The latest update doesn't change anything, because there was nothing to change. GSX always read the correct AFCAD before, and it still reads it correctly now.
We had a version that didn't read it correctly, when a scenery was installed as subfolder of a main one called "Scenery" and contained another "scenery" inside, but this has been online for less than 24 hours, and was immediately fixed.
The latest update cannot possibly have made anything worse or better, since nothing in the latest update could possibly affect the way GSX reads a scenery AFCAD, which is always under the same rules:
- The scenery should be on an higher layer than another one for the same airport
- The scenery should have an AFCAD which is not too big too be rejected, and the size over which a .BGL is considered to be oversize can be configured, as explained here:,17221.msg121243.html#msg121243- The scenery .BGL is not corrupted, missing, with 0 lentht size, etc. otherwise it will be rejected
- The scenery is properly installed in the Scenery Library, either using an add-on.xml ( in P3D4 ) or in the scenery.cfg, with the scenery.cfg not being corrupted and/or not containing illegal characters, errors, etc.
- The scenery AFCAD hasn't changed due to "renaming", since renames inside a folder won't always change the folder last changed date, so GSX cannot detect the file has changed. In this case, a "Restart and Rebuild Cache" option would help