As the stock Aerosoft A321's center fuel tank does not match the real world enlarged center fuel tank capable of a KJFK-KLAX flight with strong headwinds at FL340, as recommended in their forum, I modified the MCDU2 to maxfuelnumber 32.80 MT and the Fuel Planner Center Tank to accept 20,274 kg, with maxfuelonboard of 32,800 kg, maxusable fuel of 32,500 kg, and maxusablefuel of 8,585 gal. This flight is now possible.
After reading the manual for the GSX Fuel Truck, I still must be doing something wrong, as the tanker will not leave from under the wing after fueling.
My steps are: Create a Fuel Planner with pax, cargo, wind and wind speed for the KJFK-KLAX trip. In the Options MCDU\Load and Fuel Page click "Load Sheet" and note (as example) 21.56 MT (21,560 kg). In GSX call for the fuel truck.
Upon arrival of the fuel truck, in the Option MCDU\Load and Fuel page, I click on "Fuel" and it starts to flash and the tanker has connected to the wing and fuel is being loaded both in the MCDU\Fuel and Load page and the Vehicle\Fuel and Payload page. When the tanks are filled as requested, the truck will not unhook the connection and will not depart from under the wing.
If, after fuel truck arrives and I select Custom Refueling and the Aircraft\Fuel and Payload page opens, I click Cancel on this page, the tanker connects to the wing, a message provides the amount of fuel to be loaded in 8 seconds and GSX says Refueling Completed and the truck departs with no change in the fuel amount.
If someone has a suggestion, I would certainly appreciate a solution.