We obviously haven't made this agreement, just to support AES at KLAX...
However, nothing will now prevent us to do it but, it will fall into the "create new sceneries" part of the agreement so, in case we'll decide to remake KLAX, we'll try to make it compatibile with AES, but it will be a new product, not an update to the existing one.
And, of course, we can't even start *thinking* about new products, before we release everything we have in production right now. So, whatever new Cloud9 product we'll eventually decide to remake (IF we decide to remake one...), it will well into 2010 so, it's useless to discuss it right now.
So, for the time being, the only effect this agreement has, is that customers will have a single place (here) for support of FSDT and Cloud9 products. Nothing more.