Author Topic: Update on the ORD V2?  (Read 43950 times)


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Re: Update on the ORD V2?
« Reply #45 on: May 03, 2019, 08:44:31 pm »
No this is not a matter of patience or who is first in releasing, this is a matter of a community in a civil war with itself or at the very least a community that purposely does its best to be as inefficient as possible.


Two top scenery developers developing the same airport at the same time is NOT time well spent for the community as a whole! There are still thousands of airports that need to be developed, hundreds of which are major airports.

Makes no sense at all, and X-Plane developers laugh at us; they have the Gateway that helps prevent this kind of waste.


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Re: Update on the ORD V2?
« Reply #46 on: May 03, 2019, 09:18:03 pm »
Question is who is going to release their version first? With a finally updated version of KORD, whoever releases their version first is probably going to take the market on this well needed release. And with Drzewiecki releasing at least 2 airports in that current region for 1 price. Going to be interesting who gets the major downloads.


There will be people like me who will get both. It's just kind of sad that I asked for some screenies a while back and got absolutely ignored until DD pushed some images out there. This damn GSX update is holding everything up.


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Re: Update on the ORD V2?
« Reply #47 on: May 03, 2019, 10:53:53 pm »
No this is not a matter of patience or who is first in releasing, this is a matter of a community in a civil war with itself or at the very least a community that purposely does its best to be as inefficient as possible.


Two top scenery developers developing the same airport at the same time is NOT time well spent for the community as a whole! There are still thousands of airports that need to be developed, hundreds of which are major airports.

Makes no sense at all, and X-Plane developers laugh at us; they have the Gateway that helps prevent this kind of waste.

Why the aggro? Your comment isn't going to change any developer's mind.
If you don't want FSDT's version, go for other one instead.

A choice in the market is a good thing. When it exists, there's usually one medium quality version and also a high quality one to choose from.
If this were a LEBL / GCTS / LOWI scenario with 3 or more versions being worked on, I could understand your exasperation. However, we will get one medium to high-quality KORD (with two other Chicago airports to the same standard) from Drzewiecki and eventually an ultra-high quality KORD from FSDT.
It's comparing Apples to Oranges.

Question is who is going to release their version first? With a finally updated version of KORD, whoever releases their version first is probably going to take the market on this well needed release. And with Drzewiecki releasing at least 2 airports in that current region for 1 price. Going to be interesting who gets the major downloads.

Quite likely.
That said, I personally will give FSDT until the end of the year to get their KORD completed.
From screenshots and teaser videos, it looks to be of a much higher quality, so I'm willing to give it a little extra time. In the same way that I'm ready to be patient for an alternative KATL and EBBR from other developers, despite these two sceneries already being available. The quality is usually worth the extra wait.


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Re: Update on the ORD V2?
« Reply #48 on: May 04, 2019, 10:36:42 am »
There will be people like me who will get both. It's just kind of sad that I asked for some screenies a while back and got absolutely ignored until DD pushed some images out there. This damn GSX update is holding everything up.

I wonder why this urban legend started to spread.

The GSX update delayed KORD for just a bit more than a month, because Alessandro (who's the main O'Hare developer), was busy doing the the new Fuel Hydrant. But 5-6 weeks delay on a 2 years project is nothing and wouldn't change much. The rest of the GSX update involves mostly programming and remodeling many of old objects, but this happened in parallel to the new KORD, because it's made by *other* people.

I already explained in this thread the reasons why O'Hare is taking time. And not really too much, if you look the hard data. KMEM, the last scenery made by Alessandro, took also 2 years, and the first KORD V2 preview we published was only 1 year ago so, O'hare is not taking any more time than KMEM.

And I already explained in another thread why we haven't published many screenshots after the first video preview.


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Re: Update on the ORD V2?
« Reply #49 on: May 04, 2019, 10:52:48 am »
Question is who is going to release their version first? With a finally updated version of KORD, whoever releases their version first is probably going to take the market on this well needed release. And with Drzewiecki releasing at least 2 airports in that current region for 1 price. Going to be interesting who gets the major downloads.

We took an eye on KJFK sales over the years, checking the montly sales data and, we were never able to observe the *slightest* change in sales, comparing before and after the release of the supposedly newer and more affordable New York airport package. In fact, I must say we even noticed a small *increase* in average monthly sales, and the most read questions on forums was users asking if they could use the other DD airports together with FSDT KJFK.

And KJFK is in a much worse competitive situation compared to KORD V2, since we haven't updated it since 2013, it starts to look a bit dated, there has been several changes in the Terminals too, but none of this is stopping users from buying it, even today.

KORD V2 is an entirely different matter, since it will be fully updated, and it's a scenery that we are sure will be the final word on O'Hare for the last decade. And it's a scenery made from the ground up for PBR and P3D4 and, while someone will try to downplay this, but I think you all noticed how much better sceneries using the P3D4 SDK looks to much better AND perform better than things compatible with FSX as well.

Not many might be aware of this, but the recent issue of lower fps in 4.5 is being looked at by LM and should be hopefully fixed soon, and during testing, LM keeps asking how many sceneries/airplanes originally made for FSX were installed. And some affected users wondered why they didn't see any fps drop (comparing 4.4 to 4.5) with the latest FlyTampa KLAS, while they DID had a 30% fps drop in another scenery made by a developer I won't name here, which still supports FSX.

LM might be eventually able to fix this, but this won't keep happening forever. At a certain point, I think FSX backward compatibility will just go away because, if I was LM, I would start wondering how sensible is spending time to fix issues related to make old stuff work, and I would really love a future V5 would just stop supporting anything that is not at least P3D4-native.


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Re: Update on the ORD V2?
« Reply #50 on: May 06, 2019, 11:55:12 pm »
I'm right there with your last point Umberto. LM needs to get away from all of the FSX stuff and move forward that is the only way to go unfortunately. The engine needs a huge overhaul.


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Re: Update on the ORD V2?
« Reply #51 on: May 07, 2019, 12:52:45 am »
Yeah but the FPS drop on v4.5 was confirmed on all-default setup as well, it was just a bigger drop with add-ons.  

There are different kind of fps drops in 4.5, a very small one on most default airports, and the biggest one with add-ons MADE FOR FSX. Or *partially* made for P3D with some (or a lot) FSX code.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2019, 03:39:07 am by virtuali »


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Re: Update on the ORD V2?
« Reply #52 on: May 07, 2019, 12:55:11 am »
No this is not a matter of patience or who is first in releasing, this is a matter of a community in a civil war with itself or at the very least a community that purposely does its best to be as inefficient as possible.


Two top scenery developers developing the same airport at the same time is NOT time well spent for the community as a whole! There are still thousands of airports that need to be developed, hundreds of which are major airports.

Makes no sense at all, and X-Plane developers laugh at us; they have the Gateway that helps prevent this kind of waste.

The Gateway has nothing to do with pay scenery add-ons.  And it doesn't take long to find airports that more than one person has done over time.  It just makes it easier on the end-user to keep up on the free X-Plane-resource-only scenery updates.


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Re: Update on the ORD V2?
« Reply #53 on: May 07, 2019, 03:42:03 am »
The Gateway has nothing to do with pay scenery add-ons. 

In fact, I was wondering how X-Plane, with its many legendary qualities, managed to keep Free Market under control, and enforced a Soviet-like "planned economy". Not even Apple can do that.


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Re: Update on the ORD V2?
« Reply #54 on: June 06, 2019, 08:26:21 pm »
LM might be eventually able to fix this, but this won't keep happening forever. At a certain point, I think FSX backward compatibility will just go away because, if I was LM, I would start wondering how sensible is spending time to fix issues related to make old stuff work, and I would really love a future V5 would just stop supporting anything that is not at least P3D4-native.

I agree completely.
regards, MICHAEL.

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