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Question regarding KMEM installation


Hi All. I'm considering buying KMEM. I have quite a few FSDT sceneries that I love, and I have tweaked the AFCADS to fit my 1980s traffic. I like to "fly in the past".
Would I be able to install KMEM without it affecting /updating my other sceneries? In the past I had trouble when I would add another FSDT scenery, it would force me to update my other sceneries, something I just did not want.

 You just have to name your edited ADE/acfads to the same as how FSDT names them and the live update will then ask you if you want to replace it to which you just say no and it moves on. You still get the updates and fixes to the airport, but keep your edited ade.

Depending on the situation, you MUST accept the FSDT Live Update to overwrite your AFCAD, since it's not possible to know from which version you started with.

This might not usually a problem but, with the recent release of P3D V5, we had to update almost all our AFCADs, because the default scenery has been updated so, if you use P3D V5 and don't install the new AFCAD, you'll see lots of duplicated objects, missing objects, conflicts with default, etc.

So, you can do it but, be aware of the possible issues.

I'm using FSX, so the P3d issues shouldn't affect me. The last scenery I purchased I believe was KFLL. When I installed that, it rendered KLAX, KDFW, PHOG,and KLAS inoperative.It also updated KLAS to a newer version that I didn't want. It took  some work to get them all up and running again. I'd like to pick up KMEM, but am hoping to avoid a situation like that again.


--- Quote from: dc10boy on April 22, 2020, 05:48:01 pm ---The last scenery I purchased I believe was KFLL. When I installed that, it rendered KLAX, KDFW, PHOG,and KLAS inoperative.
--- End quote ---

Sorry, but this is not possible. All our sceneries are all compatible with each other so, clearly, the problem was caused by something else, like antivirus stopping the new version of the program but, of course, I'm sure you eventually found out what it was ( in fact, you said you have ) and I'm sure you realized it wasn't because our scenery are for some bizarre reason designed to distrupt one with each other, because they obviously aren't.

--- Quote ---It also updated KLAS to a newer version that I didn't want.
--- End quote ---

I'm sorry, but the FREE T3 update for KLAS was asked by many users. If you "don't want" an update, just use the DONTOUCH file, explained many times on the forum, to prevent the Live Update to update something.

But understand the DONTOUCH file is something you do at your own risk.

Because, refusing an update, sometimes is precisely what can cause the problems you are reporting. If you want to edit a scenery, you must really know what you are doing.


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