Sim is FSX. Clean install of Win 10 and FSX + Acceleration. New install of PHNL. Did the Live Up Date after viewing missing Jetways. See pics. AFCAD is AFX_PHNL.bgl in the PHNL sub folder of FSdreamteam in the Addon Manager folder. I have GSX Level 2.
What do I have to do to get Jetways?

Fired up FSX again and went to PHNL. I now see some Jetways at various gates, but not all gates. Is this what it is supposed to be? Some, but not all? Checking in the GSX menu at "Customize Airports", I noticed that all but one gate show no Jetway listings at all. Are the Jetways that I see when in the sim, default Jetways or GSX Jetways? They do not respond to Ctrl-J for movement. I checked the AFX_PHNL.bgl AFCAD and there are no Jetways assigned in that AFCAD to the airport, yet there are some showing in PHNL in the sim. What is there origin?
Update 2
Through much testing, installing, reinstalling GSX and PHNL, I now have jetways at PHNL. I run the Live Update every time before I run FSX. Not sure this is needed or normal but it seems to be working for me. I also notice when running the Live Update, that FSX looses the Cloud9 Orlando entry in the FSX scenery cfg file and it requires that I reinstall it in the FSX. Strange.