Author Topic: GSX is not working after update  (Read 29645 times)


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Re: GSX is not working after update
« Reply #75 on: July 08, 2019, 09:40:17 am »
How can my comment be REDUNDANT why cant you say I DONT KNOW.......EVERYTHING WORKED . Then UPDATE.......NOT WORKING. So is this your way of saying cannot help or do not know. Too busy counting your money huh?
Why dont you roll back the changes prior to the update when FSX-SE worked and tell everyone the new addons dont work in FSX-SE instead of a long drawn out answer that meant nothing. When you make something it has to work especially when you UPDATE it. So perhaps you can swallow your pride and roll it back to when it did work send it out as a fix and we can get busy flying.People will understand that only certain things will work in FSX-SE. Telling us you could have spent time making money proves nothing...YOU made a change it affected a lot of people who were happy flying.......then fixing again....not flying.

Also did you explain that those using Flyinside may have issues with VR and to contact Flyinside. Perhaps working with them to get things going smoothly so all can enjoy flying and using your program.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2019, 11:58:37 am by Rockbuster »


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Re: GSX is not working after update
« Reply #76 on: July 09, 2019, 07:34:34 pm »
The problem doesn't have anything to do with the update. It's caused by the lines of the objects required by GSX not being added in the FSX.CFG. Of course, the GSX Update DOES normally add the required lines, under normal conditions.

If it hasn't on your system, it's usually caused by a problem of your FSX.CFG being the wrong one, usually because of a problem in your registry keys so, the GSX Update is tricked into updating the wrong FSX.CFG file, because your registry keys are wrong.

Do you have FSX:SE ? If yes, do you have the regular FSX installed too ? If no, do you have this folder ?


If yes, it means your registry keys ARE wrong, because that file is not supposed to exists on a clean FSX:SE installation with no regular FSX installed at the same time. This is usually caused by having installed FSX:SE when the original FSX was still installed, and having removed FSX without reinstalling FSX:SE

However, the current version of the FSDT Live Update has been updated to deal with this mistake in your configuration so, it will update both FSX.CFG files, even if they shouldn't be there.

Another possible reason for the lines not being added to your FSX.CFG file, is that it was ALREADY corrupted, so the GSX update didn't touched it.

Another possible reason for this problem, is that you used a 3rd party utility to restore the FSX.CFG to a previous state, one without the lines containing the paths to find the GSX Simobjects, or you reset the FSX.CFG manually.

If the FSX.CFG is reset for any reason, you must run the FSDT Live Update again, so the missing Simobject lines will be placed back.


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Re: GSX is not working after update
« Reply #77 on: July 10, 2019, 10:18:59 am »
Thanks Umberto I am grateful for your trying to help .

So Here is what is happening now ... If I run FSX-SE on the Screen EVERYTHING WORKS NOW.

If I go through Flyinside I get an error. and NOT WORKING........Last week all worked fine.

OKOK so moving on I have deleted FSX-SE Flyinside CFG and FSX Flyinside CFG and generated new ones ...Not Working

I fixed this problem before by installing your update then Uninstalling Flyinside then Reinstalling Flyinside....Now that wont work.

If it is in the registry as a FSX original problem how do I get rid of this , I do not want to Re Install Windows 10.

Also Yes I apologise and THANK YOU for your efforts in replied and helping me. I just want to fly and have this lovely program working.

I have P3Dv4 all works fine in VR as well using Flyinside.

My folder
« Last Edit: July 10, 2019, 10:36:52 am by Rockbuster »


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Re: GSX is not working after update
« Reply #78 on: July 11, 2019, 12:41:55 am »
If I go through Flyinside I get an error. and NOT WORKING........Last week all worked fine.

That's a KNOWN problem of Flyinside!

I don't recall exactly how it works, but this has been discussed so many times on the forum and it's caused by the fact FlyInside uses its own configuration, so you must be sure even THAT one contains the Simobjectpaths required by GSX. The same is valid for other products that needs new SimobjectPaths lines, like AI products, etc.

The issue is, you haven't replied to any of my question, for example this one:

Do you have FSX:SE ? If yes, do you have the regular FSX installed too ? If no, do you have this folder ?


Yes, you said you have %appdata%\Local\Microsoft\FSX ( which is ALSO wrong, if you typed it correctly, it's supposed to be %appdata%\Microsoft\FSX ), but do you ALSO have the %appdata%\Microsoft\FSX-SE too ?

This would indicate if you have a problem in the registry too, which is possibly confusing FlyInside too.


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Re: GSX is not working after update
« Reply #79 on: July 11, 2019, 10:00:32 am »
Hi ......Yes I am running FSX-SE
           No I dont have %appdata%\Microsoft\FSX-SE\FSX_SE.CFG ....Mine is User %appdata%\Local\Microsoft\FSX and again User %appdata%\Roamingl\Microsoft\FSX
If I go %appdata%Local,Low ,Roaming these are the only folders no Microsoft

At some stage a long time ago I had FSX on this current Windows 10 But totally Unistalled it step by step and deleted registry of FSX entries.


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Re: GSX is not working after update
« Reply #80 on: July 11, 2019, 03:35:37 pm »
Ok, so your only problem is caused by Flyinside, which is using a configuration that is missing the SimobjectsPaths added by our installer so, you must be sure even the configuration used by Flyinside contains them.