Author Topic: No Head up, blank DDIs  (Read 16415 times)


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No Head up, blank DDIs
« on: January 07, 2020, 12:51:33 am »
Hi all;
loading FA-18C_FSXBA_BA_18.3.00.P3D to a new machine with Prepar3D v4.5 installed, gives me the same problem I had a year ago.
I have not forgotten what Jimi and Pat told me. However, this is the situation:
1) I see HornetFCS.dll 75KB in FSX Specific Files/Panel.Fleet Folder

2) I see HornetFCS.dll 109KB in P3D Specific Files/Gauges Folder

3) I see HornetFCS.dll 75KB in Panel Fleet Folder

I remember Pat saying 75KB is for FSK and 109KB for v4. I tried different combinations; no success.
Please as you see, I need help again.
Happy New Year, Amigo   


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Re: No Head up, blank DDIs
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2020, 10:06:02 pm »
Sorry I'm slow, been busy!

I suggest trying downloading the latest update, available on the first post of the thread as usual. Make sure you download the P3DV4 version. Delete what you have installed now, or move it out of the sim's folders, anyway, and install the latest update in it's place.

Let us know if this helps any :)


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Re: No Head up, blank DDIs
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2020, 01:57:19 am »
Hi Pat;
I'm very glad hearing from you.Hope you had a good year.
Pat, I did exactly as you told me but nothing has changed.
I am wondering what the .dll file with 75 KB is doing in two of the folders of the Prepar3D v4.5 version. You told me once that the 75KB file belongs to FSX sim or Prepar3D v3.
I'm not home right now for the next three months or so, otherwise I could check the .dll files on my mean machine, where you asked me (a year ago) to move or change 75KB into 109KB. My brain looks also to be out of order, otherwise I would remember how and where to move what file.
Do you see any other cause besides the .dll files???
Thanks for your time, Amigo


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Re: No Head up, blank DDIs
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2020, 02:37:43 am »
Pat, I just tried a short test mission with a touch+go and a landing. The bird flies beautifully, all controls work normal. S/B, hook and stall-warning o.k.
You can kiss the runway with her but she won't tell or show you where and how fast she is going.
How can we make her talk?
Regards, Amigo 


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Re: No Head up, blank DDIs
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2020, 02:30:16 pm »
just more info on that test-run I did yesterday during night time. May be it could help to analyze the situation.
The cockpit lighting works normal. What is more interesting is the fact that the ATC (air traffic control) window works perfect on all given "flight following" frequencies, while all other radio frequency indications are blank and obviously don't work.
The outside after burner look is not normal. Just a flimsy little light.
No head up and no DDIs'.
Are all these things run by the gauges files???
I still hope you can help, Amigo



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Re: No Head up, blank DDIs
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2020, 07:58:07 pm »
Pat, I just tried a short test mission with a touch+go and a landing. The bird flies beautifully, all controls work normal. S/B, hook and stall-warning o.k.
You can kiss the runway with her but she won't tell or show you where and how fast she is going.
How can we make her talk?
Regards, Amigo 
Now now, you know the Navy forbids flared, soft landings!
Set up at about 700 fpm descent, keeping the AOA in the middle, and fly it down onto the runway. No flare, no soft landing, SET the mains down!
 :D ;D

If you have the 75k dll, get rid of it. Leave the one in the "for FSX" folder, but otherwise, hunt all the other copies down and rub 'em out. Including if you have a copy in the sim's Gauge folder, in the root folder, ANYwhere.

Are you getting a red bar across the top of the screen when you first load in?
Are you sure, SURE you have the .NET Framework 3.5 installed? Use the Control Panel Programs feature to be certain.
Do you have the latest FSUIPC, specifically for P3DV4.whatever you have? IN the Modules folder of the sim?
Are you sure you have the right Simconnect for that sim installed? I don't know if P3D comes with the older copies of Simconnect, like FSX does, but if you DL the SDK for your particular sim, the right Simconnect will be included. Make sure you actually install it, don't just look and see if it's there.

I don't know if you'll be able to check all this fun stuff until you get home buuuutttt.....

Let us know how things go :D


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Re: No Head up, blank DDIs
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2020, 11:45:12 pm »
Is FSUIPC required ???

I've never installed it before, should I have ??



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Re: No Head up, blank DDIs
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2020, 05:22:07 pm »
hey man:
a 750-fpm descent for landing sounds like a high angle dive-bomb attack to me, where the main landing gear shows up at your feet at impact.
Business is more serious:
1 no, I don't have a red bar on the screen
2 .net framework 3.5 was and is active
3 I have installed the three folders of Sim Connect
4 FSUIPC is only for FSX
Result: none; still no Head up and still blank DDIs. But the aircraft flies beautifully!?! How come??
Please check and refer to the Topic on this very page 1 "FCS Fail", what to do?
On this Topic, Jimi 08 talks about the HornetFCS.dll file in the gauge folder.
He did not specify 75KB or 109KB.

Hi Gary 20;
I appreciate, you being on this page with your comments.
Would you please help me out, by telling me what .dll files you have in your folder system?
I have no access to my main computer back home right now, to check myself.
Before making any file and folder changes, I like to hear how other people's folder look like.
At my place here, I am using a brand new I-7 PC in the past two months, with no problems; running X-Plane 11 with F-18 v1.51 Rhino as a third-party bird.
My assumption is, if the sophisticated X-Plane 11 simulator works flawless and the Prepar3D v4.5 works flawless with the default aircraft, it might be a third-party problem. (?)
I have to keep searching and hope I get further help from you guys.
Thanks for your time, Amigo



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Re: No Head up, blank DDIs
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2020, 05:58:12 pm »
Hi Amigo

I load all of my P3d v4.5 addons through the external addons method. So it probably looks a little different.
My panels folder has the HornetFCS.dll at 109 kb and there's also a HornetFCS.pdb file with it.

Would still like to know if FSUIPC is a requirement for this AC. Cant find any info in the manuals.

Hope this helps



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Re: No Head up, blank DDIs
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2020, 03:54:00 am »
Hi Gary;
Thanks a lot for your help and your file+folder blow up.
I never heard from Jimi or Pat that FSUIPC would be required.
Back home my Hornet flies perfect without FSUIPC.
However, if you go to google and type in Pete Dowson,
you will get the whole spectrum of updated FSUIPCs.
Again, thanks for your help, Amigo


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Re: No Head up, blank DDIs
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2020, 08:30:35 pm »
Just so you all know, yes FSUIPC is required.
The latest version Mr. Dowson has created for whatever sim you're using. P3Dv4, FSX, whatever.
I know they keep releasing updates for P3DV4, and Mr. Dowson lags a bit making sure the updates to FSUIPC are released, but he catches up pretty quick.
Pete has stopped making updates for FSX with v4.974, but I haven't kept up with the version numbers for P3Dv4.whatever. I don't have any version of P3D installed, so I let my attention to the FSUIPC versions lapse. I do know Pete has made a release for the latest P3Dv4.something, though. Make sure you go to Mr. Dowson's page and download/install the version number for the sim version number you have. If they do another update to P3D, as they seem to do often, check on Mr. Dowson's page. Within a day or two, there will be a new FSUIPC version to match it.

I just looked, and the latest release of FSUIPC is version 5.153 for the latest P3Dv4.1 and up. You can find/download it from here:
It comes with an autoinstaller, but make sure it places the FSUIPC in the sim's Modules folder. If this folder doesn't exist, create it yourself. The freeware version, IOW, you don't have to buy the version you need, works fine. Just download and install it according to the included directions in the Readme.

Hope this helps a little...


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Re: No Head up, blank DDIs
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2020, 12:00:22 am »
Thanks Pat

I appreciate your clarifying FSUIPC is needed.

On my way to download it now.

Best wishes



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Re: No Head up, blank DDIs
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2020, 09:13:26 pm »
I hope it's of some use to you :)


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Re: No Head up, blank DDIs
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2020, 12:12:11 am »
Initially, I thought not to write this down because nobody may believe it.
So far, I have not made any changes to the files or folders.
Yesterday, I practiced some rides without head up and no DDIs.
By accident I hit Ctrl+E keys (Engine Auto-start) and in no time I had Head up and DDIs on the line.
After shutting down Flight Sim and restart, same thing, no Head up, no DDIs.
Again, Ctrl+E did the job.
But now, flying a longer mission I noticed a major fuel problem. I am getting a low fuel warning with 6900 lbs and two flame outs with 4200lbs. After "air refueling" I could relight and have seen the tanks are not feeding in the correct sequence.
I have downloaded FSUIPC from Pete but not installed jet. Do you really believe it could have influence on fuel management?
Thanks for your time, Amigo



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Re: No Head up, blank DDIs
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2020, 02:08:33 am »
Bingo, carrying out your advice of rearranging the Hornet files and folders did the job. Also fuel management and IFEI-Display works normal again.
Not installing FSUIPC was just because of my curiosity, to see if the bird would do without. It did and I leave it that way.
Again, thanks for your help, Amigo