I didn't see anything about this is the QW forums but to be fair, this was working fine with GSX L2 prior to the latest upgrade so clearly nothing changed on the QW side...
Nobody has said, of course, it's a "problem" on QW side. Of course the update results in this, with SOME 3rd party airplanes *only*, because the update has introduced a NEW feature, which is the pushback truck actually RAISING the airplane.
This of course works flawlessly with a default airplane but, some 3rd party airplanes might have non-standard simulations going on, like custom ground handling, which must be turned off when an external force is controlling the airplane. THIS is what airplane developers are supposed to do, if they want to be compatible with new features in GSX which works 100% with a default aircraft.
This, assuming the problem is caused by a custom ground handling simulation, which I think it's the case for FS Labs or PMDG, which "fights" against the GSX pushback, not sure about the QW787 but, as I've said, I'll ask.