Author Topic: Help!!!!  (Read 13357 times)


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« on: November 22, 2009, 01:45:14 am »
Just purchased both KORD and KJFK. Both have awsome runway and taxiway textures, ground vehicles and jetways., but where the heck are the buildings..... really how can only some of the scenery show up. as a matter of fact it is all just the buildings. All the rest of the scenery is there, how is this possible? My FSX is loaded, MY Traffic 2010, FS PassegerX, Mega Scenery Earth, Active Sky Advanced, Wide7, FSUIPC 4, Squawkbox 4, VatSpy, FS Inn, FS Copilot, AI Carriers2, Aerofiles Bundle pack, FS Genesis terrian Mesh.... so on and so on.....your product was the last I installed and this is bizzarre........please help so I did not waste $60.00!!!


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Re: Help!!!!
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2009, 02:08:50 am »
Please, try to reply to all those questions, so we can help you.

- Do you see the "Addon Manager" menu under the "Addons" menu ?

- Do you see the "Couatl powered plugins" menu under the "Addons" menu ?

- Have you got a question to run the "Addon Manager" when you first ran FSX ? Have you replied "YES" to both questions, the one asked by Windows and the one asked by FSX to trust the module ?

- Have you got a question to run the "Couatl Scripting Engine" when you first ran FSX ? Have you replied "YES" to both questions, the one asked by Windows and the one asked by FSX to trust the module ?

- Did you had any error messages during the installation ?


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Re: Help!!!!
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2009, 02:33:24 am »
- Do you see the "Addon Manager" menu under the "Addons" menu ? Yes

- Do you see the "Couatl powered plugins" menu under the "Addons" menu ? No

- Have you got a question to run the "Addon Manager" when you first ran FSX ? Have you replied "YES" to both questions, the one asked by Windows and the one asked by FSX to trust the module ? Yes

- Have you got a question to run the "Couatl Scripting Engine" when you first ran FSX ? Have you replied "YES" to both questions, the one asked by Windows and the one asked by FSX to trust the module ? never asked

- Did you had any error messages during the installation ? Not the first time but after re installion of the addon on manager it gave me an error message and crashed FSX


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Re: Help!!!!
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2009, 02:57:45 am »
I recieved the following error message. Flight Simulator has detected a problem with a third-party software program (add-on): Name: bglmanx Dynamic Link Libary Version: 2,7,0,11 Company: VIRTUALI s.a.s. File: bglmax.dll Now my FSX crashes each time I try to run the manager. The Error window opens while FSX is on the splash sreen, and when I choose run the software the program immediately exits.


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Re: Help!!!!
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2009, 03:11:14 am »
Do this, exactly this, in exactly this order:

- Uninstall both sceneries

- Reply "YES" to the question "do you want to remove the Addon Manager?"

- REBOOT WINDOWS (this IS important)

- Install a scenery again.

- Launch FSX. Always allow the program to run EVEN if it crashes.

- Don't worry if it crashes once, ALLOW the program to run, EVEN if it crashes. Usually it gets fixed at the 2nd FSX launch.

- If it doesn't work at the 2nd try, REBOOT Windows again, they try launching FSX.


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Re: Help!!!!
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2009, 04:04:47 am »
Getting late here, I will try this in the morning, is there an un installer fo the sceneries? Could not find a file for FSDT in the start menu or in the file folder under my FSX folder. Should I just delete the folder fsdreamteam in FSX?


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Re: Help!!!!
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2009, 04:11:49 am »
The Uninstaller is in the Windows Control Panel, like every Windows program.

DO NOT just remove the folder. If I say you need to run the uninstaller, it's because the uninstaller does some clean up you might need, that you will lose if you simply remove the folder, which (with every software) is a recipe for problems.


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Re: Help!!!!
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2009, 08:07:28 pm »
Uninstalled both sceneries and the addon manager using the Windows uninstaller. Then got the message "Are you sure you want to uinstall the Addon on manager?" After I agreed I re started windows as directed and once restarted installed KJFK and the started FSX, which immediately crashed after in asked if I wanted to allow the your addon. I started FSX again got the same message but this time it did not crash, I then got a error message about FSUIPC 4 and clicked OK and FSX started. I went immediately to KJFK and still no buildings!!!!


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Re: Help!!!!
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2009, 09:07:33 pm »
I then got a error message about FSUIPC 4 and clicked OK and FSX started.

The message about FSUIPC4 (which I assume is the same message you got about bglmanx.dll), at least should tell you that the problem is not specific to our module, but you are getting random messages from other modules too.

The fact the message came from FSUIPC this time, doesn't change the solution: allow the module to run, and then try to launch FSX again, the message *should* go away.

I went immediately to KJFK and still no buildings!!!!

That wouldn't work. When you have any error message, FSX is not in a stable state so, nothing is running reliably, including Simconnect, which we need to work, even if the error was related to FSUIPC.

Basically, you should first be able to start FSX without any error messages. One you reach this point, check the following:

- Is the "Addon Manager" menu present under the "Addons" menu ?

- Is the "Couatl powered plugins" menu present under the "Addons" menu ?
« Last Edit: November 22, 2009, 09:09:38 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Help!!!!
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2009, 10:43:01 pm »
The error message was similiar for both your module and FSUIPC "Flight Simulator has detected a problem with a third-party software program (add-on): Name: FSUIPC Version: 4 Company: Pete Dowson File:  and so on, You state that my FSX is unstable yet prior to installation to your companies module it worked fine?!? Now I must figure out what went wrong and my now unstable FSX? Leaves me a bit frustrated, not to mention I added up all my add on and it came to a staggering $600.00 plus, not to mention all hours spent adding  software both pay ware and free ware. How is it possible that my FSX is now the problem? Can I re install FSX and Accelarator with out having to re install all my add ons?


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Re: Help!!!!
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2009, 12:36:17 am »
You missed the point, entirely. I'm not saying "your FSX is unstable", please re-read my previous message carefully:

I've said that, if you check for buildings immediately after you got a "3rd party module", regardless which module the message related to, it will not probably work because, after having issued such message, FSX is in an unstable state FOR THAT SESSION, which should have been obvious from the next sentence, when I've said you need to first be able to launch FSX without message, before checking for buildings. Since you said you "immediately" checked for buildings at KJFK, my reply was ONLY to explain that it wouldn't work in the same session the 3rd party module message was issued, NOT that your FSX has become permanently unstable!!

Usually, a Windows reboot should fix the issue.

However, there's a very simple way to check if the problem is that our module has somewhat created a problem that makes FSUIPC failing.

If you open your DLL.XML file, located at:


with notepad, and go to the Addon Manager section, that contains a bglmanx.dll reference. Set the <disabled> line to be like this:


This will disable the Addon Manager entirely.

You can do the same for the Couatl module, although it doesn't seem to create issues to you but, just to eliminate any possible doubt, open your EXE.XML, located in the same folder, and set the <disabled>True</disabled> line for the line that contains the Couatl.exe reference.

Save both files, then launch FSX.

This will run FSX without ANY trace of our 2 modules. They can ONLY be loaded this way, if they are not called from the XML files, it would be exactly as if they were never installed.

If you are still getting the FSUIPC 3rd party module error, than IT'S SURE that this error doesn't have anything to do with our modules.


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Re: Help!!!!
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2009, 01:41:50 am »
I don't have the "Couatl powered plugins" in my drop down Add-ons menu I have 3wirex, AI Ships, FSCopilot, FSIUPC, Start Squawkbox, Vistamare, an ADDON Manager. I removed The soft ware again, then received your last post, re installed KJFK and booted FSX, this time no error messages even after a fresh install of KJFK and with out a windows re start. So after no error message went to good ole' KJFK and still tremendous scenery, runways lighting taxiways,all sans building. I would almost settle fo a dude in a life guard stand directing aircraft with a bull horn the the burnt shadow of where the buildings are supposed to be. I am hoping it is the lack of "Couatl powered plugins" that is the culprit.....


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Re: Help!!!!
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2009, 02:15:03 am »
I am hoping it is the lack of "Couatl powered plugins" that is the culprit.....

Yes, you are progressing at least, because you finally got rid of the 3rd party plugin error (which, as I've said, it usually fixes itself, after a couple of tries or Windows reboots ).

Now, first you need to check the following, to see if at least FSX is *trying* to load Couatl:

- Edit your %APPDATA%\microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG with a text editor. Find ALL the occurences of couatl.exe files in the [Trusted] section, and remove the whole line that contains either reference to those files. This will reset the trusting question. Don't touch the bglmanx.dll lines, because you are finally able to load it so, better leave it as it is.

- Save the FSX.CFG and launch FSX, check that is asking you permission to run Couatl exe. Reply YES to all questions, then check if you see its menu. Don't even bother to find the buildings: if you don't see its menu, the buildings will not appear.

If, instead, after you cleaned the [Trusted] section of all Couatl.exe entries, it's NOT asking you permission to load it, then we might have an entirely different problem, which calls for other possible solutions so, try this first.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2009, 03:01:38 am by virtuali »


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Re: Help!!!!
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2009, 02:17:26 am »
Where do I find this " %APPDATA%\microsoft\FSX.CFG " ?


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Re: Help!!!!
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2009, 03:00:39 am »
Where do I find this " %APPDATA%\microsoft\FSX.CFG " ?

Just type this in any Explorer window, or in the Windows start area (the blank area that appears after pressing the Windows button in Vista, or the "Run...." option in XP), then press ENTER, the folder will automatically open.

And sorry, it's:


You can also simply open Notepad, select "File", "Open", and just type the above line to directly open the file.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2009, 03:05:12 am by virtuali »