I often use the function to request a follow-me to take me to the departure runway at origin airport. Of course this is not very realistic, but GSX is offering that service, and so I use it.
If there is a pushback possible from my departure gate, this is all fine. As soon as pushback is completed ("[GSX] Have a good trip"), I can reopen GSX menu and select the departure runway and request follow me.
If there is no pushback possible and I can taxi straight out, I am not having this option immediately. When I want to open GSX menu after starting both engines (still standing at the gate with parking brake on), I am not allowed ("You need to stop engines to request ground services"), also not with parking brakes off. It looks I need to start taxiing to be able to open the GSX menu again and to select the runway and request follow-me.
Even more it looks as if there is a minimum taxi speed or minimum time after start taxiing necessary before the GSX menu can be opened again.
Can you tell me what the conditions are in detail? I would like to automate this process with Lua Scripting and want to avoid trying to open the menu too early and getting the error message then.