Author Topic: FAQ concerning enhancements and requests of GSX  (Read 3283 times)


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FAQ concerning enhancements and requests of GSX
« on: February 27, 2019, 03:23:01 pm »
Hi All
While searching for a topic on the forum, i was quite surprised how many identical questions there are, sometimes the answer to a question is not even 1 or 2 topics away. So decided to try to bundle some of the most asked questions and summarise them in one topic.
@Umberto: If i quotet you wrong or misunterdstood some of the answers, feel free to correct them!

After the HUGE update from June 30, i updated the topic, to show what has been implemented already and what will come still. So be sure to check back from time to time for that.

LAST UPDATE: 30.06.2019: Overhaul of the whole topic to mimic the new 2.6 Release changes (work in progress).

So lets start
concerning jetways
automatic open of airplane doors
Answer: This will not happen, because it could affect the logic of 3rd party planes,11172.msg86182.html#msg86182
Rumor has it that it could be the other way around, so you could call GSX from inside the Airbus professional soon:,20963.0.html
FSLabs, Leonardo and others could follow...

wich jetways will be replaced automatically?
Answer: It is mentioned several times, also in the manual. Only the basic jetways will be replaced automatically. You CAN Exclude SODE Jetways with Basic Animations, but you have to do that for yourself, according to the manual.
Here are some interesting Background informations about SODE Jetways:,17974.0.html

SODE jetways for AI traffic?
Answer: Due to the HUGE impact on FPS, it was decided not (yet) to implement automated SODE jetways for AI traffic. You can still go back to the standard jetways when you really want to see docked AI planes.,18016.0.html,18571.0.html
By the way: On february 5th 2019 it was confirmed that docking for AI will come, but needs a SODE update. Not sure when that will happen:,20338.0.html

jetways without stairs / new jetways / smooth jetways?
Answer:: There will be new jetway models in the future for sure. Upcoming Update will focus on PBR for every existing model first.,20895.0.html

can i alter the hight of the jetway?
Answer: Jetways can not be altered in hight, because it would lead to floating / sinking wheels while animating or to glitches when they are switched from static to SODE for animation purposes. But there are lots of different jetways already modelled and they have different heigths. There are also bridges that can connect high and low jetways to terminals.,18728.msg130248.html#msg130248

can i add new logos to jetways? - DONE
Answer: With the new update, you can add custom Logos to jetways, people and cars, by simply adding your file as JPG or PNG and GSX will convert it to the correct file format. This will work with Prepar 4.4 upward. Read Page 33 - 35 of the new 2.6 Manual.,21077.0.html

For the older Versions of Prepar and FSX, there is no timetable about updating the Paintkit or adding new logos. (at least not yet).,20691.0.html

can i use one jetway for two parkings?
Answer: It's not possible yet. but it is planned for a further update.,20250.0.html

can i call a stair without having passengers boarding (for parked planes for example)?
Answer: It's not possible yet. but it's noted so it is very possible to have it in a future update.,20576.0.html

can I remove the jetways just on one single airport?
Answer: It's not possible. Either you restore all default jetways or replace them everywhere.,20324.0.html

concerning passeners
can Passengers walk to the plane on gates without a jetway?
Answer: It's been answered a lot of times and it’s confirmed, that the option will be implemented, but needs a propper setup with it's own animation path. A GUI to enter that hast to be developed and will probabely use the same logic as the new Towing system thats in development at the moment.,18853.0.html

can I have multiple busses bringing passengers at the same time?
Answer: Due to the FPS of the SIM, it has been decided that only one bus will do several trips,17957.0.html
but: in a newer Post, Umberto said they could think about multiple busses at the same time:,20889.0.html

Will there be bigger busses for bigger planes, so it does not take so many travels?
Answer: Sound's like a great idea, they have noted that.,20975.0.html

Animations look strange? - DONE
Answer: The Reason why they may look a bit strange is explained here:,17993.0.html
With the new PBR update, the Animation has got a lot better. That is because the people can now use up to 64 bones instead of the 22 before.
There are also more people for more variation:,21077.0.html

Can we have separate crew debording or no crew debording at all? - DONE
Answer: It will be implemented in an Update. You can then choose if you like to board the Crew or not. It will not be in the upcoming big update, but probabely in a smaller one coming in faster cycles again afther the big update has been done.
Update: With the PBR Update (2.6) Virtualy has implemented new variables, but only airplane dev's can implement them at the time. It ist possible, that in a later release it will be implemented so you can select in the Aircraft File if you want the crew to deboard or not and how many crew you have in an airplane:,21019.0.html

Will there be smaller crews for smaller airplanes like the saab 340?
Answer: They will think of it for a further update. Nothing has been decided or commented so far.,18548.0.html
Update:: See Post above: If the developer implements it, it will be possible to tell GSX how many pilots and crew a plane has. (but only for planes with tight GSX implementation at the moment). You can even tell GSX, if the Crew or Pilots or both should stay on board during the change! (also only over the developers variables at the moment).

How many passengers are boarding and how can I change that? - DONE
Answer: It's been answered a lot of times: GSX Will Calculate Debording by estimating the passengers on board. You can manually change it. If you use Planes like Aerosoft Airbus, you have to wait until their loading has been completed before you start loading or you have to enter the number of passengers for yourself in order to work properly,19325.0.html

Will there be Passenger loading ramps?
Answer: "We took notice of it",20310.0.html
Remark: It’s not been confirmed yet that they will be built or when.

It takes too long for the passengers to bord / they bord too fast? - DONE
Answer: It's explained on the forum and also on the Manual: Since passengers are now no longer simulated, but will appear as actual animated characters, the original timings in seconds/passenger will not be meaningful anymore: the time required to board passengers will be a combination of their walking speed and their density. Each passenger has its own walking speed, which depends by its animation and walking style, but it’s possible to control the Passenger Density, which will affect the number of animated passengers visible on screen at any given time. Setting the slider towards the highest density settings will shorten boarding and deboarding times, but with some cost in performances.,19189.msg133222.html#msg133222
If you selected the Sparse Option GSX will send the people out in very long pauses. SPARSE is meant in the way: Don't send too many at one time because it will slow down my system too much. What you try to do is to send them in faster: That would be DENSE, so the queue of people is dense. (I'ts not that you send more or less people, but how fast GSX will send them out).

concerning Towing
Can the tow trucks pull an airplane to a new parking position?
Answer: This will come with the complete overhaul of the Towing Logic / Creating individual pushback path. It's mentioned in many topics and the huges change so far. It's what is developed at the moment and will come somewhere in 2019. (Latest statment: The new Pushback System will be the next update after the upcoming PBR Update).

Can I create my own pushback path? - DONE
Answer: You can do it already, it’s described in the manual. There will be a more sofisticated way that is under development at the time.
With the Update to 2.6 (PBR update) you can even make new Pushback path by setting reference points visualy. You don't have to put them on AFCAD related path anymore. So you have the complete control over the pushbacks on the airports. (See Page 36 and 47 - 50 in the new 2.6 Manual),21077.0.html

What about Tail draggers?
Answer: most likely they come with the new pusback system too.,18981.0.html

concerning Loaders / Fueltrucks
Can the loaders stay at the plane between unloading and loading?
Answer: GSX vehicles don't have any mean to check collision/avoidance with each other or other vehicles because, doing this, would cause a whole new class of traffic deadlocks problems in the limited parking spot area. So, in order not minimize the change for the vehicles to clash into each other, we use timings and positions.
The loaders loading the cargo ar not the same ones unlaoding. They leave to be out of the way for the tanker to arrive.,12777.0.html

Can I select to type of fueltruck to arrive?
Answer: The Truck will be selected depending on the Size of the Plane and the height of the Fuel Point. Truck will be chosen accordingly. For the moment, a Hydrant Fueltruck with animated personel for example will only arrive with planes with wings higher than 3.4 meters. You can enter the Fuel Quantity yourself with the Option "7"

Will there be a larger fueltruck with a hydrant for smaller planes, like the md83?
Answer: Mabe. At the moment, the height of the wing will determine the truck size:,21093.0.html. The fuel truck for smaller planes has no animated personel yet.

Why does the guy loading the baggage look so bad, compared to the other new People in PBR update?
Answer: It has not been updated yet, because it's very hard to update he's animations. It will be updated in a later release.,21077.15.html

Can I set the Fuelhydrant position?
Answer: You can not yet choose when it will arrive or where it will stay. It depends on the Size of the plane and the kind of parking. But Virtualy said, that probabely you can choose things like underground tank's in a later update as well...,21078.0.html

Can i tell GSX what Provider it should use for the fuel truck? Like setting a caterer for a specific stand?
Answer: Not yet. Umberto write's that it has been noted. So it could be in a future update, but nothing is confirmed or done so far.

The fueltruck is in the wrong position!
Answer: The current fuel position is the correct one, and has been chosen so the fuel truck won't conflict with baggage loaders, now that you CAN refuel and board at the same time. Fuel Truck will be switched with the hydrant, coming soon. then the truck will only be used in on the open field, not on jetway parkings.,20366.msg139605.html#msg139605

concerning Services
Can I call multiple operations at the same time?
Answer: It's confirmed that it's planned to allow multiple operations in future upgrades. Yet it's difficult becaus it coulod cose conflicts between the different Vehicles.,18161.msg128163.html#msg128163

I don’t see the lavatory trucks / waterservice but i can set parking positions fort hem?
Answer: Possible they come later. "And there's a reason why we added such positions" You can already define the parking positions for those. But as there are more important things to develop at the moment, they may take some time to arrive. But they will arrive someday.,18161.msg128163.html#msg128163

Can I stay overnight at an airport?
Answer: Umberto told that he noted the request, no News on it's implemention so far.,16729.0.html

Can I change the caterer for a specific airline? - DONE
Answer: It is possible to select the caterer and the handlers for each Position. You can select from already implemented ones or add custom logos to them. See Page 33 - 35 of the Manual. It's for Prepar 4.4 only.,21077.0.html

concerning De-Icing
Can I do the de-icing out of the gate??
Answer: It will be changed, so you can define a De-Icing spot in the Scenery cutsomization page that will be safed in the „.ini“ file for that airport.,18077.0.html

De-Icing Direction is wrong?
Answer: Was Chosen to minimize the chance of conflict with other vehicles especially on 3rd party Airports. Mabe it could be changed, but nothing confirmed so far.

De-Icing takes place in too hot temperatures? - DONE
The system has been changed to take into account Simmconnect metar and temp variables, so it should be preventing false icing conditions.

concerning Customisation
Will there be a docking system on poles?
Answer: Would have to be modeled.,20127.0.html

How can I use Safedock?
Answer: You have to put a GSX Safedock into the position via the customize parking dialog.,20437.0.html

Remote control of GSX: can I call any service?
Answer: No, it's not possible to control GSX remotely. We might add something like this in the future, but we have so many things to add first, that we don't know when we'll find the time to finally do this interface.,20244.0.html
Remark: As I understud, it would be possible to remotecontrol the Userinterface over Simconnect to achieve something like that. You could write a macro. but you would see it on the display (popping up of the Menu).

Remote control of GSX: Using GSX Menu over a network and call from another computer?
Answer: Not yet possible. May come sometime, but has no primary focus at the moment,17223.0.html

Can I Warp from one Parking to another, without having to bring the plane out of a parking?
Answer: Not yet possible. But it has been discussed and could be a possible enhancement.,20890.0.html

Will it be possible to select different Sound Cards for different Sounds?
Answer: It has been discussed serveral time. They will look into it, but nothing is decided yet. there is also no timeplan or confirmation if this feature will make it into GSX.,20934.0.html

Will there be a new Paintkit?
Answer: There will be a new Paintkit. It's made aveailable when all the new developments are done. At the moment a lot of models are recreated, so the paintkit will then represent all the new models.,20371.0.html
Remark: As Umberto stated:  Exactly as you later suggested, we are trying to remake the whole PaintKit concept, by taking advantage of DirectX rendering, which would make creating custom logos so much easier, since it won't require much editing. However, it will work on P3D4 only, so we must find some way to leave the old system in place for backward compatibility with FSX.

The Paintkit will be obsolete for Users of Prepar 4.4 and newer, because the new updated GSX will use the "Shader to texture" feature on their PBR models. Textures can be added on the model very easy that way.,20691.0.html

Will there be new models and do they feature PBR?
Answer: The are all there now with the new PBR update (2.6)
Remark: It also sounds like there will be new kind of carcocontainers like for animals, cars…,20323.msg139299.html#msg139299

where can i get configuration files
Answer: There are lots of Config files in the Subforums, as for Planes or Airports. Here are 3 Sites i can recommend as addition:  AVSIM, …, …. they have lots of GSX Configurations already prepared. Also look at the Airport designers pages, lots have started to provide SODE Jetways as additional downloads.

Hope this helps keeping the forums cleaner and preventing hunderts of similar topics...
Cheers Beat LSZH
« Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 05:10:37 pm by Beat578 »


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Re: FAQ concerning enhancements of GSX
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2019, 07:28:58 am »
Hi all. I updated the page with some new / additional informations that have been communicated since the topic was written.


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Re: FAQ concerning enhancements and requests of GSX
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2019, 05:06:49 pm »
Because so many things have changed with the new PBR (2.6) Update, I allow myself to bump this topic to the top again. Becasue I am sure the questions and new requests will start to come in soon again...