Author Topic: Is there a way to get the old non-motorised stairs back?  (Read 1996 times)


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Is there a way to get the old non-motorised stairs back?
« on: December 08, 2019, 08:20:08 pm »

I was wondering if there's any way to get the old non-motorised stairs back that went with the PBR update? These were by far the most realistic type for pretty much every UK airport, and the vast majority of destinations relevant to the airlines I fly. I had made custom paints for them and while the new models look great, it feels like a bit of a backward step for me at airports that previously had very similar types to their real world counterpart. Is there any way I can get them back, or will there be new versions of this type at any time soon?

Many thanks


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Re: Is there a way to get the old non-motorised stairs back?
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2019, 09:30:18 am »
There's a non-motorized version in PBR too, but is set to be used only if the airplane door's height is less than 2.70 mt from ground. You are using a 737, which has a door of about 2.90 meters from ground, so you don't see it. 

We chose this threshold because the non-motorized version doesn't have any human character, which is something we surely would like to add but, in the meantime, we wanted to show off our nice new PBR people to users of the popular 737s. We might change the threshold height in a future update, when we would need to show off a new human pulling the stair manually, which is surely planned.

You can alter this by changing the relevant line in this file:

Addon Manager\Simobjects\PBR\FSDT_Staircase_CDS_2438\sim.cfg

to read like this:

condition = ( %(exitAlt)f >= 1.80 ) and ( %(exitAlt)f <= 3.2 ) and ( %(isCargo)f == False ) and ( %(isCargoStand)f == False )


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Re: Is there a way to get the old non-motorised stairs back?
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2019, 07:59:44 pm »
There's a non-motorized version in PBR too, but is set to be used only if the airplane door's height is less than 2.70 mt from ground. You are using a 737, which has a door of about 2.90 meters from ground, so you don't see it. 

We chose this threshold because the non-motorized version doesn't have any human character, which is something we surely would like to add but, in the meantime, we wanted to show off our nice new PBR people to users of the popular 737s. We might change the threshold height in a future update, when we would need to show off a new human pulling the stair manually, which is surely planned.

You can alter this by changing the relevant line in this file:

Addon Manager\Simobjects\PBR\FSDT_Staircase_CDS_2438\sim.cfg

to read like this:

condition = ( %(exitAlt)f >= 1.80 ) and ( %(exitAlt)f <= 3.2 ) and ( %(isCargo)f == False ) and ( %(isCargoStand)f == False )

amazing thank you, I rarely fly anything smaller which explains why I've never seen them haha!
