Hi Guys,
I just bought the GSX + Extension 2 and I am using 25 FIP Panels / gauges powered with USB2 switches and other panels without any problem to perform checklist using the prepar3D 4.5 events.
It works quite well to handle PMDG 737 NGX from C&D. Each of the saitek buttons are dedicated to function(s) with spadnext soft (a great software, very flexible !!!).
I went through the GSX documentation from page 60, and especially from page 65 to identify the variables / events. I saw some of them but nothing for the menus and options ?
It is possible to get a list of all possible events like we have for FSX and prepar3d, including the code for options after (Ctrl + Maj + F12) soft emulation to reach the number option menus and sub menus.
Any suggestions, any ideas ?
I googled and I noticed that some SIM are using voiceAttack. I know this software, I used it the past but it's quite heavy to put again this on the top all addon already installed !!!
Thanks for your help.