Author Topic: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4  (Read 55818 times)


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #45 on: August 23, 2019, 09:59:44 pm »
Well somehow it finally works for me. I have no idea of what's changed, I've not changed anything to what I was doing yesterday and now it is okay.


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #46 on: August 23, 2019, 10:34:52 pm »
Oh dear...unnecessary complicated installation procedure along with poor and insufficient instructions - a mixture bound to go wrong!  And so it did!

The reality is, instead, an extremely easy installation, which is so easy, that doesn't really require any instruction. What's so complex just installing, starting the sim and looking at the working scenery ?

Or, do you really mean the ACTIVATION procedure ? Or, do you really mean the Activation of the old KORD in order to get a discount, the one we posted a week in advance on our forum and on Facebook and on our mailing list, to give users time to look for they old O'Hare orders and prepare for it ?


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #47 on: August 23, 2019, 11:21:54 pm »
And the biggest laugh of all is that "Umberto/Vitualli, or whoever runs this one man company has never in my experience accepted responsibility for any of the issues. He/she is much better at placing blame then programming quality software.

Exactly !!


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #48 on: August 23, 2019, 11:58:09 pm »
Exactly !!

Another one not reading the explanation, which states some undeniable historical facts of other bugs which were initially blamed on us, and were all fixed by LM with subsequent updates:,21740.msg147773.html#msg147773


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #49 on: August 25, 2019, 12:23:10 am »
Exactly !!

Another one not reading the explanation, which states some undeniable historical facts of other bugs which were initially blamed on us, and were all fixed by LM with subsequent updates:,21740.msg147773.html#msg147773

So my P3D v4.5/Hotfix  that works FLAWLESSLY with more than $3k in P3Dv4 ONLY addons is not qualified to run FSDT products? As I predicted, you attack the messenger and their PC for all the issues with your software. Explain to me how a GSX Level 2 bus can show up at my PMDG 737-700, sit for a few minutes, and not a soul ever walks onto or off of the plane?  Explain how when using GSX pushback that when I end pushback and the ground crew disengage that my aircraft (any aircraft) will often get locked into an infinite backwards roll. Only brakes can stop it, but not even giving Full throttle will move your aircraft forward? I am forced to quit P3D and start over and NOT use GSX pushback. AFAIC the only feature of GSX level 1/2 that works is the follow me car, marshalling, catering, and the fuel truck, though the latter is poorly done and sometimes the marshaller is hovering 50 feet above the tarmac in mid-air.

Of course this previously Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer who has build more than a hundred PC's has no clue how to build a PC according to you. My P3D PC is dedicated to P3D ONLY and has nothing else installed on it that is not P3D v4.x related.

You're a loser and a fraud!


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #50 on: August 25, 2019, 01:28:59 am »
THANK YOU SIR!!! Couldn't agree more. Glad someone is standing up to him. I just uninstalled the new KORD V2. Give me a break on the 4k texture BS. Its not even HD. Floating buildings he blames on LM and says there is nothing he could do. Then he releases an update all of a sudden that fixes it. Soooooo why did he release KORD like that in the first place if he could have fixed it before release?
« Last Edit: August 26, 2019, 02:09:38 pm by virtuali »


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #51 on: August 25, 2019, 02:01:44 pm »
How can i get rid of the 2nd jetway at gates cant seem to get rid of them via GSX v2

As usual, when you see double jetways or double anything, it means you have a conflicting scenery for the same airport. The most common cause of conflicts are those AFCAD supplied with AI traffic products, which are supposed to be used only if you use the default scenery, but must be removed if you have an addon.

You can use the free Simple Airport Scanner utility to search for duplicates AFCAD:

Or check the name of the AFCAD used by GSX in the parking customization page.

I also have this issue and I did  download the utility from the url, but it does not work see printscreen, where can I find the GSX in the parking customization page? and which files do I need to removed? thank you.
Win11 Pro 64 Bit, Intel® Core i9-10900K 5.3 GHz, Nvidia RTX 3090, DDR4 4000 128GB, P3D V5


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #52 on: August 26, 2019, 02:09:19 pm »
So my P3D v4.5/Hotfix  that works FLAWLESSLY with more than $3k in P3Dv4 ONLY addons is not qualified to run FSDT products?

Not if they were made by following 100% the standard SDK. As proven by our fix, we FIXED this bug by creating the terminal as a Simobject handled by our own software, since the bug in the sim affected only PBR sceneries made with BGL.

As I predicted, you attack the messenger and their PC for all the issues with your software.

I don't know what you are trying to say here, but the only one "attacked" here was me, when I tried to explain why this bug in the sim happens.

Explain to me how a GSX Level 2 bus can show up at my PMDG 737-700, sit for a few minutes, and not a soul ever walks onto or off of the plane?

I cannot explain it, because it doesn't happen. Since this is not obviously relevant here, why you don't do a proper report on the GSX forum and we'll see why is happening and if it's really a GSX bug ?

  Explain how when using GSX pushback that when I end pushback and the ground crew disengage that my aircraft (any aircraft) will often get locked into an infinite backwards roll.

I cannot explain it, because it's the first time ever somebody reported it. See about about reporting issues totally unrelated to KORD

fuel truck, though the latter is poorly done and sometimes the marshaller is hovering 50 feet above the tarmac in mid-air.

Again, make a proper description on GSX forum to indicate why you think something is done "poorly". And no, the marshaller never hovers back anywhere. As explained so many times on the forum, those are usually a result of scenery elevation conflicts, with the most common cause being OrbX Vector. Of course, GSX has a fix for that, the Airport Elevation field in the editor.

You're a loser and a fraud!

And you gained a ban from this forum. Congrats.


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #53 on: August 26, 2019, 04:01:45 pm »
the new KORD V2. Give me a break on the 4k texture BS. Its not even HD

I don't know what you are talking about. Most of the scenery textures are 2K, and the underlying background is 8K divided 4K textures arranged in a 2x2 format. This is not really open to debate, and everybody can see how good it looks like.

. Floating buildings he blames on LM and says there is nothing he could do. Then he releases an update all of a sudden that fixes it.

Are you trying to say we should't have released a fix which SIDESTEPS a bug in the sim, and forced you to wait for LM fix, just to prove the point we were right it was their bug to fix ? Do you even understand HOW the fix works ? I'll repeat it again, you won't probably want to listen, but one never lose hope...

- The bug in the sim can only affect sceneries made in PBR, using the .BGL format. Not all of them, of course and obviously not in all situations.

- The bug in the sim can be fixed by converting the object as a Simobject, which is how we always used to do all our sceneries before. Simobjects can cause a pause when their are loaded, that's why we wanted to use .BGL for the big part of the scenery for this one, so users could stop saying "FSDT sceneries stutters". If we made the scenery like KMEM, for example, nobody would have noticed this bug, ever.

- We converted the T5 object from .BGL to a Simobject, and sidestepped the bug, which is still there.

- The bug will be fixed by LM. When they'll release the fix, we'll update the T5 again back to the .BGL format, because the less Simobjects there are, the smoother the scenery loads, since .BGL files are pre-loaded before startup and loaded in the background, without causing a pause

Soooooo why did he release KORD like that in the first place if he could have fixed it before release?

For the obvious reason we couldn't replicate the bug in ANY way.

We could only replicate it on the detailed part of the T5, which was already released a Simobject in the initial release. We couldn't see anything wrong in the low-detail object, so we left it as a .BGL and after user reported problems with it, we just convert it to a Simobject, like the detailed part.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2019, 04:04:31 pm by virtuali »


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #54 on: August 27, 2019, 06:25:26 am »
I don't understand why but not once you have suggested anything to people having problems with discounts not applied, only replied once and said "it works for other so problem is you"...


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #55 on: August 28, 2019, 11:00:54 am »
I don't understand why but not once you have suggested anything to people having problems with discounts not applied, only replied once and said "it works for other so problem is you"...

Because it's true, of course, since the Coupon works, and we can see it, since we obviously have daily sales stats that tell us how many people are using the Coupon (which is the vast majority).

A few people that contacted us by email, which of course is the only place to discuss things related to orders (since we might have to discuss personal details), have been explained of their mistake.

There wast just a single case in which the coupon really didn't work for some reason, and for this single case, we create a special order manually, so the user got his discount anyway, because he understood these issues cannot be discussed in public and contacted us by email, which of course has been explained so many times on the forum, and it's indicated in all our manuals too.


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #56 on: August 31, 2019, 04:37:08 pm »
Its not only KORD that does this guys. I think hes right that it has to be something from LM side.

But: LatinVFR had these kind problems with PBR too, as well as Aerosofts EHBK and also SImwings GCLP, where objects spiked out of ground and others floating in air. LatinVFR also seem to have found the issue and could fix it.

See the last changelog

Change log:
1- Ground polygons sinking with PBR materials.
2- Spikes on the airport after arriving from a flight, with PBR materials which happened to some
systems. Now it won’t occur on ALL systems.

I sent them these pics and made a lot of test for them, it took a while but at one point they could fix it .
« Last Edit: September 02, 2019, 12:03:42 pm by virtuali »


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #57 on: September 02, 2019, 12:05:00 pm »
Its not only KORD that does this guys. I think hes right that it has to be something from LM side.

But: LatinVFR had these kind problems with PBR too, as well as Aerosofts EHBK and also SImwings GCLP, where objects spiked out of ground and others floating in air. LatinVFR also seem to have found the issue and could fix it.

We temporarily fixed it too, 2 days after release. And yes, it will be fixed by LM, but in the meantime our fix works.


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #58 on: September 03, 2019, 09:21:15 pm »
I don't understand why but not once you have suggested anything to people having problems with discounts not applied, only replied once and said "it works for other so problem is you"...

The procedure to apply the discount requires a very strict adherence. I did initially have a problem but I went back and reread it and reapplied and it worked. The only thing I found challenging was digging up the original FSDT V1 activation email etc. because it was purchased from another website.



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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #59 on: September 08, 2019, 08:09:50 pm »
Sorry, newbe, where do I find addon manager?