Author Topic: Customizing a parking adds a GSX jetway after changin non-jetway related option  (Read 5167 times)


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I've seen this 3 times now. Most recently, after landing at FB KDEN I was assigned gate C 42. This gate did not have SWA listed as an operator when I called for the gate, but since it was already occupied and set to become available in 1 minute, I elected to go the customize airport positions menu and add SWA as an operator before I selected it when it became available. I only changed the 'Airline codes' option from "DAL,DALX" to "DAL,DALX,SWA" and clicked "Apply", then I exited. When the dialog box cleared, I had a new jetway. I never checked the exclude radius option or compiled the exclude in the control panel. When I selected deboarding, the Flightbeam SODE jetway connected to the airplane. The GSX jetway stayed dormant.

This happened to me twice before. Once when I changed the 'Underground fueling' option at a gate, and again when I used the 'Disable staircases' option. The airports were FB KIAD for the underground fueling, and LatinVFR KMIA for the staircase option. (I might have them reversed). In all 3 cases, I made NO change to anything related to a jetway.

In order to correct the issue, I need to manually edit the GSX .ini file for that airport and remove the jetway related lines for the affected position. (In red below). After deleting the lines and selecting to restart Couatl with a cache rebuild, the extra jetway is gone.

[gate c 42]
pushback_pos = 39.86281629 -104.672635 160.5281372
loadertype = 3 3 2
radiusleft = 23.0
disablemarshaller = 0
stairs_rear_pos = 39.86236077 -104.6728633 41.52813721
baggage_train_front_pos = 39.86277276 -104.6725187 -174.4718628
hasjetway = 1
nopassengerstairs = 0
pushback = 3
maxwingspan = 46.0
radiusright = 18.4
nopassengerbus = 0
ignoreicaoprefixes = 1
ignorepreferredexit = 0
snapleftpushbackpos = 1
snaprightpushbackpos = 1
undergroundrefueling = 0
parkingsystem = 1
pushbacklabels = Nose Right/Tail Left (LEFT)|Nose Left/Tail Right (RIGHT)
airlinecodes = DAL,DALX,SWA
type = 9
handlingtexture =
cateringtexture =
usercustomized = 1
jetway_pos = 39.8628143317855 -104.672793751048 526.528137207031
jetway_gate_number_text = C42
jetway_gate_number_font_name = Arial
jetway_gate_number_font_size = 36.0
jetway_gate_number_font_color = 240,245,255
jetway_gate_number_bg_color = 0,60,125
jetway_gate_number_font_weight = 700
jetway_gate_number_font_style = 0
jetway_gate_number_font_stretch = 5
« Last Edit: November 06, 2019, 07:30:06 pm by Pirateinparadise »
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Captain Kevin

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I will say I've had the same issue with Flightbeam KIAD and KDEN, not really sure why it does this.
Captain Kevin


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I don't have the latest FB KDEN installed but, assuming the problem happened with sceneries with XML SODE jetways, I tried with Digital Designs EDDP, which also comes with XML SODE jetways, and I couldn't replicate the problem. This is what I did:

- When outside a parking, I chose "customize airport positions" from the Add-ons->GSX menu.

- Selected a gate which already had a SODE XML jetway

- Enabled the "Underground refueling" checkmark.

- Set some airline codes, DAL,DALX,SWA as in your example.

- Pressed Apply.

No jetway appeared, either in the sim or in the resulting .INI file.

Are using an .INI file made for GSX that was supposed to remove *default* ( NOT SODE ) jetways for that airport and replace them with GSX jetways, but instead are using the airport with its SODE jetways ?


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I don't have the latest FB KDEN installed but, assuming the problem happened with sceneries with XML SODE jetways, I tried with Digital Designs EDDP, which also comes with XML SODE jetways, and I couldn't replicate the problem. This is what I did:

- When outside a parking, I chose "customize airport positions" from the Add-ons->GSX menu.

- Selected a gate which already had a SODE XML jetway

- Enabled the "Underground refueling" checkmark.

- Set some airline codes, DAL,DALX,SWA as in your example.

- Pressed Apply.

No jetway appeared, either in the sim or in the resulting .INI file.

Are using an .INI file made for GSX that was supposed to remove *default* ( NOT SODE ) jetways for that airport and replace them with GSX jetways, but instead are using the airport with its SODE jetways ?

Thank you for trying to duplicate it. I just tried modifying gate C17 at the latest version of Flightbeam's KIAD. To answer your question about the .INI file no, I am not using one that was supposed to remove the default jetways. I did replace all of the jetways on the previous version of KIAD, but I've been using the new version with Flightbeam's jetways. I double checked the E:\P3D\FSDT\Addon Manager\FsDreamTeam\Exclude folder to make certain that there was no exclude file for KIAD.

I just duplicated it again. Here are my steps, with pictures.

Slew to just outside of gate C17  (Attachment 2019-11-10_11-41-31-767.jpg)
Open customize position and select gate C17. (Attachment GSX chg UG fueling option1.jpg)
Tick the Underground refueling option (Attachment GSX chg UG fueling option2.jpg)
Click apply and then exit. Extra GSX jetway appears. (Attachment 2019-11-10_11-43-14-697.jpg)

I've also attached the .INI file. (I have not removed the extra jetway from it.) as well as the Couatl.log file, which has the following in it:

Airport cache regeneration completed with success in 12 seconds
Loading airport KIAD from E:\P3D\Prepar3D v4\Flightbeam\Flightbeam - KIAD\scenery\KIAD.BGL
Using airport customization from GSX.airports.kiad_fbeam
Loading user customizations from E:\P3D\Prepar3D v4\Flightbeam\Flightbeam - KIAD\scenery\kiad-flightbeam.ini (file is designer-provided and won't be modified in-place)
Loading user customizations from C:\Users\Pirate\AppData\Roaming\Virtuali/GSX\kiad-vgyoea.ini
Creating model cache...
Added Menu SubItem "Customize airport positions..." (parentId 82, id 99)
View changed to Spot
View changed to Locked Spot
Model cache created
Slew mode True
Slew mode False
Slew mode True
Slew mode False
Slew mode True
Slew mode False
Slew mode True
Slew mode False
Written file C:\Users\Pirate\AppData\Roaming\Virtuali/pushbacknodes_check.txt
Added GSX user Jetway n.1 for Gate C 17
[KORD V2] - TextureReady() RTT texture is ready $FSDT_RTT_GSX_JETWAYLOGO
[KORD V2] - TextureReady() RTT texture is ready $FSDT_RTT_Jetwaynumber
« Last Edit: November 10, 2019, 06:16:00 pm by Pirateinparadise »
The drinking rum on the beach kind. Not the software stealing kind.


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hank you for trying to duplicate it. I just tried modifying gate C17 at the latest version of Flightbeam's KIAD.

You said Flightbeam KDEN, so I assumed it was the latest version, that comes with SODE Jetway, that's why I said "assuming the problem happened with sceneries with XML SODE jetways", so I tried with one made that way.

Now you say it happens at Flightbeam KIAD and according to your screenshot, the scenery doesn't come with SODE jetways but, instead, it comes with a "Designer provided" .INI, which seems to be adding GSX SODE Jetways, that's why the GSX editor flags the gate with a "/JS" and with "Parking has 1 Jetway". If the scenery came with SODE XML jetways, it would still indicate "/JS", but the indication would be "Parking has a SODE XML jetway" and the whole jetway page would be grayed out.

So, it seems that scenery was supposed to have a GSX replacement jetway ( by means of the .INI file provided in the scenery own folder ), but for some reason that .INI file didn't include any Exclude Radius, which would trigger the GSX Control Panel to exclude its original jetways when opened.

Captain Kevin

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The latest Flightbeam KIAD update came with SODE jetways.
Captain Kevin


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Thank you again.

The newest version of KIAD has SODE jetways (.XML file attached) as do KDEN and KMIA.

In my original post, I mentioned the KDEN was one of 3 airports that I had seen this happening at. The others being KIAD (FB) and MIA (LatinVFR - specifically included because it was a different developer). For the example, I chose KIAD for no specific reason other than I could duplicate the issue.

The plot thickens. After posing my reply, I decided to modify all of the gates at once (By selecting the airport and using the `filter parking with no gates` button) to disable staircases and add underground refueling. This added GSX jetways everywhere. I edited the .INI file directly to remove them all.

So, it seems that scenery was supposed to have a GSX replacement jetway ( by means of the .INI file provided in the scenery own folder ), but for some reason that .INI file didn't include any Exclude Radius, which would trigger the GSX Control Panel to exclude its original jetways when opened.

I do have .INI files in both KIAD and KDEN scenery folders. I have attached them as well as the log from the mass addition...
The drinking rum on the beach kind. Not the software stealing kind.


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The newest version of KIAD has SODE jetways (.XML file attached) as do KDEN and KMIA.

In that case (assuming they are the only option there), Flightbeam should remove them from the GSX .INI file they are supplying the scenery with, the one in the KIAD own scenery folder which are indicated as "Designer Provided data", because the editor will create your own .INI file ( the one under %APPDATA% ) taking the information from the scenery developer .INI file.

I do have .INI files in both KIAD and KDEN scenery folders. I have attached them as well as the log from the mass addition...

Please try the following, and do it for a single scenery at once, please, because it's becoming difficult to follow you. Let's say KIAD:

- Go to KIAD

- Remove your custom .INI file for KIAD in %APPDATA%

- Select "Restart Couatl" from the Couatl->Settings menu.

- Select "Customize airport positions" from the GSX menu and, without changing anything, just check which kind of jetways are at the gates (the ones that have one)


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I was getting ready to try the steps that you posted, but after moving the .INI files out of the Appdata and KIAD Scenery folders I noticed that there was a GSX jetway remaining at position C12. I went into the customize position menu, and noticed that it is not using the KIAD AFCAD. It appears to be using the default KIAD AFCAD. See attached screenshot (KIAD AFCAD.jpg).

I've attached another log. It appears that Couatl is having difficulty with KIAD, KPHX, KDEN, and KMSP Here's a clip of the section where things go awry:

using "E:\P3D\Orbx Library\p3dv4\7WA3 West Wind Airport\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_7WA3\scenery" (layer 175)
  using "E:\P3D\Orbx Library\p3dv4\2S1 Vashon Island Airport\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_2S1\scenery" (layer 176)
  using "E:\P3D\Orbx Library\p3dv4\Orbx Libraries\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS\scenery" (layer 177)
  using "ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS\scenery" (layer 178)
  IGNORING "E:\P3D\Addon Scenery\FlyTampa\Libraries\Scenery\scenery" (layer 179): directory not found
  using "E:\P3D\Orbx Library\p3dv4\Global Trees HD\Scenery\Global\scenery" (layer 180)
  using "E:\P3D\Orbx Library\p3dv4\AU Tasmania Demo\Scenery\Global\scenery" (layer 181)
  using "E:\P3D\Orbx Library\p3dv4\USDT Devils Tower\Scenery\0202\scenery" (layer 182)
  IGNORING "E:\P3D\Prepar3D v4\Flightbeam\Flightbeam - KIAD\scenery\scenery" (layer 183): directory not found
  IGNORING "E:\P3D\Prepar3D v4\Flightbeam\Flightbeam - KPHX\scenery\scenery" (layer 184): directory not found
  IGNORING "E:\P3D\Addon Scenery\SunSkyJet\scenery\scenery" (layer 185): directory not found
  using "E:\P3D\Addon Scenery\Taxi2Gate\KMCO\KMCO-TERRAIN\scenery" (layer 186)
  using "E:\P3D\Addon Scenery\Taxi2Gate\KMCO\KMCO\scenery" (layer 187)
  using "E:\P3D\Orbx Library\p3dv4\NA Northern California\Scenery\Global\scenery" (layer 188)
  using "E:\P3D\Orbx Library\p3dv4\NA Pacific Northwest\Scenery\Global\scenery" (layer 189)
  using "E:\P3D\Addon Scenery\LatinVFR\New Orleans_KMSY\scenery" (layer 190)
  IGNORING "E:\P3D\Prepar3D v4\Flightbeam\Flightbeam - KMSP\scenery\scenery" (layer 191): directory not found
  using "E:\P3D\Addon Scenery\LatinVFR\Miami_KMIA\scenery" (layer 192)
  IGNORING "E:\P3D\Addon Scenery\FlyTampa\LasVegas\scenery\scenery" (layer 193): directory not found
  IGNORING "E:\P3D\Prepar3D v4\Flightbeam\Flightbeam - KDEN\scenery\scenery" (layer 194): directory not found
  using "E:\P3D\FSDT\Addon Manager\FsDreamTeam\KORDV2\scenery" (layer 195)
  IGNORING "E:\P3D\FSDT\Addon Manager\FsDreamTeam\KCLT\Scenery\scenery" (layer 196): directory not found
  using "E:\P3D\Addon Scenery\FlyTampa\Boston\scenery" (layer 197)
  using "E:\P3D\Addon Scenery\LatinVFR\Baltimore_KBWI\scenery" (layer 198)
  IGNORING "E:\P3D\FSDT\Addon Manager\FsDreamTeam\Exclude\Scenery\scenery" (layer 199): directory not found
  IGNORING "E:\P3D\Addon Scenery\AIGAIM - OCI\Traffic Files\scenery\scenery" (layer 200): directory not found
airportCacheOptimizeSearch enabled, excluding files larger than 2000000 bytes
Airport cache not valid: file meta.txt not found or malformed
Regenerating airport cache, looking for scenery files under "E:\P3D\Prepar3D v4"
Worker thread started
SharedMemInterface connected
Added Menu Item "GSX" (id 82)

In all cases where an airport has a "directory not found error", there appears to be an extra "\scenery" at the end of the folder name where the airport actually is.

Example: KIAD is installed in "E:\P3D\Prepar3D v4\Flightbeam\Flightbeam - KIAD\scenery" not where GSX says it couldn't find it above: "E:\P3D\Prepar3D v4\Flightbeam\Flightbeam - KIAD\scenery\scenery"

I am not sure why in my earlier screen shot of the parking editor, the correct KIAD AFCAD was being used... All I did was move the .INI files. Now it can't find the AFCAD. I put the .INIs back as a test and the wrong AFCAD is still being used.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2019, 02:36:08 am by Pirateinparadise »
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In all cases where an airport has a "directory not found error", there appears to be an extra "\scenery" at the end of the folder name where the airport actually is.

This has been fixed in the current update.


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This has been fixed in the current update.
Yes. All of those errors are gone now. Thank you.

Please try the following, and do it for a single scenery at once, please, because it's becoming difficult to follow you. Let's say KIAD:

- Go to KIAD

- Remove your custom .INI file for KIAD in %APPDATA%

- Select "Restart Couatl" from the Couatl->Settings menu.

- Select "Customize airport positions" from the GSX menu and, without changing anything, just check which kind of jetways are at the gates (the ones that have one)

Okay, I removed the .INI from Appdata and restarted/rebuilt. In customize parking position in the Jetyway(s) box it says "Parking has 1 jetway". Nothing in the exclude radius box. The entire "Jetway 1" page is blank. I clicked the customize jetway button and in the visual editor all the vehicles appear, but no GSX jetway was visible. I pressed Y to exit and everything looked like it did when I started which was only the FB SODE jetway present. I checked Appdata at this point, and there was no .INI file.

I went back into customize parking again and enabled underground refueling. When I exited, I had a GSX jetway in addition to FB's jetway. There was also a new .INI file in the Appdata folder.

I also tried another test. I deleted the new .INI from Appdata and also renamed the .INI (appended .BAK) file in the KIAD folder. After restart/rebuild I can see the original FB jetways at all of the gates. In customize parking, Jetways(s) says "No jetway". F12 menu says "6 - No jetways here". I selected Add-ons-> SODE -> Reload all from the menu, and all of the FB jetways disappeared and then reappeared so they are definitely SODE jetways.

Also, since the last update all I ever get is the small fuel truck. I tried multiple times from different airports where I usually get your new, cool fuel truck with the 2 guys and it never shows. Always the small truck.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2019, 06:30:35 pm by Pirateinparadise »
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Could this be related to the same issue I'm experiencing in this thread?,22329.msg151033.html#msg151033


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Finally found the problem... for anyone else with this issue, read this thread: