Author Topic: Shutters when approaching the airport  (Read 11816 times)


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Shutters when approaching the airport
« on: September 14, 2009, 05:38:18 pm »
Hey guys,

So far im loving the scenery  there are 2 very annoying issues that bother me.
I must note that i am running an Intel e8500 cpu, E-VGA's gtx 285 superclcked (factory overclocked) video card and 8 gb of ram.
I also use megascenery's Las Vegas title
The issues are  the following

1) when i approach the airport, i get these annoying shutters and micro-pauses... im guessing it's the scenery creating the buildings and objects but how can i make it preload it like 10nm away from the airport instead of loading it when i approach... this really bothers me.

2) when i approach to a runway i can see the terrain gets flatter... it actually flattens before my eyes... does it happen to anyone else ?? and how can i make it stop.... it's really making my flight unreaslitic...

thanks for your help.


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Re: Shutters when approaching the airport
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2009, 07:11:23 pm »
This has been explained already: if your system is very fast, and yours surely is, you can tweak the loading distance of objects, using the "Anti PopUp" slider of the Addon Manager.

This will multiply all the default loading distances by a factor you decide. 1.0 it's default so, if you put it to, let's say, 4.0, all objects handled by the Addon Manager will have a loading distance multipled by 4 compared to what has been programmed in the scenery.

On a medium/slow system, the fps will suffer, but on a fast system with lots of VRAM, it will reduce object pop-up and stutters on final. Try to find the best setting for you system.


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Re: Shutters when approaching the airport
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2009, 07:19:22 pm »
What value does it change exactly in the fsx.cfg ??

also can you please refer to my second problem


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Re: Shutters when approaching the airport
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2009, 10:26:27 pm »
What value does it change exactly in the fsx.cfg ??

It's not a value that is normally found in FSX.CFG, is *stored* in the FSX.CFG, but that's just for convenience in order not to create another config file just to store a single parameter, but it's not one of the parameters FSX normally understands, it's something specific to the Addon Manager, because we create the 3d scenery with our own routines, we don't use .BGL for 3d objects so, that parameter is something only the Addon Manager uses, and it's only relevant to our sceneries.

This is different from all the other Addon Manager tweaks which, instead, are normal FSX.CFG parameters, that's why they are referenced as their common name.

also can you please refer to my second problem

I don't see that, and nobody else reported it. Are you using a 3rd party mesh for the KLAS area ?


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Re: Shutters when approaching the airport
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2009, 10:49:22 pm »

2) as i mentioned i am using megascenery's las vegas title.


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Re: Shutters when approaching the airport
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2009, 11:02:06 pm »
2) as i mentioned i am using megascenery's las vegas title.

I'm not sure if that comes with a mesh or not. Does it ? Does it make any difference if it's disabled ?


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Re: Shutters when approaching the airport
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2009, 05:21:20 pm »
Great..and now now the sim wouldn't show KFLL nor KLAS's main terminals...

I have to tell you this..  i am VERY VERY unsatisfied. not with the quality of the scenery which is superior but with the way it integrates with flight sim x.

also the anomaly with the megascenery terrain oly happes with YOUR scenery.
i am very VERYfrusterated here. sometimes your scenery works sometimes it does
now it doesnt . i tried to recreate the fs9.cfg file but it didnt work

i am very mad and angry of having spent more than 40 bucks on two sceneries whcih hardly work.

Here's a picture :

see the red circles ? this happenes anywhere in the airport until i fly over it.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2009, 06:22:27 pm by ypaul »


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Re: Shutters when approaching the airport
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2009, 07:04:23 pm »
also the anomaly with the megascenery terrain oly happes with YOUR scenery.

You haven't answered my question but, from this sentence, it seems that you have the issue with Megascenery only.

While we never advertize anywhere explicit compatibility with Megascenery, or with any other 3rd party addon for that matter, the REASON why we offer Trial version for all products, it's becasue we can't obviously test our addons with everything that is out there so, what the better judge than yourself, to test the product on your own system with your installed addons ?

About the Megascenery issue, searching the KLAS forum using just "Megascenery" as keyword, give a couple of results:

This shows some users had troubles, but NONE of them was caused by KLAS scenery, in one case it was a problem of UTX+Megascenery, in the other it was due to the user having changed the priority of KLAS.

i am very VERYfrusterated here. sometimes your scenery works sometimes it does
now it doesnt . i tried to recreate the fs9.cfg file but it didnt wor. I am very mad and angry of having spent more than 40 bucks on two sceneries whcih hardly work.

First, as I've said already, the sceneries are sold as Try-Before-Buy.

However, we need to find what else in your system is *preventing* them to work.

First, it should be verified if the issue is created by Megascenery, or it's an entirely different issue like, for example, the software not running, that's why I've asked what's happening with Megascenery disabled.

To check if the software is running, the suggestions are the usual (there are several threads about "No buildings", that you might have looked upon ):

- First check you are using the current version of the scenery or at least of the Addon Manager. If unsure, download the scenery again and reinstall it, or at least download the Stand-alone Addon Manager for FSX and install it.

- Then, check if you see BOTH the "Addon Manager" and the "Couatl powered plugins" menus under the "Addons" menu option.

If you don't see one menu, or both, it might be your antivirus fault, that is mistakenly blocking the programs from running. In this case, as was explained many times already:

1) Reinstall the scenery with the antivirus DISABLED

2) Configure the antivirus to exclude the following files:


3) re-activate the antivirus and launch FSX again.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2009, 07:06:32 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Shutters when approaching the airport
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2009, 08:06:53 pm »
1)i hve NO a/v or f/w installed on my gaming rig

2) i trid reoving and reinstallig both sceneries (removing them completely by deleting the fsdreateam folder ) AFTER removing completely megascenery LAS and that did work. i must note that i dont even have UTX.

what else can i do sir.
both the addon manager and the  "Couatl powered products" are visible under thea addon menu
« Last Edit: September 15, 2009, 08:17:17 pm by ypaul »


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Re: Shutters when approaching the airport
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2009, 08:46:25 pm »
2) i trid reoving and reinstallig both sceneries (removing them completely by deleting the fsdreateam folder ) AFTER removing completely megascenery LAS and that did work.

I'm not sure to understand correctly: with "that did work" you mean that, now that you removed Megascenery KLAS, it fixed the problem and you see the scenery correctly now ?

both the addon manager and the  "Couatl powered products" are visible under thea addon menu

This means the software needed by the scenery is working fine so, whatever the problem you have, is not caused by the scenery. If you follow all the threads about missing buildings, they only happens if the Addon Manager and/or the Couatl menus are missing.

If you see both menus, but not the scenery, then it must be something else external to the scenery.

Just be sure you have KLAS on top of the scenery library (which is where the installer puts it anyway), and you don't have other sceneries in conflict.


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Re: Shutters when approaching the airport
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2009, 09:25:59 pm »
i mean Didn't work.

Anyway i dont know whats wrong
maybe its stupid windows 7 playing tricks
ill revert back to windows xp

in any case, if i decide to install fs2004 and use the scenery... willl i lose an activation ? like my activation count will go from 5 to 4 ?


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Re: Shutters when approaching the airport
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2009, 09:37:18 pm »
maybe its stupid windows 7 playing tricks

It's difficult to be sure of this, considering that the final version hasn't be released yet, we only tested the scenery on the latest RC version, and it works, but we don't know if the final version introduced changes that might affect it.

in any case, if i decide to install fs2004 and use the scenery... willl i lose an activation ? like my activation count will go from 5 to 4 ?

No, if you just install FS2004 on your existing Windows installation. It will probably use another activation, if you reinstall a different Windows version from scratch. But don't worry with activations, we always grant additional activations, even in case you would use them all 6.