all windows 7 users will NOT be able to make updates that you release in the future ?
Considering Windows 7 itself is not getting any updates ( not even security updates ) anymore, I'd say not being able to update our products is the least of your problems. If you choose to use an outdated OS, you must accept the chance you won't be able to use the latest version of any software on it.
But again, as explained many times already, we haven't done anything to explicitly prevent Windows 7 from working, nothing in our code ever checks the OS or care about. It's even possible somebody might be able to make it work, but we don't have any idea how, since none of us here ever used Windows 7 in years, even if I kept ONE single PC installed with Windows 7 "just in case", because until January 2020, before Windows 7 went entirely out of support, we still listed it as the minimum supported OS, so I had to keep a test machine ready. But after January, when we updated our site removing Windows 7 as the supported OS, I reformatted the last Windows 7 system I had as well.
It's just that WE cannot promise or guarantee it will work, because we don't have any chance to test it and we won't likely be able to fix it, if the problem is what I suspect is: Microsoft updating their standard libraries, which we must use in their updated form, to minimize the chance of crashes, since every new release of the VC++ redistributables comes with many bugfixes, which we wouldn't otherwise get if we stuck with older versions ( that *might* still run with Windows 7 ), and if we stuck with old versions, we might risk compromising stability for the vast majority of users, who use what is the current version of Windows since 2015, that is Windows 10. You are 3 major version behind, it's time to upgrade.