Products Support > Geneva FSX/P3D

Geneva 2.1.1 and Windows XP

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First at all, i am not a native english speaking/writing person.

I am running nowadays a total of 3 PCs mostly for the hobby of flightsimming built
at 2006, 2010 and 2018 with different flightsimulators e.g. FS2004, FSX SP2,
FSX Acceleration, P3Dv3 and operating systems (Windows XP SP, Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 10 Home).

The oldest one with a Core Duo E6600 @2.4GHz, Windows XP SP3 and FSX SP2 installed.

At late December 2014 I (re-)installed a bunch a Airports/Sceneries from FSDT on this PC.

Here is the actual list of products with version #s.

--- Code: ---GSX
Hawaiian Apts 1 1.8.3
Hawaiian Apts 2 1.5.3
Honolulu 1.4.3
Houston         1.2
KJFK v2         2.3.3
KLAX         1.5.3
OhareX         2.3.5
Vancouver 1.4.1
--- End code ---
All these addons were running smooth until yesterday, when i bought a license of Geneva at PC Aviator.

I repeatedly visited the website of FSDT and there is/was no sign that this very old rendition of Geneva
is/was ever updated to a newer one. So i liked to add it to my existing bunch of FSDT Sceneries.

But the installation of the downloaded version 2.1.1 forced me to install the latest version of GSX/GSXL2
which totally messed up my system not allowing even a good start of FSX SP2 anymore.

I managed to get FSX to start again but I can't even revert to GSX which was originally installed
and running perfect before since there are no entries in the FSX Menu Addons for Couatl or Addon Manager any longer.

Help is really appreciated.


I'm sorry, but our software doesn't support Windows XP anymore since several years.

But GSX v1.9.0.3 was installed and running on Windows XP SP3 since 2014 until some days ago when I tried to install the newly bought FSDT Geneva Scenery.

It seems to be a problem with bglmanx.dll (Version 3_1_0_1) which FSX SP2 seems to not 'like'. I have no backup of the running one that's really a pity.

No possibility of any files in your archive to try?

Regards Hans

It's not a question of using an old installer, since Esellerate closed, you *must* use the latest version of the software, because it's the only one that can activate a product bought recently, which doesn't use Esellerate anymore.

But help me to understand why the long time running Addon Manager showed all products as installed AND active when no check with esellerate is possible any longer or is this check only essential at installation time and later on not.
To be clear I have not tried to install the recently bought Geneva sceneriy but the old GSX setup.exe ( And all registry entries for the products are still there!


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