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I just purchased KJFK and KDFW.  I certainly appreciate the Christmas gift; however, I have one question.  Since I paid in UDS will the present EURO to UDS conversion rate be used in final cost.  At the indicated $33usd used the exchange rate is 1.44.  That rate is much higher than the presnt exchange rate which is about 1.32. Will the final cost be adjusted accordingly? This would make it more compelling to purchase more.


The currency conversion issue has been explained several times on the forum.

First, it should noted that when you purchase something originally priced in a different currency, nobody applies the official Interbank rates, there's always a difference. This, unless you can pay in EUR directly.

On top of that, although we base the price in EUR, because we are located in Europe, we sell through Esellerate, which is a US company. This means several things:

- Regardless of the currency the customer use to pay (even if he pays in EUR), we'll be payed by Esellerate in US$. This exchange rate is, no wonder, worse than the official Interbank rate.

-  When we receive a payment in US$, our own banks are exchanging *again* from US$ to EUR and the exchange rate is, no wonder, worse than the official Interbank rate.

- On top of not applying the exact Interbank rates, our banks also apply handling fees just to handle a payment in a different currency.

Because of all these costs put together, we have to add a corrective factor to the official exchange of about 7-8%, to cover all the multiple currency exchanges.

We just can't changing prices up/down to follow the currency market, over time, we adjust them if larger oscillations happens. In 2009, when the EUR reached 1.51 US$, products like JFK used to be 36$, but we lowered the price at 33$ when the EUR was in the 1.3x range.

You just have to accept the fact (that we in Europe are very accustomed to) products are simply priced differently in Europe and the US, for the very reason there are additional costs involved in selling things in different countries/currencies.

For example, an iPad (just to mention a very popular US product which is sold here as well) starts at 499$ without taxes. The price in Europe before taxes is 416 EUR, which is 554 US$ at the today rate. That's a 10% difference, which is higher than the 7-8% we put up here, with the difference Apple is surely treated much better then we'll ever be in banks fees.

Sorry I didn't see the explanation before.  Thank you for the detailed information.  Still an excellent deal especially when you get both FS9 and FSX.

Merry Christmas


--- Quote from: virtuali on November 24, 2010, 12:51:24 pm ---
--- Quote from: Mike... on November 24, 2010, 12:45:07 pm ---Is there any reason why you haven't enabled cross-sell for a combination of EU and US airports?
--- End quote ---

None, other than we simply decided to offer it like this, and most of users interested in Europe don't buy US airports (and vice-versa) anyway.
--- End quote ---

I wanted to take a moment and thank you for the change in allowing the customer to be more free in his cross-sell choices. It is most appreciated.

This would hurt the ones who buy all FSDT products on day 1 (the regulars).  Since this group picks one at a time (at time of release)


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