Author Topic: Cars driving over the aircraft bridges  (Read 4444 times)


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Cars driving over the aircraft bridges
« on: August 23, 2019, 09:57:48 am »
  Really a very nice airport that brings a good atmosphere in the SIM !! First of all many thanks for the great work.
They have already announced the fix for the mistakes, but I also have a fault, namely the road vehicles driving over the aircraft bridges.
That means they drive only on the road then before the bridge vertically upwards, then over the bridge, and then back down again.
Then they continue on the road. Is it possible to somehow correct this without deactivating the traffic?

Best Regards

Torsten Künne


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Re: Cars driving over the aircraft bridges
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2019, 03:54:20 pm »
I'm sorry, but I don't fully understand your post. Could you make a screenshot ?


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Re: Cars driving over the aircraft bridges
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2019, 06:14:58 pm »
Ok, I see what you mean.

Those cars are are not coming from our scenery. In fact, we haven't placed any road there, for the precise reason to prevent that problem, since default ground traffic cannot pass under bridges. So, they must coming from another scenery ( something with Vector data ) in conflict.

In theory, if KORD it's placed on a higher layer in the Scenery Library, it's supposed to exclude everything beneath it, but if layers have been set explicitly, either by another addon installer or by add-on.xml utility, the layering might not be default anymore, which means "the last installed scenery goes on top".


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Re: Cars driving over the aircraft bridges
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2019, 12:15:03 pm »
I had the same problem. The problem for me was being caused by Orbx, probably Global vectors. If you don't have any Orbx scenery installed, I don't know what's causing your problem.  The following is what I posted to another customer post.

Yep, I had the same problem, but checked the forum to see if other users had the same issue.  Over the past year I have purchased a lot of Orbx products and from my experience, when having problems with other add-on scenery, the first place to check is Orbx. I disabled all of my Orbx scenery and the traffic is no longer there, so the traffic is generated by one of my Orbx add-ons.  I have learned that Orbx don't like to play well with others and seem to be trying to take over the sim by spreading their scenery and texture all over.  At  this point, I don't know which Orbx scenery is causing this, but I think it's Global Vectors. Since Orbx is spread in many areas of the sim, I am considering doing a clean install of p3dv4.5 and just don't use Orbx products anymore.


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Re: Cars driving over the aircraft bridges
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2019, 07:18:14 pm »
 ORBX plays just fine with other add-ons, more common is that the user hasn't read the manual and set their insertion points.