Author Topic: GSX Crash on P3DV5 **SOLVED**  (Read 35184 times)


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2020, 02:08:21 pm »
The crash happens when GSX switches off & releases it's service.

Again, nothing proves the *cause* is GSX. If it was, it would crash for everybody, but nobody has reported this. It might simply because at that time, something else is happening. I see your sound stuttering while it was crashing but GSX is not obviously using the audio card just to turn off its objects.

I am not using many addons here.

Sure you are. You are using a 3rd party airplane, a 3rd party airport, a 3rd party flight planner, and a 3rd party online plugin ( IVAO ), those are the only ones that were obvious from the video.

There are lots of people having CTD because of this.

I don't see anybody else reported it in the only place that would be useful. If they do, we might check what other add-ons they have and see if the problem is really caused by GSX.

My statement is plain & simple. If i don't run GSX i don't get CTD. If i run GSX the simulator crash. Please fix this.

No, it's not simple. Correlation is NOT causation.

You have a crash when using GSX but, that doesn't mean it's caused by GSX. It might simply caused because, with GSX in COMBINATION with some other add-on, there might be issues that are not GSX's fault that is causing a crash in the sim, which are misleading you it's "caused" by GSX.

The only thing you should do, if you really think the cause is GSX, is:

- Disable ALL add-ons. Proper P3D addons are extremely easy to disable, since they appear in the Options->Add-on menu and can be disable without uninstalling them. Leave JUST the FSDT Addon Manager there, and nothing else.

- If you have other non-compliant add-on that still use the legacy dll.xml/exe.xml method, you must edit these files to add them, or uninstall them.

- Use GSX with a default airplane, on a default airport.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2020, 02:10:30 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2020, 02:51:41 pm »
So just to make it clear you are not going to do anything about it even though i have solid prove. Yes maybe there is a conflict between an addon & GSX. The sound sutters if i use GSX service. If i don't run GSX service i don't get sound stutter. Still you are asking a lot of things to a PAID customer for a problem that is with your product. A good developer never approaches like this. Instead of asking me or customer why don't you run the test by yourself & i am sure it will crash. I have already posted this issue in social media & i can confirm I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO IS HAVING THIS EXACT SAME ISSUE. I have found at least 3 reports. It's not also PMDG aircraft either. There is also report of Aerosoft A320.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2020, 03:31:27 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2020, 03:02:23 pm »
Also you are having less compaint or no complaint at all is because people still thinks that P3D V5 is still no much unstable that it might be the actual simulator itself. So they didn't even bother try to use without GSX & check if they can HAVE CRASH FREE FLIGHT WITHOUT USING A PRODUCT WHICH DEV DOESN'T SUPPORT.


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2020, 03:35:19 pm »
So just to make it clear you are not going to do anything about it even though i have solid prove.

The issue is, you have NOT any solid prove GSX is the cause of the problem.

I have already posted this issue in social media & i can confirm I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO IS HAVING THIS EXACT SAME ISSUE. I have found at least 3 reports. It's not also PMDG aircraft either. There is also report of Aerosoft A320.

Posting "on social media" is totally useless. This is the one and only place to post reports so, as I've said, if other users have similar problems, they should post here, and we'll of course asking to test in the only what that makes sense to test:

- Testing with ONLY GSX running. If this first test will go well ( I'm fairly sure it will ), we can assume the problem is not GSX alone, but a possible conflict with another add-on.

- If the above is the case, the next step in the test would be adding other add-ons, one by one, until the conflicting one is found.


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2020, 03:37:53 pm »
Also you are having less compaint or no complaint at all is because people still thinks that P3D V5 is still no much unstable that it might be the actual simulator itself.

And that's precisely why you cannot also say *for sure* the problem is "caused" by GSX, or there's anything we can or should fix.

So they didn't even bother try to use without GSX & check if they can HAVE CRASH FREE FLIGHT WITHOUT USING A PRODUCT WHICH DEV DOESN'T SUPPORT.

The product is obviously supported but, until you can show evidence that GSX is causing a crash on the sim alone with no other add-ons loaded, it's impossible to say GSX is the cause.

Awaiting for your test with zero add-on now. As I've said, it's fairly easy in P3D to turn off everything without uninstalling.


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2020, 04:06:48 pm »
Yeah & also before releasing of P3D V5 HF1 i had to run FSDT updater everytime before i run the simulator otherwise i had the simulator crash just calling the GSX service. GSX definitely have issues.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2020, 04:08:49 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2020, 04:08:11 pm »
Yeah & also before releasing of P3D V5 HF1 i had to run FSDT updater everytime before i run the simulator otherwise i had the simulator crash just calling the GSX service. GSX definitely have issue.

Which means it was FIXED AFTER HF1 ? And that's precisely what proves, other than it was a problem in the simulator, which HF1 fixed ?

I had another look at your video, since the issue with sound stuttering seems to tell something and, in fact, what is really happening in your video is NOT that GSX is crashing the sim when it "removes its objects", or GSX is making the sound stuttering.

In your "crash" video, after you switched from the IVAO plugin back to the sim, what seems to be the parking brake release sound is being heard, and the windows sound volume icon appears, which means something has changed the sound Volume.

THAT made the sound stutters, not GSX. The vehicles were removed not because GSX was removing them, but because whatever audio-related thing happened there MADE the sim crash, which closed the connection with GSX and, when the sim disconnects from an add-on, it will automatically destroy every objects created by that add-on.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2020, 04:16:57 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2020, 04:15:08 pm »
Whatever i will mark GSX  (latest version)  NOT COMPATIBLE WITH P3D V5.0.24.34874
« Last Edit: June 02, 2020, 04:18:18 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #23 on: June 02, 2020, 04:17:56 pm »
Whatever i will mark GSX (latest version) NOT COMPATIBLE WITH P3D V5.0.24.34874

GSX is fully compatible with P3D V5, that's a fact. Re-read my previous post about the sound problem, which might have mislead you thinking it was GSX.


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #24 on: June 07, 2020, 11:42:12 am »
Im just shaking my head. As always virtualis "customer support" is maybe not incorrect but always very unfriendly.

Are you interested in the correct user friendly lie, or the correct "unfriendly" truth ?

I have had the same encounter with him on different support queries. Its always a user error and if he's not having the problem, its not the FSDT product that is causing the fault. Or: No one else reported it. You read those statements all over the forum. Thats why I decided not to buy any more FSDT products and hopefully some other developer will come up with a better ground service than the buggy GSX.

That problem is, this is exactly what it really happens, most of the time. Including here. The last video of the OP confirms that: the simulator crashed because something acted on the audio card, and that MADE the simulator crash and that MADE GSX crash, resulting in GSX objects being removed.

The OP assumed that what made the sim crash was "GSX removing its objects", as if there was some kind of bug in "removing" object that made the sim crash. But at that stage, GSX is NOT removing anything, the removal was a consequence of the crash of the simulator caused by whatever made the audio volume change when the OP switched from an external program back to the sim.

And yes, of course, as explained so many times, GSX or Couatl CANNOT crash the sim, since an external .EXE cannot crash another .EXE. But something that handles the audio card CAN of course crash any application, because an audio driver CAN crash the sim.

And when the sim crashes, what will happen is exactly what was shown in the video, in this sequence:

- The simulator crashed because some audio issue. Clearly proven by the audio stuttering AND the audio volume icon moving.

- The simulator crashing abruptly MADE Couatl crash because of the abrupt interrupt in communication, so the user was mislead thinking "it's a Couatl crash", because it saw a Couatl crash in the Event Viewer, which is normal, since the simulator crash MADE it crash.

- When an add-on lose the connection to the sim, all its objects will disappear. That mislead the user assuming it was caused by "GSX removing its vehicles", when in fact at that time GSX is not removing anything. The objects disappeared because the simulator crashed because of the audio issue, Couatl crashed because the simulator crashed, and the GSX objects disappeared because the connection with the sim has been lost.

This is what REALLY happened so not, it's not "user's fault", which I obviously never said that, but it's NOT a GSX problem.

When we have a problem in GSX, we ALWAYS FIX IT, and this has been proven so many times along the years, that is not even worthy discussing it. When a problem is NOT a GSX problem, we clearly explain why it isn't, providing ample evidence.


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #25 on: June 07, 2020, 11:58:24 am »
Thank you for your answer - I honestly wasnt expecting that, so thank you for that!

As I stated, your support was not wrong or incorrect its just the attitude behind it. I know for a fact that dealing with customers - especially flightsim customers - can be nerve-wracking. Of course you cannot support something when its not GSX's fault - but what I mean is, that you should consider your product working among other addons because that is what happens in reality. If a product runs on a clean sim and doesnt with other addons you simply cannot state that your product is fine and its the fault of all the others. That is the attitude Im talking about - and not especially with this OP and his problem.

I think we should work together not against each other. Of course you cant fix another developers product - but I hope you can see what I mean.


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #26 on: June 07, 2020, 02:40:16 pm »
I just got this today, while pushing back using GSX. This is the first time this has happened.

Faulting application name: Prepar3D.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5eab3677
Faulting module name: VCRUNTIME140.dll, version: 14.25.28508.3, time stamp: 0x5e155520
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000000000000137b
Faulting process id: 0xa24
Faulting application start time: 0x01d63cbfd339e1c7
Faulting application path: K:\P3D v5\Prepar3D.exe
Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140.dll
Report Id: 93f261b4-8f97-4769-8c8f-d5ab543c44c8
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:

This also

Application: Prepar3D.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: exception code c0000005, exception address 00007FFF6044137B

Thanks for your support.


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #27 on: June 07, 2020, 02:42:29 pm »
sorry to pile on.  I'm getting these crashes (intermittent) when requesting pushback or stairs. Pics of event crash.  This occurs in multiple different aircraft at multiple different airports.  The only consistent thing is gsx.


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #28 on: June 07, 2020, 04:34:14 pm »
If you can't fix your product do not blame others. I already reported this & let me be clear with you this time  THE SOUND ISSUE ONLY OCCURS IF I RUN GSX SERVICE. Your statement "When we have a problem in GSX, we ALWAYS FIX IT" is not true is a complete lie. This is just based on the user that i got to interact in social media. People have real lives to live. They don't have an eternetly coming into this forum knowing that support team doesn't even recongnize a problem as a problem.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 10:03:40 pm by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Crash on P3DV5
« Reply #29 on: June 07, 2020, 04:36:39 pm »
Thank you for your answer - I honestly wasnt expecting that, so thank you for that!

As I stated, your support was not wrong or incorrect its just the attitude behind it. I know for a fact that dealing with customers - especially flightsim customers - can be nerve-wracking. Of course you cannot support something when its not GSX's fault - but what I mean is, that you should consider your product working among other addons because that is what happens in reality. If a product runs on a clean sim and doesnt with other addons you simply cannot state that your product is fine and its the fault of all the others. That is the attitude Im talking about - and not especially with this OP and his problem.

I think we should work together not against each other. Of course you cant fix another developers product - but I hope you can see what I mean.
Yes thank you for explaining this correctly. Actually umberto should a a remark on GSX(may have compatibility issue with other addons in P3DV5) that way people like me won't get triggered.