Author Topic: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4  (Read 56287 times)


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #30 on: August 22, 2019, 07:21:47 pm »
Seems i have GSX and SODE jetways and the SODE jetways dont connect to terminal


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #31 on: August 22, 2019, 07:38:13 pm »
after installation kordv2 not gate a showing via sode ??????
p3dv4.5??? i have gsx level 2 full i paid for it ???


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #32 on: August 22, 2019, 09:55:34 pm »
I already have DD's, what is better with this version over his?  His is working fine with GSX V2

Just look at it, the difference it's obvious. It's a scenery that works in FSX too and looks like an FSX scenery, against a scenery that was made right from the start for P3D4 only, in full PBR quality.


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #33 on: August 22, 2019, 11:38:53 pm »
discount doesnt seem to apply. its 34$ still if I go to the store page from the site and 34$ if I go from addon manager. yes 2011 is activated in addon manager


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #34 on: August 22, 2019, 11:56:44 pm »
discount doesnt seem to apply. its 34$ still if I go to the store page from the site and 34$ if I go from addon manager. yes 2011 is activated in addon manager

Sorry, but I can only repeat and confirm that, if the previous O'Hare version reads "Active" in the Addon Manager, and you press the "Buy on Web" button in the Addon Manager, a message should first say a discount will be applied, and a web page will open with the discount applied. Lots of people are buying with the discount, so you can be sure it's working.


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #35 on: August 23, 2019, 12:25:33 am »
discount doesnt seem to apply. its 34$ still if I go to the store page from the site and 34$ if I go from addon manager. yes 2011 is activated in addon manager

Sorry, but I can only repeat and confirm that, if the previous O'Hare version reads "Active" in the Addon Manager, and you press the "Buy on Web" button in the Addon Manager, a message should first say a discount will be applied, and a web page will open with the discount applied. Lots of people are buying with the discount, so you can be sure it's working.

the scenery is active. I select buy on web in addon manager for v2 and get no such notification. just takes me to the MC page with no discount applied. all I can do is repeat and confirm that I am not getting a promised discount and a simple message saying others are doing it so its fine doesnt actually help me fix the problem and get the discount promised to me. there should be a code I can enter manually for when the automated discount doesnt work like now


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #36 on: August 23, 2019, 01:44:16 am »
My KORD is installed and active but the "Buy on Web" is grayed out and it says the scenery is not installed in the scenery library. It of course is installed using the XML method. Any help for me? Wan't to buy this tonight if possible.


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #37 on: August 23, 2019, 02:16:01 am »
My KORD is installed and active but the "Buy on Web" is grayed out

With "my KORD" you mean the old version ? if yes, it's normal you won't see the "Buy on the Web", it surely won't let you buy it again, when it's already active. The "Buy on the Web" you need to click, is the one for the NEW KORD V2, and *that* one will activate a discount, if your old KORD is Active, which you said it is.


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #38 on: August 23, 2019, 08:55:30 am »
So KORD V1 never worked. I was sold on GSX because SODE gateways were supposed to be a feature when  used at KORD. Using GSX SODE at KORD broke all the gates so that AI aircraft had no gates. I've been waiting for the fix and now you offer only a 21% discount to upgrade a broken airport that never worked as advertised?

GSX level 2 is useless. KORD V1 is useless, as are three other FSDT airports I have are not functioning properly as yet. I have after too many good faith payments learned my lesson to NEVER give FSDT another penny. I'm sure if I were stupid enough to buy KORD V2 I would feel even more the fool. I already felt really stupid when I bought GSX Level 2 thinking it would fix the utterly useless GSX Level 1, which I only saw work twice during two months of trying.  See my many previous posts on these issues.

I will not PAY to fix KORD. Nor do I intend to ever again spend my $$$ on FSDT products.

As the old saying goes, fool me once - shame on you, fool me twice - shame on me. I will not shoot for three.

P.S. Oh I am sure there will be some non-factual response to this post blaming me the user or my dedicated P3D PC for the issues. Well if high level IBM computer engineer with a 40-year career under his belt with knowledge of PC's that could shame most 'experts', and is also a flight simmer since 1983 can't get your crap to work then I'd bet good money the issues run deep in the products.

A warning to future potential FSDT customers -- You've been warned. All products here are highly overstated as to what they are and some are just bold-faced lies. For instance, no one here will tell you up front that while you "might" be able to replace a jetway with a SODE Jetway (even in FSDT products) that you have to do this for ALL jetways individually. Then if you do the jetways will no longer function with any AI aircraft. Combine this with the fact there is no way to instruct ATC to park you at a gate that has been modified for GSX functionality and you have utter uselessness. Then consider that MOST of the other GSX "features" work sporadically at best and completely screw your flight before you get off the ground at worst, and you then have a good picture of what you are buying.

And the biggest laugh of all is that "Umberto/Vitualli, or whoever runs this one man company has never in my experience accepted responsibility for any of the issues. He/she is much better at placing blame then programming quality software. And BTW don't bother running the FSDT updater. it will run for a LONG time replacing every god damn thing you already have and still not fix any issues. U/V does not even bother to determine what versions of his products you already have and just downloads and replaces everything every time you run it.  This is laziness of the highest level. Compare this to the brilliance of Flightbeam, LatinVFR, Drzewiecki Design, or ORBX, where for the same money you get professionally designed everything that works. GO spend your money there.

I actually gave up months ago on FSDT and accepted I was a complete fool for spending all the $$$ I did here. I'd not used the products for a long time. The only reason I came here today was to scoff at the pitiful 21% discount offered to those of us that suffered through this shit. At first I read the discount as only costing 21% of the full price and I still thought it was too much for those of us that recently got KORD, but I was curious enough to come and see. Of course one of the first posts I see is clarification that the upgrade discount is THE worst upgrade discount I've ever seen in my 27 years of flight simming.

I did not want an upgrade to KORD. I just wanted it to work as advertised. You know . . . FIXED!
« Last Edit: August 23, 2019, 08:58:28 am by ArJuna »


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #39 on: August 23, 2019, 09:22:07 am »
I'm in the exact same situation. Old KORD is activated and actually even installed. I also tried deactivating/activating it just in case. Ran the FSDT Live Update several time...
When I click the purchase button I never get the discout message or the discount itself. Screenshots attached
« Last Edit: August 23, 2019, 02:47:09 pm by virtuali »


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #40 on: August 23, 2019, 09:28:39 am »
I did not want an upgrade to KORD. I just wanted it to work as advertised. You know . . . FIXED!

Lighten Up Francis!!!

« Last Edit: August 23, 2019, 02:47:22 pm by virtuali »


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #41 on: August 23, 2019, 11:49:58 am »
I did not want an upgrade to KORD. I just wanted it to work as advertised. You know . . . FIXED!

Not sure what is going on with you...they all work here.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2019, 02:47:58 pm by virtuali »


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #42 on: August 23, 2019, 02:55:01 pm »
Not sure what is going on with you...they all work here.

Of COURSE they all work, and everybody knows that. That post from ArJuna is so wrong, on each and every single sentence, that I wouldn't even know how to begin to reply to is. With so much factually wrong information spread around, I would simply have to spend too much time, since there isn't a SINGLE sentence that doesn't contain wrong facts.

But of course, since this is FSDT, and we have a Trial, doing such unfunded allegations is already embarrassing on itself for the OP because, of course, everybody, even those that haven't bought anything yet, can easily see how wrong they are.

So much for the "warning". That's the beauty of the Trial: thanks to it:

- Users that don't know how to maintain their system and have it messed up, can save their money, don't buy our products, and be happy in their own fantasy they "don't work"

- All other users, which fortunately are the vast majority ( we wouldn't be around for so many years, selling "NOT WORKING" products WITH A TRIAL...), can happily see how good all our products works, with no need for such useless "warnings".

So, he said he doesn't want to buy anything else from FSDT ? That's ok, that's why we have a Trial for.


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #43 on: August 23, 2019, 07:09:12 pm »
So is there anything to do when the old scenery is activated and that the discount is not applied when pressing the buy on the web button in the Addon Manager ?


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Re: FSDT releases Chicago O'Hare V2 for P3D4
« Reply #44 on: August 23, 2019, 09:16:35 pm »
Oh dear...unnecessary complicated installation procedure along with poor and insufficient instructions - a mixture bound to go wrong!
And so it did!
« Last Edit: August 23, 2019, 09:18:11 pm by Morten »