Author Topic: Virtual Airline Custom Logo without overried  (Read 1942 times)


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Virtual Airline Custom Logo without overried
« on: March 25, 2020, 12:53:46 am »
Hello dear people,

I know there are a lot of posts in the forum talking about this issue, I already read them all but I still can't get it to work, I'm trying to make my VA logo appears in the ground vehicles but I don't want to use the override option due to various reasons, the first one, if I use the override option the ground vehicles with the logo of the company will follow me wherever I go, which is unreal because like in the real life, an airline will have your own ground personnel only in certain airports; second, I not always fly using my VA and when I fly using another famous airline (Delta, Copa, Iberia, etc) I want the ground vehicles have the correct logo for each company and respecting the GSX default configuration for each known airline.

Now, I'll post with images what I already did, without having so far a success:

1. I added a folder called texture.COLAV to the following route C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager\texture\handling in my PC into this folder there is a .DDS file with the VA logo which file is called GSX_logo_4x1 (Attached picture)

2. I edited the handling rules file in the following route C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager\texture\rules_handling.cfg, I added the information highlighted in the attached picture, where I specified the airport where the ground vehicles should work and the proper atc parking code for my VA.

3. I edited the fltsim line in the aircraft.cfg file of the airplane I'm using with my own VA livery, in this cases FSLabs. I added atc_parking_codes of my VA (Attached picture)

4. Into the Sim I added to the airport gate position through the GSX Customization Window the same atc parking code specified in the aircraft.cfg file and in the rules_handling.cfg file.

These are all the steps I've made. I supposed I'm doing something wrong. On the other hand, I know at each gate of the airport I can use the option Custom Texture and edit handling and/or catering texture but I don't want to use this option because at this airport gate the custom VA texture will overried all the textures and as I said, I don't fly with my VA all the time, I used to fly with other airlines too. I just want to open the GSX Menu, request for boarding and choose my VA in the menu between the different options GSX offer me.

Software Specs
Sim: Prepar3D v4.4
GSX: Last updated version with Level 2 Expansion
Addon Manager:  Version

Hope you can help me! Thank you so much!


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Re: Virtual Airline Custom Logo without overried
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2020, 03:22:51 pm »
First, I suggest to read the manual at Page 36, which explains how to do this.

2. I edited the handling rules file in the following route C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager\texture\rules_handling.cfg

This is not the proper way of doing it, because each time you'll run a GSX Live Update, that file will go back to default, so you'll lose all your modifications.

If you followed the standard procedure to add a custom logo, GSX would create a new rules.cfg file for that operator folder under %APPDATA%\virtuali\GSX\texture.

By editing this file, you can create your own rules that won't be affected by the FSDT Live Update. In addition to that, it will also create a "blank" ( except with some comments at the start, which are supposed to read... ) rules_handling.cfg file in the %APPDATA%\virtuali\GSX\texture root folder, which can be used to create rules that override the default rule of all STOCK operators that comes with GSX, again without being affected by the FSDT Live Update.

This because, it might be possible that, if you are trying to add your custom operator on an airport, that airport might already have a stock GSX operator assigned to with the same priority, so it might still appear and this might not be what you want, so you can "downgrade" or even remove a default operator from that airport, to make room for your own.

3. I edited the fltsim line in the aircraft.cfg file of the airplane I'm using with my own VA livery, in this cases FSLabs. I added atc_parking_codes of my VA (Attached picture)

This is why it didn't work.

As explained at Page 25 of the GSX manual, what drives the choice of the ground handling operator is the atc_parking_codes of the PARKING spot, NOT the airplane! And this is, incidentally, for the precise reason you said you don't want to have a ground operator "following you everywhere", which is precisely what will happen if GSX used the airplane codes.

Instead, as also explained on the GSX manual, at Page 64, the atc_parking_codes of the AIRPLANE are used only to select the ULD containers logos and codes. Because, opposite to the ground handlers, you WANT to have your packages always being the same, and not being influenced by the airport. If the aircraft.cfg doesn't contain any codes, the ULD will default to using the airport ground handler.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2020, 03:24:41 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Virtual Airline Custom Logo without overried
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2020, 01:05:36 am »
First, thank you for your answer and for take your time to write me all the necessary information.

 In accordance with the Page 36 of the GSX Manual, I did all the steps without success so far, I mean, I can't see the option to choose my VA when I open the GSX Menu by-passing YouControlâ„¢

Here what I did, hope you can help me:

In the route %AppData%\virtuali\GSX\texture\handling I created a folder called texture.Colombiana

Into this folder, in accordance with the manual I put two files, the first one is the texture, a .dds file with the name GSX_logo_4x1 the other file is a .cfg called rules

Into the rules.cfg file I have the following lines

couatl.atc_parking_codes = AVC
couatl.icaoprefixes = SKCG
couatl.basecolor = blue

Now, as you clarify in your answer
what drives the choice of the ground handling operator is the atc_parking_codes of the PARKING spot, NOT the airplane!

I deleted the atc_parking_codes line in my aircraft.cfg (since it didn't do any work in what I want to do) and I edited the AFCAD of the SKCG Airport adding the code AVC to parking spot,
so that in this way the airport will take into account this code when offers me to choose a handler in the menu.

At this point I made a test with no success.

Then, I copied the rules.cfg to the route %APPDATA%\virtuali\GSX\texture and I renamed it as rules_handling.cfg

At this point I made a test again with no success, I can see in the GSX Menu by-passing YouControlâ„¢ just two airlines, AVA and RPB

Excuse my bad, I hope you can help me.
What did I do wrong this time?

Timothy Metzinger

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Re: Virtual Airline Custom Logo without overried
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2020, 06:22:07 pm »
I suspect you need to edit, not the AFCAD file, but the GSX configuration for the spot.  You have to bring up the GSX menu and choose to customize the spot, and in the spot information you'd assign the appropriate code (AVC).