Products Support > XPOI FSX/P3D

POIs unreadable (very low resolution)



Just bought and installed XPOI on my P3D v4.5. Points are present on the screen but are totally unreadable (screenshot attached). You can notice that the wikipedia logo, down green arrows and red mark are OK. I've tried several changes in P3D graphics options but nothing seems to make it work. I also looked for a similar problem in this forum but haven't found anything.

Do you have an idea ?

Have you used any tweak to the graphic card ? It looks as if the MipMapping system is looking for the wrong mipmap, one that is normally supposed to be used only in the distance. Note that, it's a system which is entirely outside our control and even outside the simulator own control, since it's done at the video driver level, but CAN be affected by tweaks.

No particular tweak on my GPU. To be sure, I've just restored the default settings of my GPU drivers. Same issue.
It's an Nvidia GTX 1080, latest drivers installed. Don't know anything about mipmapping and can't find any explicit graphic option, neither in the GPU settings nor in P3D settings. Do you know which settings could be involved ?

What usually affects MipMapping are all the options related to Texture Filtering, but 3rd party tweakers can have more options.

OK, so I restored P3D graphics to default and now it works great ! And I also turned the p3d setting back to where they were this morning and it still works !
Thanks a lot for your help and for this fantastic product.


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