Author Topic: UTLive and FSDT KIAH  (Read 11764 times)


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« on: April 30, 2020, 06:18:21 pm »
Im having issues at KIAH with my AI traffic not parking at the gates. in the screenshot you can see my ai now parks on the grass and sometimes in the middle of the taxiway. especially coming into KIAH for arrival. im already in the forums with flight1 to see but in that time i double checked the afcad file is up to date everything is where its suppose to and even uninstalled and reinstalled KIAH. any ideas to what mayeb could cause this would help me deeply thank you



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Re: UTLive and FSDT KIAH
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2020, 07:19:26 am »
While you patiently wait for Virtuali to answer,  try this afcad update, see if it don't help in the mean time.. You know its been a long while since I actually used any AI other than the ones that supplement the ones that I fly with on vatsim that make up actual people flying airplanes..  But real people have actual control of those planes. So the AI is just to show what airline their flying. But I use to use the old Ulitmate Traffic before their was a live version..  So I'm not really sure how I could help except for just having you try out this updated afcad real quick.. not sure why they'd want to park in the grass. I know thats not helping your situation but until Virtually gets around to answering your question, I thought why not, lets try it for the heck of it. Atleast its something in the mean time..  You do know where to put that file right.. C:/x84 programs/addon manager/FSdreamteam/KIAH/drop it in the scenery folder, go back into your P3D or whatever flightsim your using, check it out and see if it didn't fix it first before, if it fix it, leave a note for Virtualli so he knows its no longer an issue, if not, then like before continually to wait, he's usually pretty quick to answer so it shouldn't take too long, I just thought while you wait, why not try that afcad and see if you just happen to have a defective one by chance.. Anything worth a try right, worst case scenerio you have to reinstall KIAH again or take the one I gave you out and put the other back in if you saved off to the side..
« Last Edit: May 01, 2020, 10:49:42 am by cowings1588 »


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Re: UTLive and FSDT KIAH
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2020, 02:36:22 pm »
Im having issues at KIAH with my AI traffic not parking at the gates.

If your AI density settings are too high, and there aren't enough parking spaces that can accept that plane, the AI will be stuck after landing, and would eventually disappear.


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Re: UTLive and FSDT KIAH
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2020, 07:22:36 pm »
Cowings1588 thank you very much for the afcad I will definitely give it a go. Virtuali my airport density in set to 40% .. terminal e is not even full nor c .. I never max out the settings when it comes to AI. But I’ll definitely try the afcad.. I see no other afcad that’s duplicated to KIAH that would probably cause this so giving it a shot could be the trick ... will update you guys on the status and if it fixed it

Thank you!


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Re: UTLive and FSDT KIAH
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2022, 06:20:05 pm »
Was there ever a fix for this issue?

I did a flight into IAH last night and saw several planes (UAL 787, UAL 777 and an American Airbus which was parked through terminal A onto a service road) after landing that were parked on a taxiway.

There were several gates open, so the "Ai density" percentage should not matter.

I have never seen this before.

Normally if there are not enough gates, the AI just disappears after landing, very odd why they would just park on a taxiway..........


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Re: UTLive and FSDT KIAH
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2022, 03:35:01 pm »
Normally if there are not enough gates, the AI just disappears after landing, very odd why they would just park on a taxiway..........

Exactly. If airplanes are parked in the grass, it means you have another AFCAD in conflict, one coming from a different scenery or included with an AI traffic pack (the most common cause of conflicts), which you must remove. We surely haven't placed parking spots on grass.


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Re: UTLive and FSDT KIAH
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2022, 02:42:39 am »
Normally if there are not enough gates, the AI just disappears after landing, very odd why they would just park on a taxiway..........

Exactly. If airplanes are parked in the grass, it means you have another AFCAD in conflict, one coming from a different scenery or included with an AI traffic pack (the most common cause of conflicts), which you must remove. We surely haven't placed parking spots on grass.

Ok so there are no duplicate ADEs anywhere And gsx points to the correct ADE in the airport customizer. However, I’ve edited the ADE to my liking and changed all the gates to not “ramp GA” but I noticed with gsx that when selecting a gate to park, it still shows “ramp GA” instead of like gate small or heavy, etc.

Any idea why this is??

I promise this ADE that I’m using is the ONLY one on the hard drive.


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Re: UTLive and FSDT KIAH
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2022, 01:42:41 pm »
I've had the same issue for months. I'm guessing it has something to do with updating the AFCAD? The parking only seems to be "haywire" around terminal A.

Jim B


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Re: UTLive and FSDT KIAH
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2022, 02:24:50 pm »
Could you please point out exactly where the problems happens ? I just had a quick check at KIAH now, but couldn't find any misplaced AIs.

Also, it's completely normal that, if you edit the AFCAD to change the parking type, GSX will still indicate the ones before modifications. This because the GSX .INI file will always automatically take priority over the AFCAD, otherwise you wouldn't be able to override anything.

If you update the ACAD, while the simulator itself ( that is, the AI system ) will use the new data, GSX will still use its .INI file that, if it was made starting with the original AFCAD supplied by FSDT (it surely is, if you don't do any changes), will still contain data from the original AFCAD so, when you edit the AFCAD, you should ALSO port all your changes to the GSX .INI file as well. There's no such thing as an automatic "sync" between GSX and the AFCAD.

This might possibly be also the cause of misplaced position, but ONLY if they affect the Warp Me or Reposition features in GSX. If you moved any parking spots in ADE, you are supposed to move them in GSX too, because GSX will always use its .INI, if there is one. But this won't affect AI, since AI don't know anything of the GSX .INI so if your problem are AI, IT IS AN AFCAD conflict, nothing that has anything to do with GSX, that's for sure,


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Re: UTLive and FSDT KIAH
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2022, 03:39:44 pm »
Could you please point out exactly where the problems happens ? I just had a quick check at KIAH now, but couldn't find any misplaced AIs.

Also, it's completely normal that, if you edit the AFCAD to change the parking type, GSX will still indicate the ones before modifications. This because the GSX .INI file will always automatically take priority over the AFCAD, otherwise you wouldn't be able to override anything.

If you update the ACAD, while the simulator itself ( that is, the AI system ) will use the new data, GSX will still use its .INI file that, if it was made starting with the original AFCAD supplied by FSDT (it surely is, if you don't do any changes), will still contain data from the original AFCAD so, when you edit the AFCAD, you should ALSO port all your changes to the GSX .INI file as well. There's no such thing as an automatic "sync" between GSX and the AFCAD.

This might possibly be also the cause of misplaced position, but ONLY if they affect the Warp Me or Reposition features in GSX. If you moved any parking spots in ADE, you are supposed to move them in GSX too, because GSX will always use its .INI, if there is one. But this won't affect AI, since AI don't know anything of the GSX .INI so if your problem are AI, IT IS AN AFCAD conflict, nothing that has anything to do with GSX, that's for sure,

Umberto, this issue only occurs after you do a flight to the airport, it will not be seen when you first load the airport. For me, the main issues are around terminal E and I noticed some erjs parked oddly around terminal B as well. After I parked at terminal C, one of them "pushed back" and then proceeded to take off, so its like they were positioned there to begin with but when you first load the scenery its NOT like that.

Also, when editing the ADE, I did not move or place any parking positions any differently.


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Re: UTLive and FSDT KIAH
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2022, 07:32:53 pm »
Also, when editing the ADE, I did not move or place any parking positions any differently.

Do you mean you don't have any AI problems with the original scenery AFCAD ?


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Re: UTLive and FSDT KIAH
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2022, 02:16:33 pm »
I figured out what the issue is.

If you use LVFR KFLL, make sure to disable "slopped runways" in your scenery addon.

Since I have disabled that, no issues!