Pat, I just tried a short test mission with a touch+go and a landing. The bird flies beautifully, all controls work normal. S/B, hook and stall-warning o.k.
You can kiss the runway with her but she won't tell or show you where and how fast she is going.
How can we make her talk?
Regards, Amigo
Now now, you know the Navy forbids flared, soft landings!
Set up at about 700 fpm descent, keeping the AOA in the middle, and fly it down onto the runway. No flare, no soft landing, SET the mains down!

If you have the 75k dll, get rid of it. Leave the one in the "for FSX" folder, but otherwise, hunt all the other copies down and rub 'em out. Including if you have a copy in the sim's Gauge folder, in the root folder, ANYwhere.
Are you getting a red bar across the top of the screen when you first load in?
Are you sure, SURE you have the .NET Framework 3.5 installed? Use the Control Panel Programs feature to be certain.
Do you have the latest FSUIPC, specifically for P3DV4.whatever you have? IN the Modules folder of the sim?
Are you sure you have the right Simconnect for that sim installed? I don't know if P3D comes with the older copies of Simconnect, like FSX does, but if you DL the SDK for your particular sim, the right Simconnect will be included. Make sure you actually install it, don't just look and see if it's there.
I don't know if you'll be able to check all this fun stuff until you get home buuuutttt.....
Let us know how things go
