This problem is usually caused by setting a wrong Compatibility mode on the simulator. I call it "simulator", since you don't say which one of the supported simulator you use ( FSX, FSX:SE, P3D 1, 2, 3 or 4 ). Like "Windows 7 mode" or "Windows XP" mode under Windows 10, for example.
This can be either caused by having set this manually ( no compatibility settings are required ), but also some 3rd party products that are not fully compatible with Windows 10, and can also happen if you start the simulator from another product, instead of using its own icon.
Go into the simulator own folder, right-click the .EXE, select "Properties", then "Compatibility" and be sure nothing is checked there. The only mode that is safe to use in "running as Administrator", but all the others must be un-checked.
Another possible reason for this issue is your user account having too limited permission. It should be able to fix this by running the sim as Administrator. If that doesn't fix it, you can try running our software in Administrator mode, like this:
- Go into the folder you installed the GSX, which by default is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager
enter the Couatl folder there, and right-click on the Couatl.exe file, select "Properties", then "Compatibility", and enable "Run as Administrator", and nothing else. Try registering again and see if the activation stays.
Another possible reason for this issue is your antivirus blocking our software and preventing to write to the registry to store the activation. To fix this
- Configure the antivirus to exclude the whole Add-on Manager folder from scanning.
- Try the Live Update again, or reinstall GSX using its most current installer, to be found under the "Products and Downloads" page of our site.