Author Topic: Yet another boarding/deboarding suggestion.  (Read 3308 times)


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Yet another boarding/deboarding suggestion.
« on: March 11, 2019, 06:33:14 pm »
Umberto, I know you are probably sick of this topic and there is one from just a few days ago below this one, but I was thinking...

When an airline departs, everything is based on the time of departure. I was thinking that when I start a flight, it would be great if I could tell GSX the time of departure, the number of passengers, cargo weight, fuel load, whether or not catering is required, and my arrival airport & gate all in the initial dialog. From there on, I could go about my normal preflight, and all I would need to do from then on is answer the GSX door open and close requests. GSX can sequence the services anyway it likes, as long as it completes before the time of departure. I think this is more realistic as the pilots don't usually tell the ground crew how to do their jobs.

GSX could initialize the gate crew automatically after landing. After we are parked, instead of going to manual mode when the marshaller walks away, GSX should simply attach the jetway and loaders and request that I open the doors. It should use the amount of passengers cargo that I input at the beginning of the flight.

I know... Sorry. You can't make everyone happy at the same time. lol

And for the record, I really do like your product the way that you designed it.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2019, 06:36:27 pm by Pirateinparadise »
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Re: Yet another boarding/deboarding suggestion.
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2019, 10:47:24 pm »
Since everybody uses a different flight planner, you are asking to add an additional flight planning step, and to include several flight planning-like features to GSX, which is really outside the scope of the product.

We'll might *eventually* consider something like this when we'll feel there's nothing else more important to add, so it will be a while.


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Re: Yet another boarding/deboarding suggestion.
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2019, 05:20:57 pm »
Thank you for the reply.

I think you read a bit more into my suggestion than I intended. If whatever flight planner the user uses outputs the information, then they might simply press F12 and then see an additional option like "Scheduled Departure". If they select it, they get a dialog that lets them input the information (could be check boxes for catering, an input box for fuel, pax, and time, etc.). From there, GSX just makes sure that the services complete and we are ready to push by the departure time. If the user doesn't have the information, they just use the other F12 menu choices like they do now. There would be no flight planning features required.

Have a great day!
The drinking rum on the beach kind. Not the software stealing kind.