Author Topic: GSX2 Integration - Aerosoft Airbus Professional  (Read 2750 times)


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GSX2 Integration - Aerosoft Airbus Professional
« on: May 31, 2019, 10:06:26 am »

the integration into the Aerosoft Airbus Professional has been nearly finished. There are only some small open issues which will be solved by the coming GSX-update.  If you want to have a look at all those functions there is a video available on YouTube nicly showing those:

This video describes how GSX Level 2 has been integrated into the functionality and the checklists of the Aerosoft Airbus Professional A318/A319 as well as the A320/A321......



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Re: GSX2 Integration - Aerosoft Airbus Professional
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2019, 12:48:19 pm »
That looks amazing! Looking forward to that. In Combination with the new PBR, it opens a whole new dimension of realism! Thanks for showing!


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Re: GSX2 Integration - Aerosoft Airbus Professional
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2019, 12:28:15 pm »
I just uploaded another video to YouTube on this subject but this time in connection with the new Aerosoft Airbus A333:

It also shows the A333 from the outside (in various views) and the new VC. Also you can see the "modified" Aerosoft EDDF version using the GSX-Jetways instead.....



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Re: GSX2 Integration - Aerosoft Airbus Professional
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2019, 07:51:55 am »
That looks promising. Pitty there is still no option to define if the crew stays on board. Still the plane looks amazing. Thanks for showing us.
I would love if you could press the "Start boarding" in the plane and it would trigger the GSX options from there, but I think that would mean a complete overhaul of the internal menu.


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Re: GSX2 Integration - Aerosoft Airbus Professional
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2019, 02:42:19 pm »
Thanks for your nice words.

Pilots / Crew boarding - deboarding:
Because there is no such an option in the GSX menu we handled this in connection with the aircraft states e.g. when starting from C&D the pilots/crew will be boarded whereas in all the other states like Turnaround we assume that the pilots/crew were already boarded. And from deboarding this function is completely omitted e. g. we assume that they stay on board for a Turnaround.
GSX-menu / MCDU3:
There is a clear reason why we did not implement this. We would like to give the user the option which boarding / loading / fueling function he wants to use: The GSX-function or the internal plane MCDU3 functions (LSK1-3R) because some users wanted the choice p. e. to use the GSX function for boarding / loading and the MCDU3 function for fueling. Or even sometimes wanted to use the internal MCDU3 function INSTANT LOADING (LSK1R) for a quick start.....
