Author Topic: No Buildings at KLAS  (Read 11507 times)


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No Buildings at KLAS
« on: August 11, 2009, 01:25:46 am »
OK, so today against my better judgement I bought the KLAS addon for Flightsim. The reason I say against my better judgement is because so may of the addons for flightsim are so buggy and problematic that I have stopped buying them from anyone. Needless to say I purchased this today and sure enough, Problems. I have gone through the forum and see many, many people have this problem but the moderators just keep insisting this can't happen so I am not confident I will get it fixed.

As I was reading I see I should have some new entries in the addons menu. Coautl and something else. Needless to say I see neither of these on the menu. Reinstall has not helped and I am a little disgusted. I do have some other addons such as Traffic 2005 and FSPassengersX along with a few addon aircraft.

Are one of these addons stopping this from loading correctly? And please do not tell me to do a fresh reinstall. That is an unaceptable answer. When someone has their sim installed and addons they should not have to do a fresh install to get an addon to work and if that is the case people should be warned before they purchase the software.

Your addon looks amazing in pictures but it not worth much if it takes you 10 hours of struggle to get it to operate. I look forward to an answer on how to fix this situation.

Edit* this seems to be working in FS9 and it has all the same mods installed as my FSX version.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2009, 02:04:14 am by MrUnSavory »


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Re: No Buildings at KLAS
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2009, 11:41:09 am »
The reason I say against my better judgement is because so may of the addons for flightsim are so buggy and problematic that I have stopped buying them from anyone.

And you are not even taking into consideration the chance that something is wrong in your system, that is preventing those addons to run in the first place ?

I have gone through the forum and see many, many people have this problem but the moderators just keep insisting this can't happen so I am not confident I will get it fixed.

That's really wrong. We reply to each question, and the problem is always fixed, and it's always something that is done at the user's end, to eliminate the cause, on the user's system, of the problem.

Are one of these addons stopping this from loading correctly?

I don't think so, but you might try very easily, by editing your EXE.XML files and DLL.XML files, that are found in the %APPDATA%\Microsoft\FSX folder.

There, you'll find every module with a <Disabled>False</Disabled> parameter. If you change False to True and save the files back, you can selectively disable another module, to check if it conflicts in any way with something else, without having to uninstall it.

And please do not tell me to do a fresh reinstall. That is an unaceptable answer.

Are you replying to my answer even before I give you one ?

I've just gave you a possible way of checking for conflicts, without do a fresh reinstall.

When someone has their sim installed and addons they should not have to do a fresh install to get an addon to work and if that is the case people should be warned before they purchase the software.

First, you are entirely wrong about the "warning before purchase", because ALL our products comes with a Trial version, and the reason for having a Trial, is exactly that: allowing you to test if they work on your system BEFORE purchasing.  What's better "warning before purchase", then let TRYING the program, before purchasing it ?

Your addon looks amazing in pictures but it not worth much if it takes you 10 hours of struggle to get it to operate. I look forward to an answer on how to fix this situation.

It doesn't take anything to run our products, on a system that works.

But, of course, if the FSX install has issues, the addon can't obviously automatically fix them for you.

A problem that can happen in FSX, is Simconnect being broken and, since there are 3 version of it, than can even run all together at the same time, this can be confusing.

If this is the case, you would always have troubles running ANY FSX addons, which is what it seems to happening to you, because you are saying that several other addons have issues, which instead is your FSX install that has it.

You can try to activate the Simconnect diagnostic mode:

Open notepad, and copy the following text:

Code: [Select]
; file=c:\simconnect%03u.log
; file_next_index=0
; file_max_index=9

Save the file as SIMCONNECT.INI in this folder:

Documents And Settings\YOUR LOGIN NAME\Documents\Microsoft Flight Simulator X Files

At the next FSX launch, you should see a text window with diagnostic message, that should tell you what's going wrong. Let me know what you are getting, so we can have an idea what's happening.

this seems to be working in FS9 and it has all the same mods installed as my FSX version.

Clear proof that our addons works fine, and your FSX install has issues instead.


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Re: No Buildings at KLAS
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2009, 05:19:19 pm »
Actually, ALL my addons that I have installed work fine. When I referred to addons not working I am talking mostly about aircraft that the Manufacturer said will work but then have issues with graphics missing and such. I will try your suggestion with the simconnect. With FSX I am not even getting the addon manager tool on the tool bar. I am hoping to get this working as I said before, the addon looks beautiful and I would really like to be able to use it.


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Re: No Buildings at KLAS
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2009, 05:33:51 pm »
Here is what I am seeing with the simconnect diagnostic. I also did not have my controller hooked up so that is the reason it failed to load. But why is bglmanx.dll failing?

0.00000 SimConnect version 10.0.61259.0

0.00688 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=Auto, Address=, Port=1325, MaxCli
0.01853 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=Pipe, Name=\\.\pipe\Microsoft Flight Simul
ator\SimConnect, MaxClients=64
0.02192 Server: Scope=local, Protocol=IPv4, Address=, Port=1326, MaxCli

0.17359 Exe Launched:  Path="fsdreamteam\couatl\couatl.exe"  CommandLine=""  Ver
0.17894 Exe Launched:  Path="C:\Program Files\Saitek\Pro Flight Switch Panel\Sai
SwitchPanel.exe"  CommandLine="-run"  Version=""
0.18582 Exe Launched:  Path="C:\Program Files\Saitek\DirectOutput\SaiFlightSimX.
exe"  CommandLine="-run"  Version=""
0.19777 DLL Failed to load. Check for missing dependencies.
0.19842 DLL Load Failed:  Error=-3  Path="bglmanx.dll"
0.20688 Panels data export found and set to 20B319D8
0.23298 DLL Loaded:  Path="FsPassengers\bin\fspassengersx.dll"  Version="
0.28268 Panels data export found and set to 20B319D8
« Last Edit: August 11, 2009, 05:36:05 pm by MrUnSavory »


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Re: No Buildings at KLAS
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2009, 06:34:03 pm »
Ok, missing dependencies means a required .DLL is missing from your system. Unfortunately, Simconnect diagnostic doesn't tell which one, so we must proceed by guessing.

Our installer installs all the .DLL that it needs, except the Simconnect ones, which are not redistributable, and should be present anyway, if your FSX install is correct, because those are installed when you install FSX, and subsequent versions are installed when installing the Service Packs.

Now, it's known that, doing things like installing/uninstalling Service packs MIGHT screw up your Simconnect installation. Note that, there can be 3 different sets of Simconnect .DLL, and they can even run together.

So, assuming it's the Simconnect .DLL you are missing, you can try to follow this suggestion from Pete Dowson about cleaning up Simconnect folders and repair/reinstall:

It should be possible to repair the SP2/Acceleration Simconnect version, without reinstalling the whole FSX, by removing the 10.0.61637.0 or the 10.0.61259.0 folders, located under WinSxS, and then reinstalling/repairing Acceleration or SP2.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2009, 06:36:59 pm by virtuali »


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Re: No Buildings at KLAS
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2009, 08:06:56 pm »

can you try to download this fix from Microsoft, too see if it works ?


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Re: No Buildings at KLAS
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2009, 10:50:59 pm »
From the feedback we got in another thread, I'm quite sure the MS VC++ update should fix your issue. Of the 3 available files, download the vcredist_x86.exe


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Re: No Buildings at KLAS
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2009, 08:15:26 pm »
FANTASTIC SIR!!.........That fixed it and I want to thank you. Unlike other companys who get your money then dont want to hear from you if you have a problem, it seems I actually found one that does care about their customers. The download fixed the problem and I now have buildings in FSX. I just need one other thing. I need to know how to get that simconnect diagnostic not to run. You had me overwrite a file and I want to know how to get it back to where it was. Or do I need to do a reinstall of the airport??

Again Thank You very much!!!    ;D


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Re: No Buildings at KLAS
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2009, 10:11:55 pm »
You can simply remove the simconnect.ini file from you Documents/Flight Simulator X folder