Author Topic: bglmanx.dll file causing an error in FSX  (Read 11110 times)

Greg Goodavish

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bglmanx.dll file causing an error in FSX
« on: August 14, 2009, 07:37:51 pm »
I just loaded FSX on my computer.  I also loaded KORD, KJFK, KLAS, LSGG and LSZH from FSDT.  When I start up FSX, this error message pops up:

Flight Simulator has detected a problem with a third-party software program (add-on):

Name: bglmanx Dynamic Link Library

If I click on Yes, then FSX crashes to Desktop.  If I click on No, then FSX starts, but the Addon manager isn't showing up in Addons menu.  I tried deleting all of the bglmanx.** files from the FSX root folder, and then redownloading KORD from your website and reinstalling, to see if those files were corrupted.  The same problem occurs.  It seems the bglmanx.dll file is either corrupted or FSX won't accept it.  What can I do to get this to work?
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 08:01:41 pm by virtuali »


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Re: bglmanx.dll file causing an error in FSX
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2009, 08:01:18 pm »
This has been explained many times already: it's a known FSX bug that, the first time a module is trusted, it might cause FSX to crash or give that warning. Doesn't happen on all system, but it's something that can happen with every module that has just been trusted.

The solution is exactly the opposite of what FSX suggest:

- You have to authorize the module to run, even if it crashes.

- Try to run FSX again and, if still crashes, don't do anything, don't uninstall but, reboot Windows and try again. It will usually fix itself after a reboot.

You might also want to check your antivirus, because it might have mistakenly blocked the module. If this is the case, the best way is to:

1) Install with the antivirus entirely disabled

2) Configure the antivirus to ignore the FSX\bglmanx.dll file from scanning before launching FSX

« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 08:04:21 pm by virtuali »

Greg Goodavish

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Re: bglmanx.dll file causing an error in FSX
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2009, 09:51:39 pm »
OK, I tried everything above.  Still got the same error, and when clicking on "yes", CTD.  I rebooted and did this several times, all with same result and CTD.  I then deleted the FSDT KORD scenery with the uninstall option, made sure all of the bglmanx.dll and .dat files were out of the FSX root folder, made sure the FSDT folder was deleted, and deleted the two entries in the FSX.cfg file.  The funny thing is, when I deleted the scenery, it asked if I wanted to delete the addon manager and the couatl.exe files, and I said yes, and it said it could not locate the files, even though I could see them in the FSX folders.  Anyway, I reinstalled with the latest version of KORD, without the antivirus program running.  I then tried to start up FSX again.  It asked if I wanted to authorize the coualt file, and I said yes.  It then gave me the same error message about the bglmanx.dll file, and I still clicked yes.  It then asked if I wanted to trust the bglmanx.dll file.  I said yes.   It the crashed to desktop again.  I tried rebooting and starting FSX again.  Got the same bglmanx.dll error message.  I clicked yes, and CTD. 

Something is terribly wrong here.  I don't have any issues with any other payware scenery or aircraft.  Just FSDT sceneries.  Can you help?


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Re: bglmanx.dll file causing an error in FSX
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2009, 10:33:19 pm »
The funny thing is, when I deleted the scenery, it asked if I wanted to delete the addon manager and the couatl.exe files, and I said yes, and it said it could not locate the files, even though I could see them in the FSX folders.

This is very strange, and it might be the source of the problem. When you Uninstall and reply Yes when being asked if you want to remove the Addon Manager and the Couatl files, if you see the warning about not being able to locate the file, is not really an error, it's just a message that tells you that those file are already gone.

Instead, if you saw the message, but you still see the files, perhaps these are somehow locked, and even the uninstaller can't remove them. It might be a permission problem.

Try to this, only this, and nothing else, in the exact precise order.

- Reboot Windows

- Remove all the bglmanx.dll files and the whole fsdreamteam\couatl folder manually. Empty the Recycle Bin as well

- Disable the Antivirus

- Reinstall KORD

- Configure the Antivirus to exclude the FSX\bglmanx.dll file

- Run FSX, authorize both files, if asked.

- If FSX crashes once, try it again without doing anything else. If it still crashes, reboot Windows another time.

If it still doesn't work, try to download this fix from Microsoft:

- Download this update from Microsoft here:

Use the vcredist_x86.exe file

If it still doesn't work, you'll need to contact me via email, becasue something is very wrong on your system, and I need to send you some stuff to check better.


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Re: bglmanx.dll file causing an error in FSX
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2009, 11:47:46 pm »
I have also had the same problem with KORD and KJFK.Early this week,I installed Ultimate Traffic 2 for fsx.It ran fine,and both KORD and KJFK ran fine,although very slowly.The next day,I started UT2,and was informed that update to ver 1.08 was available,so I installed it.I then ran FSXnand again both KORD and KJFK ran fine,but this time,ord started to lock up,so I signed off.The next day,every time I started fsx.I got the warning about bglmanx!I tried rebooting both airports,and rebooting UT2,and nothing would get rid of this fault.I wonder what was in the update for UT2?It was called a "hotfix".Right now,I have all the bglmanx files in a folder for safe keeping,and Im just running the default airports.Hope somebody finds a cure for this,because these are the best looking

 airports one can find right now for fsx.

James Becker


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Re: bglmanx.dll file causing an error in FSX
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2009, 11:58:59 pm »
I tried rebooting both airports,and rebooting UT2,and nothing would get rid of this fault.I wonder what was in the update for UT2?It was called a "hotfix"

Since bglmanx.dll ran fine before updating UT2, then (without any changes on bglmanx), after upgrading UT2, you are getting this problem, why you tried to solve the issue backwards, by disabling bglmanx.dll instead of whatever module UT2 has updated ?

And, of course, there's no need to move files around, the EXE.XML and DLL.XML files have a very convenient <Disabled> parameter for each addon, that can be set to False or True, and the whole point of this parameter was exactly to test potential conflict between modules, without having to touch any files.

So, restore the Addon Manager files (or run its installer again, that will replace with what you'll be sure it's the most current version, because they are always coming from the internet), and then try using the <Disabled> parameter in the XML files.


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Re: bglmanx.dll file causing an error in FSX
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2009, 03:52:02 am »
Ok,I tried again,by re-downloading kord,kjfk,and klas,because it seemed that jfk was causing a problem.I loaded jfk first,rebooted windows,started fsx,and all was ok.Next,I loaded klas,and rebooted,started fsx,and that was fine.Lastly,I loaded kord,did all the other,and got an error with bglmanx.I then re downloade kord again,and this time the most recent download worked.I noticed when I went to install,that jfk and las had "trusted download" on the intro,but with kord,it said"unkown source".I scanned the file,then installed anyway,and it worked.Dont know what the difference was ,but it is working great now!


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Re: bglmanx.dll file causing an error in FSX
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2009, 10:50:00 am »
I scanned the file,then installed anyway,and it worked.Dont know what the difference was ,but it is working great now!

There's no difference. The bglmanx.dll file is the same with each installer. In fact, if you have an internet connection alive when installing, the file is not even taken from the installer itself, but directly from the internet so, it's always the same and it's always the most recent version.

So, the fact that it seemed to work with the most recent download, is purely coincidental and probably related to the fact that you launched FSX several times during the process, it would have worked even without reinstalling KORD.

The real issue is in the FSX trusting mechanism, there are no errors in bglmanx.dll. If they were, it would never run, instead of running after some tries. Instead, having installed (and, I guess, trusted) the UT2 update, has probably triggered the trusting mechanism bug, which affected bglmanx.dll