Products Support > Geneva FSX/P3D

Geneva 2.1.1 and Windows XP

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Esellerate closed its activation servers last week, but we were already selling products using the new activation system since July so, anything recently purchased, cannot activated with an old version of the software.

And, after you'll change hardware, even your older purchase will stop working, since they relied on Esellerate activation, which is no more. But this is not a problem, since we uploaded all the old Esellerate serial numbers on the new server, so you will be able to activate there your old Esellerate serial number, but to do that, you need the latest version of the software, and that doesn't run on XP anymore.

To be clear, I did not change Hardware on that system for years and I did not install any new FSDT Product bought since July because trying to install Geneva stopped early.
Every old FSDT product was running smooth and steady until the 9th of october and now no FSDT product is running anymore.
I have far more than hundred different sceneries and addons installed on that system for FS2004 and FSX which was newly built-up with the appearance of the new FSX RTM in 2006. It's grown up with time and my life. I spent thousands of hours to keep this system up-to-date.


--- Quote from: hwmertens on October 11, 2019, 10:42:36 pm ---To be clear, I did not change Hardware on that system for years and I did not install any new FSDT Product bought since July because trying to install Geneva stopped early.
--- End quote ---

I said "after you'll change hardware", future time. You asked to explain "why the long time running Addon Manager showed all products as installed AND active when no check with esellerate is possible any longer", and that's precisely why: it's BECAUSE you haven't changed your hardware.

But as soon you'll do that, you are going to need another activation from Esellerate, which you can't, since the Esellerate servers are no more, and the new activation servers requires the latest version of our software, which doesn't work on XP.

And, if you don't update the software (which doesn't work under XP), you will never be able to activate your recently purchased Geneva, because if you purchased it after July, you got a new non-Esellerate serial key, which cannot be activated with the old version of the software. Which is not even relevant, because (again) Esellerate servers are now gone.

--- Quote ---Every old FSDT product was running smooth and steady until the 9th of october and now no FSDT product is running anymore.
--- End quote ---

That's because you installed Geneva, which comes with all our latest software, so it's normal nothing will run anymore, since the current version of our software doesn't work with Windows XP.

--- Quote ---I spent thousands of hours to keep this system up-to-date.
--- End quote ---

?? really, then why you use an outdated OS ? Windows 7 will be officially unsupported in January, you are two generations behind what will be the next OS to be retired!

I'll try to make it more clear:

- The ONLY way to continue to use your old purchases, is to use OLD installers (which we don't have anymore) and never change hardware, ever.

- The ONLY way to activate a recent purchase that came with a non-Esellerate serial key, is to use the latest software, which doesn't work in XP.

Really, you must update your OS, or you will soon find yourself unable to use any FSDT products you had.


--- Quote ---- The ONLY way to continue to use your old purchases, is to use OLD installers (which we don't have anymore) and never change hardware, ever.

--- End quote ---
And that is exactly what I did. I have an old installer for gsx ( But without success.


--- Quote from: hwmertens on October 12, 2019, 11:18:28 am ---And that is exactly what I did. I have an old installer for gsx ( But without success.
--- End quote ---

You'll probably have to install it without a network, but we cannot possibly support you here, nobody can possibly test such old version, let alone with Windows XP. And of course, the moment you install the current Geneva, it will install the updated software, which would be the only way to be able to activate it, but not under XP.


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