Author Topic: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions  (Read 63015 times)


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Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
« Reply #45 on: February 22, 2022, 07:36:56 pm »
I didn't want to make a new post :D Hope it's Okey so.

This is the correct thread, solution on the 2nd post:,25999.0.html


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Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
« Reply #46 on: May 01, 2024, 04:54:29 am »
Your company has to be the worst flight sim company still on the market. I have been trying to install KIAH for two days now to no avail. SODE will not install/load.  I have read so many damn instructions that I ended up today realizing that if i continue to stress over purchasing this airport and GSX and  GSX Level 2 I'll either have another stroke or a heart attack. Your products are so so confusing that this 79 Year old veteran has decided that the only satisfaction i will get is to tell all my simming buddies to boycott your company.

James Mitchell
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Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
« Reply #47 on: May 07, 2024, 10:42:44 am »
Such kind of comments can't go unanswered, because you really crossed a line with such public slander, so I'm going to quote YOUR EMAIL to support, to stop you for posting further nonsense.

You used this attitude and rude tone in your email as well:

"Where in the hell is my kIAH  purchased ?  Your programs have given me such a headache and for  a Stoke survivor I don’t need the stress"

To that, I replied with:

"You forgot you bought KIAH and KCLT on Simmarket so, clearly, it's entirely normal you won't find those orders on our site. You'll find your keys on Simmarket, of course."

And that was your reply:

"Thank you. The short term memory loss is terrible (stroke effect)"

So much for the "Your programs have given me such a headache", when the only issue was that your forgot you bought those products on Simmarket. I'm sorry for your memory loss issue, but you just can't throw it up on us,  our products or out site, that's not acceptable.

About SODE "not installing", are you AWARE that SODE is a free utility that existed BEFORE we used it and we are just including the SAME installer you could have downloaded and installed yourself and it's the same installer that is used by ALL other airports that also use SODE, so if you have issues with it, it's completely unrelated with our products ?

So, even if it's not really the proper place to complain about SODE, there's an issue with the very latest version, 1.8.0, which has been updated to support P3D V6 but, some users reported issues with other versions, suggesting to download the previous version ( 1.7.1 ) instead:


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Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
« Reply #48 on: May 10, 2024, 04:41:42 pm »
I have sceneries for P3Dv4, but need some help installing my sceneries for P3Dv5. I've read through the instructions above but I'm unsure how to point V5 to the scenery location for a FSDT airport. For now, I want to keep both V4 and V5 airports.

  • I copied the "FsDreamTeam Addon Manager" folder from "Documents\Prepar3D V4 Add-ons" to "Documents\Prepar3D V5 Add-ons"
  • I edited the "add-on" to change the DLL category entry from bglmanx64.dll to bglmanx65.dll

I launched P3Dv5 and scenery file does not appear in the Scenery Library list. Do I manually add the area here?

I ran the FSDT Universal Installer and ran the "Check" option for KLAS. It reports an error that "Fsdreamteam/KLAS/scenery/AP_KLAS_ALT.BGL" is missing and it's downloading it. Once the process is complete, I went to the folder and the BGL does not exist. Refer to attachment

Next, I uninstalled KIAH via Windows Install/Uninstall area. I then used FSDT Universal Install to try and install KIAH again. The Installer will not install the application. It says to use the standard installer from the FSDT Products Page. Do I go to the "Products for FSX and FSX:Steam Edition and Prepar3D" page to download this app?

« Last Edit: May 10, 2024, 06:51:13 pm by AZWildk4t »


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Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
« Reply #49 on: May 20, 2024, 09:10:39 am »
Nothing you did is required and it won't work. You just need to download the latest version of the various installers, which supports P3D V5


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Re: Prepar3D V5 installers instructions
« Reply #50 on: May 23, 2024, 04:23:58 pm »
Nothing you did is required and it won't work. You just need to download the latest version of the various installers, which supports P3D V5

Thanks for the response. My issue was I didn't know where the full installers were located. I didn't realize the full installers were under the FSX section. Everything has installed and running correctly.