Author Topic: GSX Crash on P3DV5 **SOLVED**  (Read 34676 times)


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #60 on: June 26, 2020, 06:34:38 pm »
There was also not any external to internal & vice versa view change. If i repeat the same thing without GSX explain that why it won't crash?

Saw this video and, from your Event Viewer, it's fairly obvious the problem doesn't have ANYTHING to do with GSX. What crashed this time was your video driver. You are trying to use P3D V5 with an 8MB video card with almost every graphic and terrain slider to the right, which everybody knows is almost impossible without getting a crash.

It's very possible the few extra memory required by the GSX vehicles ( everyting you see takes SOME VRAM ) it's enough to cause the crash, but that's not GSX's fault if you keep your settings so high that you were already using 6.2 GB out of 6.9 GB you have, that's only 10% of free spare memory, which is not nearly enough to run P3D V5 safely.

As LM explained several times, it's not just a matter of how much free VRAM you have, what matters is the size of the largest countinous block, which might be way less than you see there. Yes, Video memory fragmentation is an issue in DX12.

I'm fairly sure if you tried with lower settings, so you could have more spare VRAM, it will not crash.


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #61 on: June 27, 2020, 05:14:46 am »
There was also not any external to internal & vice versa view change. If i repeat the same thing without GSX explain that why it won't crash?

Saw this video and, from your Event Viewer, it's fairly obvious the problem doesn't have ANYTHING to do with GSX. What crashed this time was your video driver. You are trying to use P3D V5 with an 8MB video card with almost every graphic and terrain slider to the right, which everybody knows is almost impossible without getting a crash.

It's very possible the few extra memory required by the GSX vehicles ( everyting you see takes SOME VRAM ) it's enough to cause the crash, but that's not GSX's fault if you keep your settings so high that you were already using 6.2 GB out of 6.9 GB you have, that's only 10% of free spare memory, which is not nearly enough to run P3D V5 safely.

As LM explained several times, it's not just a matter of how much free VRAM you have, what matters is the size of the largest countinous block, which might be way less than you see there. Yes, Video memory fragmentation is an issue in DX12.

I'm fairly sure if you tried with lower settings, so you could have more spare VRAM, it will not crash.


I am running RTX 2080 Super graphic cards, and when loaded with ORBX base and vector, the graphic card is consuming 2-4 Gbyte of VRAM, on average.
If you are also running any additional airport add-on or other add-ons, then you will push it to 4-6 Gbyte of VRAM.

Chris Truong.


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #62 on: June 27, 2020, 10:16:56 am »
Here you go Mr. Umberto another video of crash free without using GSX. This time i am using Ground Crew X.

I don't know if you are aware of it. But LM has a built in fail safe scenario. In the event of an sim crash imminent P3D turns off EA(which is in beta) & turns some settings down automatically. I was wondering if your product is so much heavy(compare to other addons) which will eventually crash due to VRAM exaustion. Why don't you develope something similar like turning off PBR of GSX services in order to NOT MAKE THE SIM CRASH during GSX Operation.

Also the video you posted on AVSIM forum. Clearly shows that you are using GSX with another product developed by you. I don't think you ever mentioned that your product may or may not work with 3rd party addons.

This is from your GSX product page:

Works with every airport, both default and 3rd party

So here is the thing:

- You should stop arguing with me as a customer to justify that your product has no issue which i have proven several times instead of your meaningless logic.
- You should modify your program not to make the sim crash even if that meaning to disable certain features like PBR on vehicles. I will be more happy not to have PBR & live a crash free sim experience.
- You should agree with the statement that "GSX is not fully compatible with P3D or may cause issue when using other 3rd party addons".

Oh another thing i forgot to mention. You said your product worked flawlessly since 2015? I remember when LM used to give micro updates. The sim won't even load without updating coutal engine. How we were so certain? Disable coutal engine from addon manager then the sim would load. We had to wait days for the update to come before we could even open our simulator. So yeah your product always had issues. It's high time you listen to customer problem instead of arguing with them which will result in going no where.

Until you fix your product i am going to continue using Ground Crew X to live a crash free sim experience.


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #63 on: June 27, 2020, 11:06:19 am »
Here you go Mr. Umberto another video of crash free without using GSX. This time i am using Ground Crew X.

So I'll post again the video you asked for:

showing GSX working perfectly with a detailed airport and a detailed 3rd party airplane

I was wondering if your product is so much heavy(compare to other addons)

The product is NOT "so much heavy". Which of course, can be seen in my video, in which the VRAM occupation goes from 5.9 GB BEFORE calling GSX, to 6.2 GB after calling it. I say taking only 300 MB of VRAM for a full set of vehicles is not "heavy" and totally reasonable. A detailed airplane takes about 1.0GB by itself. Just TruSky alone can take in eccess of 1.0GB.

OBVIOUSLY, if you are already too short of VRAM, even 300 MB might be just enough to cause a crash, if you keep most of your sliders to the right, which nobody does, with an 8GB card.

Why don't you develope something similar like turning off PBR of GSX services in order to NOT MAKE THE SIM CRASH during GSX Operation.

LM can do something like that ( turning off settings on the fly ), and even them are not always entirely successful, since the simulator STILL crashes sometimes. We can't do that from GSX, since add-on don't have the ability to change the settings of the simulator on the fly. Not in a documented way, at least, and we don't want to resort to hacks, just because you don't know how to manage your settings.

Also the video you posted on AVSIM forum. Clearly shows that you are using GSX with another product developed by you. I don't think you ever mentioned that your product may or may not work with 3rd party addons.

Wrong again.

First, because I wasn't using GSX "just" with KORD V2, I was also using the Qualitywings 787, for the only reason that I couldn't test the PMDG 747, because I was waiting PMDG to reactivate my copy, so I needed:

- A very large airport scenery, so you couldn't say "GSX doesn't work with big airports that take lots of memory"

- A detailed 3rd party airplane, so you could't say "GSX works only with default airplanes", and I needed an airplane with a P3D V5 installer.

And I wanted to show that, with those two, I could SAFELY use 6.5 GB of VRAM JUST because my card is 11.0BG, and I wanted to show GSX DOESN'T CRASH the sim, not even when used with add-ons that surely takes quite a bit of memory.

Of course, several users on Avsim confirmed they use GSX with the PMDG 747 with no issue and don't worry, I just got my activation back from PMDG today so, be sure I'll post ANOTHER VIDEO on a non-FSDT airport with the PMDG 747.

This is from your GSX product page:

Works with every airport, both default and 3rd party

Which is true, as everybody knows.

- You should stop arguing with me as a customer to justify that your product has no issue which i have proven several times instead of your meaningless logic.

You should stop arguing saying our product make the sim crash, because you have been proven wrong multiple times, here and on Avsim, but many users which all confirmed your logic is wrong, and they use GSX with P3D V5 WITH NO CRASHES

- You should modify your program not to make the sim crash even if that meaning to disable certain features like PBR on vehicles. I will be more happy not to have PBR & live a crash free sim experience.

We won't modify GSX just because you don't understand how to manage your settings. In addition to that, P3D V5 works BETTER with PBR, not worse so, your suggestion doesn't make any sense. There's a whole new class of bugs that appear ONLY with non-PBR objects, so we won't do that.

- You should agree with the statement that "GSX is not fully compatible with P3D or may cause issue when using other 3rd party addons".

I won't, because GSX is clearly fully compatible with P3D V5, and everybody can see that ( thanks to the Trial ) so no, it's not as if we are hiding anything.

Oh another thing i forgot to mention. You said your product worked flawlessly since 2015? I remember when LM used to give micro updates. The sim won't even load without updating coutal engine. How we were so certain? Disable coutal engine from addon manager then the sim would load. We had to wait days for the update to come before we could even open our simulator. So yeah your product always had issues. It's high time you listen to customer problem instead of arguing with them which will result in going no where.

And you are sadly mistaken, again. You must have heard somebody discussing about "the Couatl engine" without having the slightest idea of what it is and what it does. Couatl, as an .EXE, is NOT related in any way to the version of the simulator, which I guess this is what you mean when you say "LM used to give micro updates". Couatl it's just a Simconnect client, so it cannot do anything dangerous to the sim, it simply can't, because he doesn't have access to the simulator memory, like a .DLL ( or a .GAU gauge ) can.

Years ago, when the P3D SDK was less complete than it is now, we USED to require an update of our "Addon Manager" ( that is BGLMANX.DLL ), because we required to access data that couldn't be accessed in a documented way so, each time P3D had an update, we had to update the Addon Manager .DLL ( NOT Couatl!! ), otherwise it would surely crash the sim, since it used to access memory directly to get data it couldn't get in any other way.

This is not any different than any other 3rd party .DLL that STILL does direct memory access, so it MUST update the simulator exact build. FSUIPC, EzDoc camera, Active Sky, FSUIPC, are all examples of modules that will crash the sim if there is a "micro-update" if they don't support it exactly.

With P3D V4, since the SDK has way more features, so we don't have to do that anymore, and the 64 bit version of the Addon Manager is NOT dependent in any way from the simulator version like the 32 bit version was. Do you recall having to wait one of our software updates, just because LM released an "hotfix" ? No, of course, because the 64 bit version of our Addon Manager .DLL doesn't do ANY hack in memory anymore. It used to, and it still does in FSX, but not in P3D4 or 5.

Until you fix your product i am going to continue using Ground Crew X to live a crash free sim experience.

There's nothing to fix in GSX, as being proven so many times. Of course, a product with less objects, less feature, and a visible worse quality of textures and animation, will likely work better if you are not prepared to tone down your settings. But don't worry, if you keep your settings as they are and don't update your hardware, something else will crash your sim.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2020, 11:38:41 am by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #64 on: June 27, 2020, 01:07:02 pm »

There's nothing to fix in GSX, as being proven so many times. Of course, a product with less objects, less feature, and a visible worse quality of textures and animation, will likely work better if you are not prepared to tone down your settings. But don't worry, if you keep your settings as they are and don't update your hardware, something else will crash your sim.

Yeah proven with not the same settings,airport or even aircraft. Are you trying to say i now need to buy RTX 2080ti just to be able to run your product?

something else will crash your sim

Or i can say that my sim will never crash if i don't run GSX. Under any scenario using the same hardware specially soundcard & gpu. Just had 3 flight without any crash using GCX.

You can keep arguing with me all day long. My statement will remain same:

-Your product GSX is not fully compatible with P3DV5.
- You can't ask customer do a vanilla test. Since you claim that your product works at any airport regardless of it being default,3rd party. It's your responsibility to find out if any specific airport is causing GSX service to cause a CTD.
-I am declining your video since it failed to show the major following scenario:
  1. It was done using an FSDT developed airport.
  2. It was done using an different aircraft.


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #65 on: June 27, 2020, 02:24:03 pm »
Yeah proven with not the same settings,airport or even aircraft. Are you trying to say i now need to buy RTX 2080ti just to be able to run your product?

Wrong again, as usual. You should learn to use your settings, because with 8GB you CANNOT use "all sliders to the right".

Or i can say that my sim will never crash if i don't run GSX. Under any scenario using the same hardware specially soundcard & gpu. Just had 3 flight without any crash using GCX.

Because you simply don't understand that, a bit of memory spared because of the graphically inferior product ( which only shows pushback, not a whole fleet of vehicles ) might have been just what you need to use your limited VRAM, casued by your insanely high settings, which are wrong for you hardware.

You can keep arguing with me all day long. My statement will remain same

Your statement has been proven wrong, over and over. You embarassed yourself on Avsim, trying to "get help", and users pointed you out how wrong you were. So you are back here, to prove what ? NOBODY has reported your kind of crash, everybody is using GSX with P3D V5 happily, and everybody knows that just putting all your sliders to the right

-Your product GSX is not fully compatible with P3DV5.

It obviously is. And everybody can confirm that, and the more you keep repeating it, the more you embarrass yourself, if the one suffered on Avsim, where they had to lock the topic exactly because YOUR attitude of not wanting to do a vanilla test, which many users suggested as well.

You can't ask customer do a vanilla test. Since you claim that your product works at any airport regardless of it being default,3rd party. It's your responsibility to find out if any specific airport is causing GSX service to cause a CTD.

Wrong, again. I can surely ask you to do a vanilla test, and it's your fault if you are not prepared to do it, and I'm sure it's because this will PROVE to you the GSX DOESN'T CRASH THE SIM, what crashes the sim are your unreasonable expectations of being able to use P3D V5 with "all sliders to the right" with an 8GB card, something everybody already has figure it out, except you.

1. It was done using an FSDT developed airport.

Which is bigger and more detailed that the airport you used. The point should be obvious.

 2. It was done using an different aircraft.

Because I couldn't use the PMDG 747 and I needed an airplane that can be installed in P3D V5 ? I'll post a video with the PMDG 747 on a non-FSDT airport soon enough. What you'll say then, it's not "valid" because I haven't use your airport ?
« Last Edit: June 27, 2020, 02:26:20 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #66 on: June 27, 2020, 02:56:41 pm »

It obviously is. And everybody can confirm that, and the more you keep repeating it, the more you embarrass yourself, if the one suffered on Avsim, where they had to lock the topic exactly because YOUR attitude of not wanting to do a vanilla test, which many users suggested as well.

I am not embarrasing myself at all, you are. It just shows how ignorant you are as a dev. Need proof. Here you go. I am not the ONLY ONE. Enjoy that how dissapointed your customers are that they are not even bother to post on your forum to get the product you sell fix.

Which is bigger and more detailed that the airport you used. The point should be obvious.

The point is not obvious. In software anything could cause any software to crash. "The sim crashes due to memory exaustion"- Get this thing out of your head for a sec & think that what other thing could cause GSX to crash. Maybe a scenery conflict? Maybe an scenary invironment conflict? Maybe afcad issue?

Because you simply don't understand that, a bit of memory spared because of the graphically inferior product ( which only shows pushback, not a whole fleet of vehicles ) might have been just what you need to use your limited VRAM, casued by your insanely high settings, which are wrong for you hardware.

Maybe inferior product but it doesn't cause the sim to crash.

Wrong again, as usual. You should learn to use your settings, because with 8GB you CANNOT use "all sliders to the right".

Wrong again. My settings are perfectly tuned & crash fail safe tested without using GSX service.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2020, 03:18:08 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #67 on: June 27, 2020, 03:16:18 pm »
Need proof. Here you go. I am not the ONLY ONE. Enjoy that how dissapointed your customers are that they are not even bother to post on your forum to get the product you sell fix.

I edited your post, because it contained the usual Facebook nonsense even if, in the same post you said it's "proof", there WAS a SANE comment which told you what you didn't wanted to hear from me, that in your video your AUDIO stuttered, so it was the audio that made the sim crash.

The point is not obvious. In software anything could cause any software to crash. "The sim crashes due to memory exaustion"- Get this thing out of your head for a sec & think that what other thing could cause GSX to crash. Maybe a scenery conflict? Maybe an scenary invironment conflict? Maybe afcad issue?

And how, exactly, an "AFCAD issue" or a bug in a scenery, has anything to do with "GSX crashing P3D V5" ? I show KORD V2 because:

- I'm sure it's compatible with P3D V4 and V5.

- It's bigger and much better looking than your airport.

Maybe inferior product but it doesn't cause the sim to crash.

GSX doesn't crash P3D V5, regardless how many times you repeat it. P3D V5 can crash because memory exhaustion, and this is very well known. Memory is taken by the COMBINATION of all your installed add-on and your settings ( mainly )

Obviously, if you replace a product that does many things and display many objects, with one that does less things and diplays less object, it will use less memory, so you might be able to use it even with your unreasonably high settings.

Wrong again. My settings are perfectly tuned & crash fail safe tested without using GSX service.

But since everybody here, and on Avsim too, told you they can run the PMDG 747 with GSX in P3D V5 with no crashes, this is clearly not the case so yes, you are wrong. In any case, here's another video showing:

GSX with the PMDG 747, at Aerosoft EDDK, in P3D V5, working flawlessly

I'm sure you'll now say Aerosoft EDDK "doesn't count"...


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #68 on: June 27, 2020, 03:19:16 pm »
With my last video, I think there's nothing left to say, I proved to you GSX works perfectly with P3D V5 and a detailed 3rd party airport, that's abundantly clear now. Topic is locked.