Products Support > XPOI FSX/P3D

XPOI "Resource Not Found" error when trying to open wiki POI pages

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Actually, changing the default browser DOES change which browser XPOI uses for its internal browser library. I can tell this simply by right-clicking on the error page that opens and selecting Properties. When Firefox is set as my default browser, the Properties window for the XPOI browser shows that it is using Firefox.

I will try creating a new Windows profile, or maybe a new user account, and see if that resolves the problem.

Yes, but it's NOT Firefox, is a bunch of Windows .DLL so, if the culprit is the firewall ( most likely is ), it's because it saw a browser connecting, but called from Couatl.exe, and that might be cause the firewall blocking it by default, since it's not a "known" browser.


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