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vLSO Help



So I downloaded vLSO about a month ago, and since day one I haven't been able to get it to work. I get a green for my SimConnect, green for my simulator (FSX Steam Edition), and green for my plane, but the location says "not selected". I tried spawning a carrier with TacPack, tried with AICarriers, I even tried in missions and it still said location not selected. I have tried with Dino Cattaneo T-45, F-35, and F-14, as well as with the default F/A-18 and with the VRS superbug. I read the manual many times, and searched the web for anything that could help, and found nothing. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, I just need help. If you need my logs or anything let me know.



Hi Vapor2,
It looks like your NAV1 frequency is not tuned to a carrier of your choice. Please read the NAV settings chapter of the manual:

As in real life, before attempting to land on a carrier or doing FCLP, you have to tune your radio to a frequency assigned to that particular carrier or location. vLSO uses NAV1 frequencies the same way as does the RFN gauge, the only difference is that the RFN gauge can use NAV1 or NAV2.

Once you tuned NAV1 to an assigned frequency, the program will connect to a relevant location and report CASE (if this is a carrier). Also it will add the vLSO add-ons menu ’Request bearing’ option to get bearing and distance to the selected carrier/location.

If you didn't change any NAV1 settings and spawn a carrier with AICarriers, you should use 111.00 for Acceleration CVN68 or 112.00 for Javier's CVN68. vLSO uses these values used by default.

Hope this helps

Good Morning,

How would I use this with a TacPack spawned carrier? I tune in to the TACAN but no joy on vLSO.

Hi Vapor2,
Upon its startup vLSO tries to detect TacPack. Once succeeded, the Import TP button (found on the Advanced settings/NAV settings panel) allows to import frequencies assigned to carriers by TacPack. So, if you can see this button, 1) you press it to import TacPack NAV settings and 2) after TacPack has spawned a carrier, tune NAV1 to its frequency and after that vLSO should connect to this carrier.


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