Author Topic: Bought KJFKv2 and KLAX for FSX (and fs9) now my FS9 LSZH and EHAM are gone!  (Read 117890 times)


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I went and bought KJFK v2 for FSX (special coupon price 70%off) and KLAX for FSX and FS9 today. All of a sudden AES (fs9) says Amsterdam is not installed or active, so I go and re-install it (my reg key is intact), then I go to the airport and it's all messed up. Sop I get rid of it and re-install again. The I start up fs9 to see LSZH is all messed up too! I can't get either of these to wqork in fs9 now after 3 attempts to re-install. I don't know what an FSX installation could do to mess up my FS9??? It's weird and I cannot seem to fix it now,. Both LSZH and EHAM are gone...

I checked to see these are activated in the ADDON manager and they are but there is zero scenery in both LSZH and EHAM. I will post this in the Amsterdam section as well and hope I get an answer soon. Both these airports were perfect before I installed JFK v2 in GSX and LAX in fs9 and FSX. I haven't checked al my other cloud 9 and FSDT airports in FS9 I hope they are all oki! I have them all installed. The only thing I might think is the addon manager is corrupt??

Please help!

« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 02:27:41 pm by phantomflyer »


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I already replied to you in the EHAM support section.,10018.0.html

Please don't post identical messages on the same issue, it won't speed up support in any way. In fact, you will only slow down, to reply to this message, in order not to give you the impression that a post would go unanswered.