioritize support for newer products before the older ones, especially in this case, considering you can just remove the related BGL file and add double jetways on your own: that's what the GSX L2 editor is for.


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Re: Static Jetways
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2021, 04:40:38 am »
Just to understand.
Today after a long time I landed at PHNL to find that the jetways are pretty messed, there seems to be repeated gray jetways and big beige ones as well (which seems to be much older).
If memory serves me right the updater a few months ago changed/added several files for this airport, but the question is, does the updater do all the needed work, or do I have to make some manual adjustments after the update? I'd like to get rid of the duplicated jetways.
PS. As I landed at night I noticed some blue lights (i.e., taxiway edge lights) on some parts of the apron and also misplaced along some taxiways closer to the terminals. Is this expected to be like that?
« Last Edit: March 15, 2021, 05:15:09 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Static Jetways
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2021, 05:15:15 pm »
the question is, does the updater do all the needed work, or do I have to make some manual adjustments after the update? I'd like to get rid of the duplicated jetways.

The update will NEVER remove something YOU made. Which means, if you customized the airport *before* we replaced the old jetways with SODE jetways, the update would get the latest files, but it won't remove your existing customization.

Also, if you customized ( or downloaded ) an alternative AFCAD for PHNL, it might not match *our* updated customization, since our current AFCAD doesn't have ANY jetways so, another possibly reason for duplicated jetways is that you modified the AFCAD and haven't allowed to update the AFCAD when asked.

So, to be sure everything is how's supposed to be:

- Remove any customization file you made for PHNL in the %APPDATA%\Virtuali\GSX ( any .INI file with a name starting with PHNL-xxxxx )

- ALLOW the Live Update to download the latest AFCAD for PHNL when asked.

- Be sure you haven't created any DONTOUCH files in the PHNL folders, which will prevent the Live Update to update those folders.