Author Topic: Addon Manager with FS9 patched for more than 2GB of RAM  (Read 40335 times)


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Re: Addon Manager with FS9 patched for more than 2GB of RAM
« Reply #30 on: February 15, 2008, 02:02:54 pm »
Currently i have a 4GB-patched FS9 up and running, all fine, except the Zürich scenery. Could anyone provide a patched fs9.exe with nocd and 4GB patch?

Quite simply, no. And I kindly ask you to refrain to post such requests in public.

The only legal thing we can do, is to detect which FS9.EXE you *already* have at installation time, and install the correct version of our executable. We can't help you finding a patched FS9.EXE, nor we can encourage any other users helping doing this on our forum.

It would have been nice and less work for us if we could support all possible FS9.EXE modifications with a single executable, and if it would have been possible, we already have done it by now, but unfortunately it isn't.

But on the other hand it is really frustrating to deal with these type of copy protections

Yes, but in this case, the annoying copy protection is the original CD check used for FS9. In fact, with FSX, since Microsoft moved to a more modern activation-based protection, like we are using, and we don't run into these issues with the FSX version of our products.


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Re: Addon Manager with FS9 patched for more than 2GB of RAM
« Reply #31 on: February 15, 2008, 04:04:32 pm »
Quite simply, no. And I kindly ask you to refrain to post such requests in public.

I agree. Was a little bit stupid to ask here for the crack. So please ignore my request. However i have solved the problem and Zürich works really nice :-)



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Re: Addon Manager with FS9 patched for more than 2GB of RAM
« Reply #32 on: February 23, 2008, 10:56:17 am »
I tried to install the new Addon Manager linked in this Forum and it won't work
with the Patched(3GB)  FS9.exe ( with CD check) - I don't want to use any cracked Version
so is there any chance to get an Addon Manger working with the GB3 enhancement?

Kind regards


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Re: Addon Manager with FS9 patched for more than 2GB of RAM
« Reply #33 on: February 23, 2008, 01:41:27 pm »
If there was a chance to have compatibility with >2GB patched FS9.EXE AND the original CD protection at the same time, we never  took the extra steps of having to compile and maintain two separate versions of our executable and select the correct one during installation. It would have been much simpler for us to simply have one version, if it was possible indeed.


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Re: Addon Manager with FS9 patched for more than 2GB of RAM
« Reply #34 on: February 24, 2008, 05:45:31 pm »
Only to get this right!!
- FS9.exe (original) patched(>2GB) - WinXP start normal = WORKS fine (used right now by me)
- FS9.exe (original) NOT patched - WinXP start with 3GB switch = Works fine
- FS9.exe (original) patched(>2GB) - WinXP start with 3GB switch = ERROR bglman.dll kann nicht geladen werden

- FS9.exe (noCDCrack) patched(>2GB) - WinXP start with 3GB switch = WILL properly WORK!

If this is right Iam the only using the ...

Kind regards


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Re: Addon Manager with FS9 patched for more than 2GB of RAM
« Reply #35 on: February 24, 2008, 08:01:30 pm »
That's right. The XP 3GB setting doesn't really make any difference to Addon Manager (of course IS needed if you want to enable the >2GB patched FS9.EXE ). What's make a difference is patching of FS9.EXE for >2GB, that would create a problem with our regular version. The >2GB version of Addon Manager, instead, is not compatible with the original FS9 with CD checks.

The correct version it's automatically chosen by our installer, depending on which FS9.EXE it finds but if you already patched an original FS9.EXE (with CD checks) it will still crash the same, because we don't have a version that is both compatible with the original CD check and with the >2GB patch.