Author Topic: Chose from list of handling agents  (Read 4041 times)


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Chose from list of handling agents
« on: October 26, 2019, 09:46:29 pm »
When I first got GSX 2 if I parked at a gate with no carrier specified on the AFCAD or within GSX I got a list of handling agents to choose from especially at a US airport - sometimes 7-8 companies. Recently I noticed that the list nolonger appears and GSX chooses a handler for me. In some cases the ground equipment will be from several different companies on the same aircraft. How do I get GSX to give me a list of carriers again?
Any help appreciated.


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Re: Chose from list of handling agents
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2019, 11:21:19 am »
The menu will not appear if there are no multiple alternatives, since it wouldn't make much sense to present you a "choice" menu with only one choice possible. This can happen if:

- That scenery AFCAD has its airline codes set in a way that one operator will get a better score than the others


- You explicitly selected one operator with the GSX parking customization page for that gate/airport


- You enabled the "Override Parkings Airline codes" option in the GSX Settings->Simulation page, so that operator will appear everywhere ( used by Virtual Airlines )


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Re: Chose from list of handling agents
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2019, 07:10:01 pm »
Umberto many thanks for the reply. I checked all the items you highlighted but still cant resolve my issue. I have FSX SP2 and GSX 2 installed. When I first installed GSX2 months ago it worked as expected but at some time in the recent past the issue of no choice of handling agent has arisen.

If I may I will clarify my issue further:

I recently purchased FSDG Djerba and Enfidha. At DTTJ the airport AFCAD has several airlines specified on parking stands. I checked the GSX "handling rules" document and for Tunisia only one handler shows as covering DTxx airports being Tunisair TAR. The entry for TAR shows it covers airports with ICAO DTxx. When I park at DTTJ I get Tunisair equipment which is expected and correct as its the only handler at DTTJ.

Now when I go to Enfidha DTNH the airport AFCAD has no airline codes present on any parking stand - its clean. My expectation is that Tunisair will be the handler and when I park there that s what I get. Except that at DTNH the only handling agent is Havas - the airport is run by TAV - Turkey. I checked the handling rules document for Havas and it only shows ICAO,s for LTxx airports so I added DTNH. Now I expect to have a choice of Tunisair and Havas as the airport is covered by DTxx from Tunisair and DTNH from Havas but I only get Tunisair handling. Only when I go into GSX customise parking and specify Havas in the airline box do I get Havas. This isn't really a problem as being the only handler I simply add Havas to all stands and am good to go.

Now if I go to a US airport e.g. Orbx KJAC some of the AFCAD parking stands have airlines specified and others do not. In the handling rules table I see the major US carriers AA, DL, UA covering Kxxx airports and I added KJAC to all plus some others. When I park at KJAC whether the parking stand AFCAD has an airline code added or not I don't get the choice of handlers I used to get. What I get is a set of steps from UA, another from DL and a hi-loader from AA for example. Only if I specify DL as the handler in the GSX customise parking table do I get all DL equipment.

Question: is the handling rules document I find within the GSX folder texture (the one I am modifying) a live document or an example. If not where is the live document?

As far as I can tell GSX is not reading the handling rules document - only the GSX customise parking airline table.

Any guidance please?


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Re: Chose from list of handling agents
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2019, 12:46:24 pm »
As far as I can tell GSX is not reading the handling rules document - only the GSX customise parking airline table.

Of course it does. You must understand it's a SCORING system so, if there's an operator with an higher score than all the others, it will be the only one and so, when there's only one operator, no choice menu will appear.

Now if I go to a US airport e.g. Orbx KJAC some of the AFCAD parking stands have airlines specified and others do not. In the handling rules table I see the major US carriers AA, DL, UA covering Kxxx airports and I added KJAC to all plus some others. When I park at KJAC whether the parking stand AFCAD has an airline code added or not I don't get the choice of handlers I used to get. What I get is a set of steps from UA, another from DL and a hi-loader from AA for example.

Please post your custom rules_handling.cfg file (I assume you modified the one in %APPDATA%, right ? ) to check.


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Re: Chose from list of handling agents
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2019, 03:15:12 pm »
Thanks for the reply.
The only rules_handling file I can find is in G:\Addon Manager\texture which is where my GSX folders are.
I cant find any rules-handling document under \AppData\Roaming\virtuali.
Please clarify the location?


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Re: Chose from list of handling agents
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2019, 02:48:01 pm »
I resolved the issue by uninstalling and reinstalling GSX as I had it installed to my G drive and this time installed to the default C drive. Whilst GSX2 had worked fine initially I wonder if a subsequent update had corrupted it? All works correctly now thanks.

Final question - my rules_handling.cfg which I have been amending is now in C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager\texture

I understand I should modify the one located in appdata. My appdata folder is %AppData%\Roaming\Virtuali\GSX\texture and that folder is empty.
Is this correct?


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Re: Chose from list of handling agents
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2019, 05:07:07 pm »
My appdata folder is %AppData%\Roaming\Virtuali\GSX\texture and that folder is empty.
Is this correct?

Yes, if you never created a custom texture before.

If you are not going to create any custom operator but need to just change rules for existing ones, you can copy the one under Program Files\Addon Manager\Texture and remove all sections, except those you want to change their rules for. This will allow you to add new custom rules, without affecting the stock ones and without losing your work when we do an update.