Author Topic: A big problem when landing runway 10C  (Read 9239 times)


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A big problem when landing runway 10C
« on: December 07, 2019, 08:45:50 am »
Just got KORD v2 from simmarket. My first arrival to this airport is totally in a mess. When I about to land on runway 10C, the runway just pull the aircraft down to the ground, which can be seen in the video.

I don't use any other verison of this airport. Am I the only one? Can someone help me out. Thx.


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Re: A big problem when landing runway 10C
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2019, 11:25:31 am »
Nobody reported this problem before. What other add-on are you using ? OrbX mesh or vector ? What are your mesh settings ?


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Re: A big problem when landing runway 10C
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2019, 11:23:54 pm »
In this area I also use Flytampa's KMDW, but after I remove KMDW from my scenery library, the problem is still there.

I do use ORBX OpenLC and Vector, and I use FS Global Ultimate - Next Generation FTX for mesh.

The order of my scenery library is basically like this,

(other airports)
ORBX Vector
(default scenery)
FSG mesh


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Re: A big problem when landing runway 10C
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2019, 11:48:40 pm »
Unfortunately, when mesh are concerned, you have no control over the order, and the highest resolution mesh will always "win", regardless where it's placed. Try to disable all 3rd party mesh, and see if the problem goes away.

You haven't said what are you mesh complexity/resolution  settings in the sim.


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Re: A big problem when landing runway 10C
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2019, 03:12:25 am »
The mesh resolution I use is 1m, the highest. I tried to disable all the 3rd mesh file, and it's still unsolved. I also upload a new video, it seems like there is a ground sinking near the entry of runway 10C. I'm not sure if this is normal.


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Re: A big problem when landing runway 10C
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2019, 03:44:00 am »
Now it's solved.

I change the mesh resolution to 5m, and I also turn on the FSG mesh it still works fine. 1m and 2m is not good.

I hope this can be fixed in a future version, cause I still want to use a 1m resolution.

Thanks for your tips.

Balogh Ádám

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Re: A big problem when landing runway 10C
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2020, 06:53:32 pm »

Does this problem still exist? I plan to fly to KORD tomorrow and last time (in February) I had exactly the same problem when landing on 10C. Do I have to set my mesh to 5m?


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Re: A big problem when landing runway 10C
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2020, 11:41:47 pm »
Does this problem still exist? I plan to fly to KORD tomorrow and last time (in February) I had exactly the same problem when landing on 10C. Do I have to set my mesh to 5m?

If you have your mesh set to a too high level ( no mesh with a *real* resolution higher than 5mt exists ), interpolation artifacts will happen, than cause visible terrain spikes or crash on invisible objects, and that's not a problem of the scenery, it's a problem of using too high settings which cause rounding errors.

Set the mesh resolution to 5 mt.


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Re: A big problem when landing runway 10C
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2021, 07:17:40 pm »
I have my terrain mesh setting set to 5m.  Arriving on the ILS10C crossing the threshold and hearing the 50 foot audible the aircraft instantly hit the runway with a bang.  My only other Chicago area addons are Pilot's mesh for P3Dv5 (FS Global Ultimate 2020) and Orbx openLC for N Amer.  This was with PMDG 777 in P3Dv5.1HF1.  The mesh is installed above 1107 Base and below Africa areas as I believe is correct.  I do not have any problem landing opposite direction on same runway (28C).

Any advice?

EDIT:  I loaded my little Trike at KORDv2 10C and in slew mode started at the runway and slowly moved West through the scenery that includes the approach lighting and found that right at the edge of where your AF file extends a concrete apron throughout the airport, at that edge I drop a couple of feet and a little bit further West the elevation drops six feet and some distance beyond the first light stanchion as approaching, the elevation rises to about what the airport elevation is supposed to be (668 ft for your scenery).  Does this discontinuity have anything to do with the "mesh" problem?  I note you have an elevation bgl file, I presume it is your mesh to over ride the default scenery elevation of 680 ft.  There appears to be holes in your elevation in the area of approach lighting.

UPDATE:  I loaded your AF file into ADE and added a flatten rectangle in the area of 10L & 10C and compiled the result.  Maintain your AF file and adding the CVX file from ADE fixed this problem.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2021, 11:47:28 pm by downscc »


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Re: A big problem when landing runway 10C
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2021, 11:57:54 pm »
My only other Chicago area addons are Pilot's mesh for P3Dv5 (FS Global Ultimate 2020) and Orbx openLC for N Amer.  

There's quite a lot of potentially conflicting stuff already.

The mesh is installed above 1107 Base and below Africa areas as I believe is correct.

Layer priority is not really relevant for mesh, the simulator will always show the highest resolution mesh, regardless where its located so, if the conflicting mesh has a nominally higher resolution than the one we supply with KORD, it will always show. The one we supply with KORD is, of course, completely flat except the areas of underpasses.


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Re: A big problem when landing runway 10C
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2021, 06:46:31 pm »
Layer priority is not really relevant for mesh, the simulator will always show the highest resolution mesh, regardless where its located so, if the conflicting mesh has a nominally higher resolution than the one we supply with KORD, it will always show. The one we supply with KORD is, of course, completely flat except the areas of underpasses.

Sure, your airport is flat but beyond the airport boundary, which is the final approach to 10C, is where there is a dip.  All I did was take your flatten and extend it to beyond the approach lights and solved the problem.  Easy.