Can I ask a related question on QuickEdit Pushback? I have both P3Dv3 and v4. In v4 I can use the mouse wheel to rotate the aircraft’s final position. But the wheel doesn’t work with v3.
Nothing of the Mouse interface works with P3D3, since we used some native functions that are not even supported before 4.4, let alone 3.x.
is there an alternative? My numpad keys are reserved for ChasePlane.
You can rotate quickly with F7/F8, but there's no way to rotate precisely, if another add-on has took the same key, your only option is to disable it, at least while editing. Note that, GSX has several Custom cameras that appear automatically while editing, which can be used to get a better view of the edited parking and the pushback path ( try the one named "FSDT_Editor_Camera" ), so you don't need a separate Camera utility, at least while editing.
Since you have P3D4 as well, and all the GSX configuration are shared, I suggest doing every editing in P3D4, because having the mouse is a big advantage.