FSDreamTeam Zurich
Gate E42
After updating GSX Level 2 to 2.6 when I try to replace Jetways at FSDreamTeam Zurich Couatl crashes and I get the following error message:
problem raised by addon <unknown>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\GSX\", line 1790, in recreateObjects
AttributeError: 'Jetway' object has no attribute 'jetwayNumber'
{'Airport': 'LSZH', 'User Pos': (47.461815382019005, 8.554879171754555, 433.407 m, 1.81145 m, 185.58953486011518)}
I haven't tested at other airports yet but I cannot replace jetways as LSZH due to this error. I am prompted to restart Couatl but it does not restart unless I restart the sim.
Any ideas? Thanks for the help.