Author Topic: No buildings from a distance - only jetways are to be seen  (Read 11549 times)


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No buildings from a distance - only jetways are to be seen
« on: July 03, 2009, 10:49:53 pm »

I've got a problem with the airport buildings and lights of the KLAS scenery. (KORD too, details later).
I made a flight to KLAS. After landing on the runway there were no airport buildings to be seen. I only saw the jetways of the airport. After taxing to the direction of the apron I've arrived in front of the jetways. Then the airport buildings and lamps are suddenly poped up.

Same problem with KORD! I've not tested your other sceneries.
I've tried several planes, I've re-installed all your sceneries with to newest installers, but the problem hasn't gone.

Can you please tell me what could be the reason for this problem?



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Re: No buildings from a distance - only jetways are to be seen
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2009, 09:11:53 pm »
Hello again,

Today I've tested all the other FSDT sceneries. The problem occures with all FSDT sceneries. There is no problem with other thirdparty products. As I said I've reinstalled all FSDT sceneries with the newest installer. Moreover I can see the AddOn Manager in the menue bar of the FSX.

At first I can only see the jetways. Then I'm approximating to the gates. When I've almost reached the gates a few parts of the apron lamps and some other parts of buildings are popping up, and then more and more objects will be visible. At last the airport buildings are to be seen completely.

Have you got any idea what's wrong with my system?

« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 09:14:19 pm by pscharff »


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Re: No buildings from a distance - only jetways are to be seen
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2009, 11:33:07 pm »
I don't have any idea why the objects loads so late, it's not normal at all.

The main objects should be loaded as soon as you enter within 8-9 nm of the airport so, even if your system was abnormally slow, there should be plenty of time to load them all when you have landed.

Only the smallest objects, like signs, lights, etc, have a reduced range, but the main buildings are loaded first.

Also, the software either works and load, or it doesn't. There really can't be a situation were it works, but it loads objects with so much delay.

The only thing I can think of, but it never happened so far, and nobody else reported it before, is that you have another addon that is sending so many Simconnect commands in such a short time, that has saturated the Simconnect communication channel and, since we use Simconnect calls to draw 3d objects, we might have been just cut out from it. But that's just an hypothesis, it might be useful trying to disable all the addon modules in both the EXE.XML and DLL.XML file, except the Addon Manager, and see if it improves, then re-enable one by one to find the eventual offender.

Have you tried acting on the "Anti Popup" Addon Manager slider, and see if it changes anything at various settings ?


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Re: No buildings from a distance - only jetways are to be seen
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2009, 07:31:00 am »
Hello Umberto,

many thanks for your answer. I'm already thought about changing the "Anti Popup" slider in the AddOn mamager menue. But up to this morning I did not change this value.
Now I've moved the slider to "full right", but nothing has changed.

Now I will proceed with your other hints.


« Last Edit: July 05, 2009, 08:07:50 am by pscharff »


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Re: No buildings from a distance - only jetways are to be seen
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2009, 08:40:21 am »
Hello again,

It's really strange. Now I've created a new fsx.cfg from scratch. I've deleted all entries (except AddOn Manager and Couatl) in the exe.xml and dll.xml. But the problem is still present. :(



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Re: No buildings from a distance - only jetways are to be seen
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2009, 09:48:41 am »
I'm sorry, but that just can't happening. As I've said, the main buildings are loaded well in advance, as soon as you enter in the airport range, which is 8-9 nm from its center.

What happens if you go to another airport with the Word->Airport menu, then switch back to KLAS ?


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Re: No buildings from a distance - only jetways are to be seen
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2009, 09:01:26 pm »
Hello Umberto,

First of all it's no difference when changing an other airport to KLAS.

My operating system is Windows 7 RC1. My second PC is a notebook with Windows 7 RC1 installed too. Now I've made a fresh FSX SP2 installation on this computer. Then I've only installed all the FSDT sceneries. And everything works fine here, all the building are there. So it must be something wrong with my FSX (FSDT-) installation on the main computer.
With this knowledge perhaps it's possible to change files beetween the functioning FSX-FSDT installation on my notebook and the non-functioning FSDT sceneries on my desktop-PC?

Have you got an idea?



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Re: No buildings from a distance - only jetways are to be seen
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2009, 10:04:57 pm »
So it must be something wrong with my FSX (FSDT-) installation on the main computer.

No, that exactly the opposite: probably the FSDT installation is the only thing that is correct, if you had even one file different, wrong, or missing, you wouldn't see anything at all, because either the Addon Manager or the Couatl Engine (or both) would not run if any file of the FSDT install was wrong.

The difference, instead, might be a difference in the Windows installation between the 2 different machines. And, as you might imagine, we just can't support an OS that hasn't been released yet. When the final version will be released, we'll offer and advertize compatibility and support. Right now, the only OS supported are XP and Vista.


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Re: No buildings from a distance - only jetways are to be seen
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2009, 10:14:32 pm »
Right now, the only OS supported are XP and Vista.
OK. I've planned a fresh installation of my operating system (and FSX) after the release of Windows 7.

Thanks for your help again.

« Last Edit: July 05, 2009, 10:21:55 pm by pscharff »


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Re: No buildings from a distance - only jetways are to be seen
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2009, 05:49:45 am »
I'm sorry, but that just can't happening. As I've said, the main buildings are loaded well in advance, as soon as you enter in the airport range, which is 8-9 nm from its center.

What happens if you go to another airport with the Word->Airport menu, then switch back to KLAS ?

No, it's definately possible as it is happening to me as well. Im not sure why...I first noticed it with KFLL. The FS9 version runs flawlessly.


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Re: No buildings from a distance - only jetways are to be seen
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2009, 01:25:49 pm »
No, it's definately possible as it is happening to me as well. Im not sure why...I first noticed it with KFLL.

I'm sorry, but I repeat and confirm that we can't replicated it in any way, and I can't think a reason of why it can happen. If the program wasn't running , you wouldn't see the menus under the Addons menu. If the menus are there, it means it works. And, if the buiildings appear, it means it IS working, but there's no reason how they would appear so late, not something related to the program, it must be something else, perhaps another addon is cloggin Simconnect with too many requests, so we can't get a chance to talk with FSX.

To see if this is the case, try to go fairly close to the airport, but not too close, like 2 nm out, which is well inside the airport loading range, that is 8-9 nm.  Go in Slew mode, and just wait a couple of minutes, and see if the buildings appear. If they do, then perhaps it's a matter of communications between our program and FSX is going too slow, because something else is slowing it down.

Also, do you have other FSDT airports installed, even in Trial (this is nothing that is related to activation so, even a test with the trial mode would be valid ) ? Does it happen there as well ?