HI, My GSX isn't working and when I start up FSX it gives me a message saying Couatl Failed to start, use the stand-alone add-on manager. Its been over a week and I can't stream FSX because of it not working. My FSdreamteam scenery is also not working either. I'm in a real crisis now. The Couatl keeps on crashing and I've done literally everything to fix it. I've uninstalled my whole FSX: SE and uninstalled GSX and all my scenery. I basically made a fresh copy of FSX: SE and tried again. Results, Nothing works still. Someone, please help. It also says that the addon _init.py_ is causing the Couatl Scripting Engine to restart. Below is the error message:
couatl v3.2 (build 4281)
log started on Sun Jan 5 15:40:50 2020
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\common\criticalsection.py", line 23, in _synchronized
File ".\GSX\__init__.py", line 783, in checkAirplane
File ".\GSX\__init__.py", line 932, in onEnteredAirport
File ".\GSX\parkingServices\__init__.py", line 41, in onEnteredAirport
AttributeError: type object 'FollowMe' has no attribute 'setClassVarRequestable'
{'Airport': 'CYVR', 'User Pos': (49.18484790323795, -123.16172776527594, 6.17228 m, 1.90528 m, 280.748523911728)}
Creating model cache...
User collision geometries reloaded