This is what I remember of the legacy Hornet demo from the 2008 season.
In the description, the term 'pitch reversal' means the following: roll away from crowd, perform a high-G pull through about 45° of level turn; wings level; high-G vertical pitch up; 180° roll, Immelmann to nose down ~15-20° at ~2,000' AGL; 450° tuck under roll; descending turn to reciprocal heading to re-enter the aero box for next maneuver.
Unless otherwise noted, the entry altitude for all maneuvers should be taken as 500' AGL. All indicted airspeeds are estimated or taken from memory of the demo narration.
That said here's the show:
MAX PERFORMANCE TAKEOFF maintain ~50' AGL and accel to 300 KIAS; pitch reversal at end of aerobatic box; accelerating 270 turn to reciprocal HDG.
HIGH SPEED PASS .92-.94 Mach; max G vertical pull at show center; 360° aileron roll; square loop to re-set on original hdg; exit aero box, pitch reversal
DOUBLE IMMELMANN 450 KIAS, 6.5 - 7G vertical pull x2; top out at 10,000' AGL; set 90° nose down attitude; 450° roll away from crowd line, pull wings level heading away from show line, 270° turn to re-set
MINIMUM RADIUS TURN 350 KIAS, 7.5G; pitch reversal to re-set
DIRTY PASS 150 KIAS; hook, gear, flaps extended; at exit of aero box, burners on, 70-80° pitch up, clean up, accel through 250 KIAS; pitch reversal
MAX G PITCH UP 450 KIAS, 7.5 G to 90° nose up; passing 8,000' AGL pull 3-4G of back pressure; maintain back pressure and roll away from crowd line; maneuver should end with wings level and HDG 90° away from crown line; 90° turn to recip HDG; descend and decelerate
HIGH ALPHA PASS ~115 KIAS (perhaps less); approach crowd from 45° offset prior to turning to runway HDG; set level flight with 35-40° nose-up attitude; exit aero box, burners on, set nose up climb out attitude of 70° nose up; split S; pitch reversal
CARRIER BREAK 400 KIAS, 600' AGL; gear and flaps down on downwind leg; base turn to short final; touch and go 'bolter'; 180° turn to re-enter traffic pattern
LANDI think I might be missing one maneuver, but overall that's about it. You might also want to hit YouTube and search "F/A-18C demo" - the clips that are about 12-15 minutes long will pretty much have the full demo.
Happy simming.