The weak GPU and specifically the not so high VRAM is likely your problem, which seems to be confirmed by your observation that you don't have much issues with default airports and I'm sure you would see zero issues on default airports + default airplanes.
You must understand that VRAM is not "infinite" resource. If your VRAM is *already* close to exhaustion because of your scenery + airplane + weather add-on, it's possible the added objects from GSX could simply be enough to go from "close to exhaustion" to "exhaustion". The thing is, when VRAM is not enough, the drop of fps is DRAMATIC and sharp, it's not a gentle reduction.
Now that you cannot realistically exhaust system RAM with 64 bit software anymore, the new bottleneck to be aware of is VRAM.
Of course, it's easy to pub blame on GSX, just because you called it last, when the rest of VRAM memory-consuming stuff (airport, airplane, background scenery, weather engine clouds, AI ) was *already* loaded and might have been barely able to it the card VRAM. Adding a bit more, and you cross the threshold between being able to fit everything in VRAM or not, which will cause the sharp drop in fps.
Your system is not very balanced, because you have an insanely good CPU, enough system RAM, but with an average GPU with not so much VRAM ( some entry level cards have 8GB ), so your CPU is wasting cycles just to wait for the video card to finish its job and, the moment you exhaust VRAM, fps will collapse.
I'm sure a better GPU with more VRAM, like the 1080ti, which is still the best card ever made by nVidia or the new Radeon VII with 16GB, will do wonders with your system.
In any case, here's a video I just made, show ZERO fps loss by GSX Pushback:
The place it's FSDT KIAH, with the PMDG 737, with Ultimate Traffic Live at 100% density. The PC it's a stock i7-6700 (4 years old CPU), with 32GB and an nVidia 1080 Ti 11GB.
Note there's a small fps drop at about 1:00 minute, but that was caused by having used 4x time acceleration because I didn't want to wait too much for the APU to start, so it doesn't count.
As you can see, I also purposely panned the view several times, both to show the high number of AI, and to show GSX doesn't cause ANY stuttering, not even while it's pushing, and 100% AI is the most demanding situation which could lead to some stuttering. But there wasn't any here.
It's clear that GSX doesn't have any visible fps effect per se, even when used with a detailed add-on airport, with heavy traffic and with a detailed airplane add-on but, of course, depending on your system, you might have to adjust some of the settings.
The settings that affects VRAM consumption the most are:
- The overall resolution. I use 2560x1440.
- The overall max texture size. I set it at 4K, because with 11GB of VRAM, it's no big deal
- The antialiasing settings. I never set this too high, 2x with FSAA it's enough for me
- The shadow quality. Mine was set to maximum.